LITERAL ADDICTION is an Adult Only Organization (18 years of age+), and most interviews featured on our site contain material that is not suitable for minors. While we do occasionally sponsor and promote Young Adult literature, we maintain that we are an Adult organization, and as such, are not responsible for any influences that may arise as a result of anyone under the age of 18 ignoring our warnings and consuming other subsections of our website and the material therein....
AUTHOR'S CORNER - Interviews...
AUTHOR'S CORNER - Author Interviews...
So, this is pretty straight forward. We give our V.I.P author the 3rd degree, ask them 20 questions (well not always 20... <g>), and get some dirt. Check it out:
I'm here today to help the most excellent Erick Asher celebrate and promote the latest installment of the Steamborn series, Steamsworn.

“Whoa,” she said, jumping away from the burst of heat and flame. “That went up a little faster than I expected.” She reached the edge of the rack with her toe and forced it beneath the boiler.
Another rumble and crack echoed from the corridor behind them. Jacob turned around in time to see Drakkar come running back into the station, his cloak rising in the breeze behind him.
“Scythe Beetles!”
Jacob swung the air cannon off his back and racked the slide.
“Jacob, Alice!” Samuel’s voice
rang with authority. “Fall back
Drakkar’s arm snapped out to the side, and his sword unfolded with a rapid series of clicks.
There was a calamity behind the
Cave Guardian, and it grew louder with every second. Jacob and Alice scrambled
off the
Alice made it to Smith ten steps
before Jacob did. Samuel and Drakkar set up a loose line between
Smith spoke into his transmitter.
“Mary! Get the
Her static-laced reply came back in an incoherent burst.
Mary cursed and began shouting orders before she stopped transmitting.
Drakkar had the best view of the corridor, and everyone tensed when he said, “Here they come.”
The iron gate in the stone hall collapsed at the first impact. The metal rattled and screeched as it was twisted and trampled. The creatures were not very fast, but once they were moving, nothing seemed to stop them.
They ran on three-toed claws, the spikes on their legs
tearing through stone and rending metal as they crashed onto the platform.
Jacob watched in awe and horror as the front most
Make sure to check out the rest of the series, as well.
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Jacob, a tinker's apprentice and sometime thief, has lived his entire life in the mountain city of Ancora, protected by the city walls. These towering barriers keep the Deadlands creatures at bay, but the monsters move higher into the peaks every year. More and more, they breach the defenses of the Lowlands while the Highlands rest easy.

What books have most influenced your life?
There have been a great many, but I always come back to Black Sun Rising by
C.S. Friedman. It’s a masterful blend of SF/F that is incredibly dark and full
of hope all at once. Northworld by David Drake is another I love to reread. I
have a cycle of favorites that I love though, including Patricia Briggs, J.K.
Rowling, Tad Williams, Melanie Rawn, and more.
How do you develop your plots and characters?
The characters develop more and more as I write the story. It’s not uncommon
for me to go back and adjust the characters in the earlier scenes after I
finish the story. Inspiration for the plots can come from just about anything;
movies, video games, an interesting shadow cast by a leaf, anything.
Tell us about your protagonist. What was the
Jacob and Alice are both so important to this story in my head. They’re both
reminiscent of the kinds of characters I loved to read when I was younger.
Jacob has a brash attitude that gets him into trouble, and a quick wit to
usually get him out of it. Alice provides some much needed common sense. That’s
not to say Alice doesn’t get into the thick of things, because she very much
What about the Butcher?
Ah yes, the villain. I love villains. I love unexpected villains that you never
see coming, but I also love the villain that lurks in the shadows. He’s not
front and center, but he’s always behind the scenes manipulating things in
usually terrible ways.
What was your favorite chapter (or part) to
write and why?
The airship battle is one of my favorite scenes in Steamsworn. The characters
take a huge gamble going up against a fleet that has them seriously, comically,
outgunned. It fits the group dynamic of being reckless and selfless all at
Did you learn anything from writing this book
and what was it?
I learned a lot about mechanics. I especially learned how much I didn’t know
about steam engines. It’s one of those things I had a rough understanding of,
but actually getting some of the models in-hand and seeing some larger engines
operating and broken down helped tremendously.
Is there a message in your novel that you hope
readers will grasp?
There are a few messages woven throughout the trilogy, but I’d rather readers
find their own messages.
What’s next?
I have two anthologies I’m currently involved in, and I’ll be writing the sixth
Vesik book after that. I’m really excited to get back to Vesik after all the
events in Destroyer Rising.
Hey, gang! Happy New Year!
I'm very pleased to have Chudney Thomas with us today.
I was born in Brooklyn, New York, raised on the island of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. According to my father, I learned to read at three and wouldn’t allow him to skip a page of a story. I grew up raiding my mother’s stash of books and my Aunt Patsy’s extensive library. There, I developed my love of literature, and specifically romance.
Books transported me to different worlds, and encouraged me to learn about different cultures, continents, expanding my horizons. I currently live in Central Florida with my family and our interesting pet pooch Maya.
I write contemporary and paranormal romances with a splash of my Caribbean heritage in the settings. There are so many wonderful aspects of the islands, from the beautiful beaches to the fascinating myths that inspire my works. I hope to one day be able to share them with you!
Keep up with Chudney online at her website, on Facebook, on Twitter, and on GoodReads.

Get down and dirty with this sexy blue collar bundle featuring seven original contemporary romance novellas that range from sweet to sizzling.
KNOCKOUT – Cari Quinn
All Emerson Knapp wants
Sophie Green is smart, gorgeous, and good with her hands. Can Gabe convince her to make her stay at the Starlight Motel a permanent one?
MARKED FOR LOVE - Anna J. Stewart
Overworked pub manager Regan Murphy is about to have her hands full with Lantano Valley newcomer and tattoo artist Brodie Crawford: a sexy single father who is far too distracting.
*this version of MARKED FOR LOVE is a spiced up version of the original sweet novella of the same title. Includes a never before published epilogue, available ONLY in this boxed set.
KNOTTY MAGIC – Jodi Redford
Hormones be damned, Tully Eastwood won’t succumb to her attraction for a sexy lumberjack—until she finds herself trapped overnight with him in the woods.
Construction Supervisor Lexi Kimball is the one person everyone loves to hate. Everyone except a sexy foreman with an adventurous streak, that is.
UNASHAMED — Leah Braemel
Two sexy construction workers double Hayley O’Connell’s fun. But can they convince her the fun should last forever?
LOVE IN AN ELEVATOR – Chudney Thomas

LITERAL ADDICTION: Hi, Chudney! Thank you so much for being here today!
LITERAL ADDICTION: I always start by getting to know our guest V.I.P author a little bit better…
1) Can you tell us 3 things about yourself – no matter how random - that we couldn’t find out easily on the Internet?
2) What are 2 things that always make you smile, and 2 things that never fail to piss you off?
2 Things that always make me smile:
A beautiful day
A great giant hug
2 Things that piss me off
People cutting in line
Me or someone else failing to follow through on a promise ( I understand if it’s something that is impossible or life gets in the way but if you don’t communicate I get mad and if I’m the one who fails I’m really upset with myself.)
3) Was there anyone (or anything) that was directly involved with your drive to become an author?
4) Let’s play a game… You are the heroine of the last book you read, being chased by the antagonist of the one before, and end up in the arms of the hero from the one before that. What’s the scenario?
Chudney: So you just caught me in a re-reading phase. This time it’s Nalin Singh’s Psy Changeling series. I would be the Heroine Zaira Neve being chased by Ming Le Bon and the disease eating away at the net to end up in the arms of the most dangerous Telekinetic of the PSY Councillor Kaleb Krychek causing earthquakes during certain activities.
5) If you could spend the day with anyone – alive, dead, fictional, etc – with whom would you want to spend it, and what would you want to do?
Chudney: This is so unfair because really I want a tea party with Cleopatra, The Queen of England, Nelson and Winnie Mandela, Queen Noor, Carib Chief Joseph Chatoyer, Jane Austen, Shakespeare, Dereck Wallcott and Jean Rys. Sorry can’t follow directions on that one.
6) What’s a typical writing day look like for you?
Chudney: I have no typical writing day. I work a forty hour a week job, with a family. So I steal time when I can. Sometimes the hubby has to go into work early so I sit in the car for an hour and write/edit. I aim for two hours in the evening but sometimes the flesh is weak even though the spirit is willing. I’m really fortunate that on Saturdays family and life permitting that I have an awesome friend in Lori Sjoberg who cracks the whip and lets me invade her house to wirte for a few hours.
7) If we were to check out your DVR, what are some of the shows we’d see?
Chudney: No DVR but I do have Amazon Prime and NetFlix and Youtube. Right now it’s Luther, Jessica Jones, Falling Skies, Sex in the City ( my aunt was visiting from England and we had a marathon), Vikings and anything by Paul Keens Douglas ( I grew up listening to him on the radio back home and his stories still have the power to make laugh.
8) Was there any specific inspiration behind the creation of the CENTRAL FLORIDA PACK series?
Chudney: I went to an animal park where they had wolves, florida panthers and gators right next to each other and thought to myself what would werewolves be doing in Orlando? At that point it was just a thought in the back of my mind I didn’t write Ria’s story until much later.
9) How many books do you ultimately have planned for the series?
Chudney: Currently six. As I write more people show up so it may expand.
10) What types of scenes do you enjoy writing the most (love, action, dialogue, etc) and why?
Chudney: I love dialogue. The things people say to each other can be revealing as can the body language.
11) What was the most challenging thing about creating your series?
Chudney: Keeping track of everyone in it. So you don’t give them the wrong hair color or having them in two places at once.
12) Has there been a specific moment in your career thus far that you are particularly proud of?
Chudney: Hitting publish on Full Circle. I was deathly afraid to take the leap but I did.
13) What’s up next for Chudney Thomas? Anything else in the works – or available – outside of what I covered above that you can share with us?
Chudney: The sequel to Full Circle will be out in February. Edits have taken way longer than I anticipated but it will be out.
14) Anything else coming up that you want to be sure your readers and fans know about – online events, signings, conventions (outside of Coastal Magic), etc?
Chudney: This Year I’m slowing it down a bit and regrouping. I’ll be at RT in Vegas at the Rio Hotel & Casino, April 12 to 17. But for now that’s it.
15) Is there anything special you’d like to say to your readers while we have you here today?
Chudney: I would love to say thank you for taking a chance on me and that I do appreciate it when you simply say hello or take the time to ready my book.
LITERAL ADDICTION: Chudney, thank you SO much for being with us today. I really hope that I’ve turned some new readers on to your work, and I hope that people will go out, pick up, and love your books. I’m super excited to see you again in February. :)
Chudney: Coastal Magic is one of my favorite cons. I’m so happy I get to see you and everyone else again. Thank you for having me!
Do you want to meet Chudney in person? You can! You can! You can meet tons of other amazing Romance, UF and PNR authors, LITERAL ADDICTION's officers and other well known featured bloggers, and loads of fellow book addicts and paranormal junkies at the Coastal Magic Convention in Daytona Beach, FL Feb 4-7 2016.
Coastal Magic is a super casual, urban fantasy, paranormal romance, and other romance focused convention in Daytona. With panels designed to start interesting discussion, and meet & greets with fun themes, we’ve got something for every fan. Join us for reader, blogger, and author shenanigans, and lots of activities. The charity book sale and signing is open to convention attendees, and FREE to the public. Come take a bite out
Keep up with all things Coastal Magic at the Website / Facebook Page / Facebook Event / Twitter / Pinterest / Instagram / Tumblr / Google+
Deborah Blake is the author of the Baba Yaga Series from Berkley (Wickedly Dangerous, Wickedly Wonderful, Wickedly Powerful) and has published nine books on modern witchcraft with Llewellyn Worldwide. When not writing, Deborah runs The Artisans’ Guild, a cooperative shop she founded with a friend in 1999, and also works as a jewelry maker, tarot reader, and energy healer. She lives in a 120-year-old farmhouse in rural upstate New York with five cats who supervise all her activities, both magical and mundane.
You can keep up with Deborah online at her Website, on Facebook, on Twitter, on her blog, on GoodReads, and don't forget to sign up for her Newsletter!
I actually get to meet Deborah in February and I'm super excited, but I wanted you guys to be able to get to know her a little bit, as well.
Deborah is the proud creator of the BABA YAGA series. Check 'em out...

Wickedly Dangerous
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Known as the wicked witch of Russian fairy tales, Baba Yaga is not one woman, but rather a title carried by a chosen few. They keep the balance of nature and guard the borders of our world, but don’t make the mistake of crossing one of them…
Wickedly Magical
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But when a man appears with the token of a family debt of honor, Barbara must drop everything to satisfy the promise owed by her predecessor—and she isn’t above being a little wicked to make sure the debt is paid in full…
Wickedly Ever After
COMING 1/19/16!
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The Witch’s Broom: The Craft, Lore & Magick of Broomsticks / Circle, Coven & Grove / A Witch's Dozen / Everyday Witch Book of Rituals / Everyday Witch A to Z Spellbook / Everyday Witch A to Z / Witchcraft On a Shoestring / Everyday Witchcraft / The Goddess is in the Details.
Excited yet? I know I was!! :)
For the rest of today, let's get to know Deborah a little bit more, shall we?
Chelle – LITERAL ADDICTION: Hi, Deborah! I’m so, SO thrilled to have you on LITERAL ADDICTION for an interview. I’ve been a fan of your non-fiction for ages (staples in my Craft cabinet), and love your fiction, as well. I’m super excited to meet you in February. *fangirl squeal*
Deborah: *blushes* Thanks so much. I’m happy to be here!
Chelle – LITERAL ADDICTION: I generally always start by learning some things about our V.I.Ps, so let’s begin…
#1: Can you tell us 3 things—no matter how random—about yourself that we couldn’t find out easily on the Internet?
Deborah: Gee, considering that between my blog, Facebook, and Twitter, my whole life is on the Internet… Okay, here goes: my favorite color is black (seriously—I’m not Goth, I just find it soothing), I have a weakness for Bollywood movies/music, and I’ve had a crush on Richard Dean Anderson since he starred as MacGyver. How’s that for random?
#2: If you could spend the day with anyone—alive, dead, fictional—who would it be, and what would you want to do?
Deborah: Harry Dresden. And I’d like to magically kick some bad guy ass together. I think it would be fun—a wizard and a witch walk into Mac’s bar…
#3: Can you walk us through a typical writing day for you? Anything you absolutely have to have with you to get the creative juices flowing?
Deborah: I usually write in the evening, after work and dinner are out of the way (so 6:30-7 until 10-10:30, depending on how things are going). On the days I don’t work, if I can, I also do a stint in the late morning for a couple of hours. Although I do much of my non-creative work at my desktop, I do most of my actual writing on my laptop, sitting in my red recliner in the living room. Often with my black cat Magic sitting on the back of the chair to inspire me and crack the whip. No special things needed, except peace and quiet.
#4: Since we’re going to the beach in February, which of your characters would you like to hang out with at the beach and what do you think you’d end up doing if you did go?
Deborah: I confess, the character I’d most like to hang out with is my Baba Yaga, Barbara (although she’s a little scary). But if I’m going to the beach, I’d have to pick Beka, since she is the one who is most at home on the water. I’m too chicken to have her teach me to surf, but maybe she’d take me out on her husband Marcus’s boat to go fishing.
#5: If we were to hop in your car or steal your phone, what do you think we’d be most likely to hear playing in your Music app?
Deborah: I am kind of low tech, so no fancy phone or music app. But lots of CDs in the car, since that’s where I listen to music the most. I often listen to British rock and roll—right now I’m listening to this fabulous woman who sings both in French and English, called Michelle and Queens.
#6: What was the path like to get your non-fiction books published?
Deborah: It was actually pretty simple (fiction, on the other hand, was crazy difficult). I figured out a book I wanted to read that apparently didn’t exist. So I went to the Llewellyn website, read all their rules about how to submit, followed them, sent in an outline, introduction, and the first fifty pages, and got a “please send us the rest of the book” letter almost immediately. Which was a fluke, since my editor Elysia had just gotten the job and had what she called “an eerily empty desk.” (It never happened that fast again, btw.) I wrote the rest, sent it in, she loved it, and I’m about to start on my tenth book for them. Ta da! (Did I mention that fiction was a lot harder? That took me two years and over 67 rejections to get me my agent, three years and four books to get my first contract.)
#7: Besides the obvious, was there any specific inspiration behind the creation of the Baba Yaga series?
Deborah: My agent, the lovely Elaine Spencer from The Knight Agency, and I had talked about me writing a modern fairy tale (since we both loved them), and something that had a witch character in it. I sat down to figure out which fairy tales hadn’t already been done to death, preferably ones with witches in them, and I came up with Baba Yaga. It helped that I had come from a Russian Jewish household, so I knew who she was. Also, I loved that fact that in the fairy tales, the Baba Yaga could be either good or evil, depending on how she was approached.
#8: Veiled Magic was just released and is not from the Baba Yaga series (I can't wait to check it out by the way). Are there more installments planned for Baba Yaga, though?
Deborah: As you said, Veiled Magic is from a different series (well, hopefully a series, we’ll have to see how it does). But there are definitely more Baba Yaga stories on the way. January 19th there will be another novella out—Wickedly Ever After, which tells us what happened to Barbara and Liam after the end of Wickedly Dangerous. Then on February 2nd (just in time for Coastal Magic!!!) comes the release of Wickedly Powerful, the story of Bella, the third of the Baba Yagas. Then in October, Mikhail Day, the first of the Riders (characters from the Baba Yaga books) gets his own book, Dangerously Charming. But don’t worry, the Babas will still show up. His brother Gregori’s story is out sometime next year.
#9: What else is in the works for Deborah Blake?
Deborah: I’m currently doing revisions on Dangerously Charming and working on that second Riders book, plus another project, plus putting the final touches on a tarot deck coming out from Llewellyn in early 2017. I’m also hoping to sell a romantic comedy my agent and I will be shopping after the holidays. I love humor and romance, don’t you? Other than that, I’m deep in the holiday season for the artist’s cooperative shop I run, making jewelry, and trying to come up with great recipes for Blue Moon Circle’s yearly Yule Dinner Party.
#10: Anything you would like to say to our readers while we have you here today?
Deborah: Just how much I love my readers. I couldn’t do what I do if it weren’t for them. (I’m pretty fond of bloggers too, LOL.
O.K, rapid-fire… Go.
I’m gonna get you here… Favorite Dresden character? ;-)
You know I love me some Harry. Although I’m quite fond of his cat Mister, too.
Chocolate or Vanilla?
Chocolate all the way!
Star Wars or Star Trek?
Star Trek—seriously, since I was 6.
DC or Marvel?
Bewitched or Charmed?
PC or Mac?
Big Screen or TV/DVD?
Mostly TV/DVD, although I love to go see big movies (anything with huge action, like Star Wars or The Hunger Games or James Bond) on the big screen.
Call or Text?
Call. I’m only just learning to text and I am Not Good at it. (It doesn’t help that cell phones don’t work at my house.)
Cats or Dogs?
CATS. (Did I mention I have 5?) I love dogs too, but if I tried to get one, Magic the Cat would kill me in my sleep.
Coke or Pepsi?
Chelle – LITERAL ADDICTION: Deborah, thank you so much for having some fun with us today and I am so, SO excited to meet you in a couple of months. :) Blessed Solstice!
Deborah: Thank you for having me—it was a blast. I can’t wait to meet you in person and hang out on the beach! Have a lovely Winter Solstice.
Do you want to meet Deborah in person? You can! You can! You can meet Deborah, tons of other amazing UF and PNR authors, LITERAL ADDICTION's officers and other well known featured bloggers, and loads of fellow book addicts and paranormal junkies at the Coastal Magic Convention in Daytona Beach, FL Feb 4-7 2016.
Coastal Magic is a super casual, urban fantasy, paranormal romance, and other romance focused convention in Daytona. With panels designed to start interesting discussion, and meet & greets with fun themes, we’ve got something for every fan. Join us for reader, blogger, and author shenanigans, and lots of activities. The charity book sale and signing is open to convention attendees, and FREE to the public. Come take a bite out of the beach with us!! Feb 4-7, 2016. Registration opened 7/1/15, so get your ticket HERE.
Keep up with all things Coastal Magic at the Website / Facebook Page / Facebook Event / Twitter / Pinterest / Instagram / Tumblr / Google+
I'm offering up winner's choice of available book from the Baba Yaga series or the new Veiled Magic, gifted from either Amazon, B&N or iBooks.
To enter, find the Rafflecopter widget below, follow the directions, take action, and mark as 'Done'.
Good luck, and as always
Hello, my literal addicts!
I am super happy to finally have the wonderful Graylin Fox on the site!
Graylin Fox is an Urban Fantasy author of Contessa: Princess of the Summer Fae, the Arcane Court Series (Death Dealer, Red Lady, Shadowed Vengeance, Demon Child), and the paranormal romance Candy Man Delivery Series which she writes as Graylin Rane. Graylin is also a psychologist, and used this knowledge when writing Smolder, a novel about a hospital psychologist, and Your Biggest Fan, about a woman obsessed with a boy band member. In addition, she owns Dark Fantasy Press, an Indie publishing house catering to the dark urban fantasy and horror genres. She still practices psychology in South Florida, unwinding with her friends at the beach.
Keep up with Graylin online at her Website, on Facebook, and on Twitter.
Graylin is the proud creator of the Summer Fae, Arcane Court, and Candy Man Delivery series (originally published as Graylin Rane). She also has some great standalones, Smolder, Coming Home, and Your Biggest Fan.
Let me highlight Contessa, the Arcane Court, and Smolder for you here.
Contessa: Princess of the Summer Fae
--Light Fantasy--
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My cabin sits near a portal to the Otherworld. The Dark Fae are sending ogres to kill any humans who survived the plague they unleashed a year ago. First a baby dragon, then a goblin, show up looking for me. That’s when the fairy I’d known for a year decides to tell me I’m an elf and my high school boyfriend runs the Dark Fae. I went from human with a bad breakup to a fairy tale creature that was still in love with a killer in three days. A trip through the Otherworld portal shows me my birthplace and dangles the promise of a happy ending I thought was gone. Confronted with true evil, I have to learn my ice magic while fighting for my life. With rekindled love and a new family to protect, I’ll have to battle a psychotic elf with lightning power. One bolt and I’ll disintegrate. One of us won’t survive.
--Romantic Suspense--
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Candy Man Delivery
--Paranormal Erotica--
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Master sculptor Viviana is pleasantly surprised to find a tall block of milk chocolate in her shops cooler with simple instructions. She's to carve the perfect male figure, think of what she wants in a dream man, and then sprinkle the enclosed magic dust over the chocolate man. Adonis shimmers to light bringing passion, devotion, and love. They opened the Candy Man Delivery Service to share their joy and bring chocolate men to women who need complete devotion and lifelong passion.
Death Dealer
--Dark Fantasy--
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Red Lady
--Dark Fantasy--
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The oldest living demon drug dealer is trying to take over Las Vegas. His newest creation, Red Lady, allows shifters to see demons as they materialize, which could tip the balance of species domination. Granted, in a direction I like, except, there’s a catch. The drug is so addictive shifters will do anything to feed their habit and distribution in energy drinks has human’s hooked. Including my ex-fiance’s boyfriend. I have to go to Vegas and save him, among others. This is going to suck.
Demon Child
--YA Dark Fantasy--
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Demon children deliver themselves, killing their human mothers in the process. Raye survived the birth of her daughter twelve years ago because she was at work in the ER. Now, her daughter shifts into horror movie monsters during class, gleefully taking in the fright of her classmates and landing her mother in the principal's office way too often. With the pending threat that she may get thrown out of school, Ariel, her demon father, swoops in to save her. Like most demons, he could charm the panties off a statue. Sleeping his way through town cost him his marriage, and now, his daughter is growing into her demon powers. Ariel's enemies kept an eye on his family and are ready to make their move when he steps in with them again. Raye needs Ariel and it pisses her off. Together, they have to save their daughter...if they don't kill each other along the way.
Shadowed Vengeance
--Dark Fantasy--
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Live from Animate Miami
O.K, gang. Since some of you might have had trouble hearing some of that video interview, and since I wanted to make this a FULL interview anyway, here are some more questions for Graylin…
Chelle: I normally always start by getting to know our guest V.I.P author a little bit better and I didn’t do that on film, so…
1): Can you tell us 3 things about yourself – no matter how random - that we couldn’t find out easily on the internet?
I shudder to think what you can find on the internet about me. Let’s see.
1. I’ve lived in 7 different states, 5 of them by the time I was 12.
2. I recharge by laying out at the pool.
3. I listen to audiobooks more than I read. In part because I don’t like wearing the reading glasses age has forced me to need.
2) What are 2 things that always make you smile, and 2 things that never fail to make you angry?
I smile a lot, now that I think about it. I’m blessed as a psychologist to watch individuals, of all ages, work hard to find joy and hope in their lives. Their struggles remind me how small mine are in comparison. Also, my cat Diva makes me laugh every day.
Prejudice, discrimination, and the violence that stems from them make me angry. I avoid watching the news (often) and scroll past the stories on FB and Twitter.
3) Aside from starting because you hated your job, was there anyone (or anything) that was directly involved with your drive to become an author?
I started writing poetry because I worked in data entry. It didn’t require me to use my mind, just eye hand coordination. So, my imagination went on little trips to keep me from going nuts while I looked for better work. Those small moving pictures I described changed into longer and longer vignettes and movies that I type up for my readers today.
The transition between poet and author began in earnest while working on a blog with Kristine Kathryn Rusch and Christine York. Their experiences, written in blog posts, helped ignite my imagination and eventually I was so busy writing books, I had to close down the blog. I love that even now I can send an email asking for advice and they answer me. They are gifted authors and great people.
4) If you could spend the day with anyone – alive, dead, fictional, etc – whom would you want to spend it with, and what would you want to do?
There are book characters I would love to tag along with for a day. My life is very calm, I listen to people all day and write stories at night. All the adventure is in my head. I can’t pick just one, I have three characters I want to hang out with: Harry Dresden, Gin Blanco, and Rachel Morgan. Then, I’d come home grateful my life is calm and quiet.
5) If we were to hop in your car or pick up your MP3 player and turn it on, what do you think we’d be most likely to hear?
Right now, Enrique Iglesias and Pitbull. I dance and sing in the car, most of the time, it’s songs my old voice teacher made me learn. Just so I can keep in practice.
6) Was there any specific inspiration behind the creation of the ARCANE COURT or the CANDY MEN series?
Yes, to both. First, ARCANE COURT. I love dragons and I have wonderful author friends who drop plot bunnies all over the place. When Kim Knox and Lori Ella started a dragon conversation back in 2012, a story began to grow. I researched where I wanted the dragon to live, making it a place where he could’ve been for hundreds of years, without the locals grabbing a pitchfork, and placed him in New Orleans.
The CANDY MAN Delivery stories started as a sculptor of marble to find
7) How many books do you ultimately have planned for ARCANE COURT?
I know the main plot lines for the next two books (4 & 5) – beyond that, I’m unsure. While I write down the main points for the books, my characters take control when I type in the details and we could end up with four or five more.
8) What types of scenes do you enjoy writing the most (love, action, dialogue, etc) and why?
I love writing dialogue because I learn so much about characters by what the say and what they demand stays secret. And fight scenes! I love fight scenes.
9) What was the most challenging thing about creating the series?
Cimmerian and Wretch fight demons two or three times in each book. I have to redo the fight scenes four and five times to make sure I accounted for all of the demons, and the subsequent body parts. In one scene, for Red Lady, I lost track of a demon (leaving him in midair) for a couple of rounds of edits.
10) Has there been a specific moment in your career thus far that you are particularly proud of?
There hasn’t been a big ‘moment’ for me. I’m proud to be a part of the larger writing/reading/blogging community. I’ve made wonderful friends who completely get the book nerd in me.
11) Is there anything special you’d like to say to your readers while we have you here today?
Thank you are two very tiny words that can hardly express the gratitude I feel for readers. Without you, my stories wouldn’t be complete. I write the words given to me by my characters, you interpret them based on your experiences and shine lights on aspects I couldn’t see without your help.
LITERAL ADDICTION: Graylin, thank you SO much for being with us today. I really hope that I’ve turned some new readers on to your work, and I hope that people will go out, pick up, and love your books! Can’t wait to see you again at Coastal Magic, but hopefully I will see you even before that!! :)
Do you want to meet Graylin in person? You can! You can! You can meet tons of other amazing UF and PNR authors, LITERAL ADDICTION's officers and other well known featured bloggers, and loads of fellow book addicts and paranormal junkies at the Coastal Magic Convention in Daytona Beach, FL Feb 4-7 2016, as well.
Coastal Magic is a super casual, urban fantasy, paranormal romance, and other romance focused convention in Daytona. With panels designed to start interesting discussion, and meet & greets with fun themes, we’ve got something for every fan. Join us for reader, blogger, and author shenanigans, and lots of activities. The charity book sale and signing is open to convention attendees, and FREE to the public. Come take a bite out
Keep up with all things Coastal Magic at the Website / Facebook Page / Facebook Event / Twitter / Pinterest / Instagram / Tumblr / Google+
I’m offering up 2 "winner’s choice of eBook from those spotlighted today". To enter, find the Rafflecopter widget below, follow the directions, take action, and mark as ‘Done’.
Good luck, and as always… HAPPY READING!!
Hey, gang.
I have something new and fun for you… A video interview! :)
Today, I’m going to introduce you to author V.B Kennedy.
V.B. Kennedy is a Cuban-American author who was born in Atlanta, Georgia but raised Miami, Florida. She is the second oldest of four siblings and learned early on, the true meaning of Survival of the Fittest. She's a middle school teacher who currently teaches Language Arts and Journalism.
She is married to a supportive yet deranged man and is raising two zany children. When she is not yanking out the gray hairs she unsuccessfully dyed, she finds time to write. Her interests are anything written by Joss Whedon, discovering great books, clocking in more viewing hours of television that any health professional would disapprove.
Keep up with V.B on Website / Facebook / Twitter
V.B is the proud creator of several stand-alone (soon to be series) books in the sub-genres we all know and love.
Let me tell you a little bit more (and then she will cover even more during our video).
Pleasant Journey
Buy from Amazon / Amazon UK / Amazon Ca
Travel with Pleasant through the streets of Victorian London where he encounters Jack the Ripper, talking corpses, and a past that haunts him at every turn. Pleasant Journey is a collection of three short stories about a vampire named Pleasant and his struggle to remain a pure creature of the night.
Future Tense
Buy from Amazon / Amazon UK / Amazon Ca / B&N
What if traveling through time was as easy as writing the date? Heath Wells, a high school student, discovers a pen that's a time machine but his time-traveling endeavors are quickly quashed when he discovers he cannot travel past a certain point in the future. Joined by Aphrodite, a teen pariah, the two of them must discover why time seems to run out in the future.
*Coming back soon…
Lance Le Fleur is a detective in E-10 City, or Eden as it is known by its residents. Like all metropolises, it is a part of The Grid, an underground inter-connective power and data transfer system.
On the night of a violent invasion, La Fleur meets a mysterious woman and wonders if either one will survive the night.
From Animate Miami Convention...
I have signed copies of Pleasant Journey and Future Tense to give away to 2 lucky US Resident Readers. I will gift an eCopy of the book to any outside of the US winners, so feel free to enter even if you don't live in the US!
To enter, find the Rafflecopter widget below, follow the directions, and take action.
*Comments for the Event can be left at the archive placeholder HERE!
Hey, everyone!
LITERAL ADDICTION is thrilled to welcome the wonderful Mari Mancusi to the site today.
Mari Mancusi always wanted a dragon as a pet. Unfortunately the fire insurance premiums proved a bit too large and her house a bit too small--so she chose to write about them instead. Today she works as an award-winning young adult author and freelance television producer, for which she has won two Emmys.
When not writing about fanciful creatures of myth and
legend, Mari enjoys
Mari is pronounced like the name Mary. Mancusi is pronounced man-COO-see.
Keep up with Mari online at her Website, on Facebook, on Twitter, and on GoodReads.
Mari is the proud creator of the BLOOD COVEN VAMPIRES, FIRST KISS CLUB, TWISTED TIME, APOCOLYPSE LATER and SCORCHED novels. She is also now writing as Mari Madison and will be bringing us her EXCLUSIVE ROMANCE series very soon.
For those of you new to Mari’s work, let me give you a peek into the first book in each of her available series to get you caught up…
Boys That Bite
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Two sisters—as different as the sun and the rain. For one, getting into the Blood Coven is to die for. But for the other, getting out could be lethal...
When Sunny McDonald gets dragged to Club Fang by her twin sister Rayne, she doesn't expect to find anything besides a bunch of Goth kids playing at being vampires. But when some guy mistakes Sunny for her dark-side-loving sister and bites her on the neck, she finds out that his fangs are real—and deadly.
Now, Sunny has less than a week to figure out how to reverse the bite, or else she's going to end up as the perpetually undead. And not only will she be a vampire, she'll also be bonded to Magnus—the bloodsucker who bit her—forever. And forever is a really long time...
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Don’t leave me here... It starts with a whisper. At first Trinity thinks she’s going crazy. It wouldn’t be a big surprise—her grandpa firmly believes there’s a genuine dragon egg in their dusty little West Texas town. But this voice is real, and it’s begging for her protection. Even if no one else can hear it...
He’s come from a future scorched by dragonfire. His mission: Find the girl. Destroy the egg. Save the world.
He’s everything his twin brother Connor hates: cocky, undisciplined, and obsessed with saving dragons.
Trinity has no idea which brother to believe. All she has to go by is the voice in her head—a dragon that won’t be tamed.
Tomorrow Land
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Can true love survive the zombie apocalypse?
Nineteen-year-old Peyton Anderson will never forget the day she was forced to make a choice--between her family--and Chris Parker, the boy she’d given her heart. Now four years later, as she steps out from the fallout shelter and into a zombie-infested world, he’s the only thing on her mind.
Thanks to her father Peyton is now built to survive: with razor tipped nails, ocular implants and cybernetics that make her stronger, faster, and able to protect herself in a world filled with monsters.
Yet all the weapons in the world can’t protect her heart when she runs into Chris again. The once sweet boy of her childhood has now grown into a tortured man--still furious at her for breaking his heart and never telling him why.
A Connecticut Fashionista in King Arthur’s Court
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When a modern fashion editor stumbles back into Camelot and falls in love with Lancelot, how will the history of King Arthur's court change?
Once upon a time there lived an outspoken fashion editor named Kat, who certainly was not your typical damsel in distress. But when a gypsy curse sent her back in time to the days of King Arthur, she found she'd need every ounce of her 21st century wits (and pop culture references) to navigate the legend. After all, surviving a magical plot, an evil prince, and a case of mistaken identity - all without changing history or scuffing your Manolos - takes some doing!
Luckily, she's got her very own knight in shining armor, Lancelot du Lac, on her side. The honorable-to-a-fault and devastatingly handsome champion insists on helping her out, even though she's not quite sure she wants him to. After all, shouldn't he be off romancing Queen Guenevere or something? Will Kat manage to stay out of trouble long enough to get back to her beloved lattes, cosmopolitans and cashmere? And what will Lancelot's forbidden love mean for the kingdom of Camelot?
Just This Night
Coming 3/1/16!
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First in a sexy series set in a TV newsroom—from a multi Emmy Award-winning TV producer.
At News 9 San Diego, the hottest stories happen off camera.
Betrayed and abandoned by his wife and left to raise their young daughter on his own, TV news photographer Jake "Mac" MacDonald has moved to San Diego for a fresh start. He’s sworn off women forever and devoted his life to his little girl. But when his brother-in-law drags him out to a night club, Mac can’t help but be drawn to the cute blonde who asks him to dance. Maybe he can make an exception...for just one night.
A hot fling is exactly what news reporter Elizabeth White had in mind when she brought Mac home. A quick cure to help her get over her ex-boyfriend. But things get awkward when her anonymous hookup turns out to be her newest colleague. Now they must put their attraction behind them and find a way to work together. But when someone starts sabotaging Beth’s career, she realizes Mac is the only one she can trust. And maybe their one night has the makings of an exclusive after all.
Sound great, right!? Make sure to check them out. For now, let’s see what Mari had to say when I sat down to chat with her…
Chelle – LITERAL ADDICTION: Hi, Mari! I’m so excited to have you on LITERAL ADDICTION for an interview, and even more excited to see you again in February.
Mari: Thanks for having me! I am thrilled to get to go back to the Coastal Magic Convention as well! It was so much fun when I went a couple years ago.
Chelle – LITERAL ADDICTION: I generally always start with learning some things about our V.I.Ps, so let’s begin…
#1: Can you tell us 3 things—no matter how random—about yourself that we couldn’t find out easily on the Internet?
1) I once hugged a chair made of stuffed pandas that cost $25,000.
2) I once made sushi out of marshmallow peeps. (Best. Sushi. Ever.)
3) My step-grandmother played Kim Hughes on the soap “As the World Turns” for thirty-something years. She also guest starred on the original Star Trek as the Empath. (Sadly she was one of the few female guest stars that did not end up making out with Captain Kirk.)
#2: If you could spend the day with anyone—alive, dead, fictional—who would it be, and what would you want to do?
Mari: I’d go to Walt Disney World with Walt Disney himself. I’d love to see what he thought of all that has been done to the place since his death. I would also have him make the employees give us an underground tour of the tunnels and a sneak peek into the Cinderella castle hotel room. And let us skip the lines at Tower of Terror!
#3: Can you walk us through a typical writing day for you? Anything you absolutely have to have with you to get the creative juices flowing?
Mari: I wake up at 6am every day to start writing. This stems from when I had a day job and was forced to write before work. I trained myself so well that now I still do my best writing at that part of the day. As for what I have to have—COFFEE, of course. And also I prefer a big monitor. I can only do so much from a laptop. Right now I have a 27-inch iMac that I love.
#4: Since we’re going to the beach in February, which of your characters do you think we’d be most likely to find on the beach and what do you think they’d be doing?
Mari: My new romance series that launches in March is set in San Diego so my characters get to the beach a lot. In fact, my heroine, Beth lives in a little cottage off of Ocean Beach when the first book, JUST THIS NIGHT, begins and she and the hero have a little one-night stand there. (So we know what THEY are doing—wink, wink!) In the second book in the series, BREAK OF DAY, the hero is a surfer and he’d probably be trying to teach my heroine (who is afraid of water after a childhood tragedy) how to swim.
#5: If we were to hop in your car or steal your phone, what do you think we’d be most likely to hear playing in your Music app?
Mari: Eighties new wave. The Cure, Depeche Mode, New Order…
#6: See, I knew there were multiple reasons I liked you!! :) Was there any specific inspiration behind the creation of the SCORCHED series?
Mari: I wanted to do a dragon book that wasn’t set in some far away fantasy kingdom. I wanted to imagine what it’d be like if dragons were introduced to our present day world. (They would so end up on YouTube, right?) I’d seen a cool movie called Reign of Fire which takes place in a dragon apocalyptic future and thought—what if people from that future could come back in time (like they did in Terminator) to try to stop the dragon apocalypse? Thus the seed for Scorched was born.
#7: What about your BLOOD COVEN and APOCALYPSE LATER novels?
Mari: The Blood Coven Vampire series was definitely inspired by Buffy the Vampire Slayer. At the time I wrote it, Twilight hadn’t yet become a thing but I noticed a lot of adults were reading vampire romances and I thought maybe teens would like them as well. (Turns out, yes!) But I wanted to do something more than just your typical brooding fanged romance. I wanted the series to have “bite”, pardon the pun. So there’s a lot of humor and snappy dialog, which is totally dedicated to Joss Whedon.
As for Apocalypse Later’s Tomorrow Land and Alternity, both those books were originally published as part of the SHOMI line that the now-defunct Dorchester had introduced. (Original titles were Razor Girl and Moongazer.) They were meant to be kind of “new adult” before the term was coined—having cool manga-inspired covers and younger characters to try to bridge the gap between young adult and adult romance. They were so much fun to write and there were a lot of dedicated fans of the SHOMI line. So when Dorchester went out of business and I got the rights back, I decided to republish them myself. Razor Girl was inspired by my love of zombie movies and is kind of Walking Dead meets Disney World. And Alternity is inspired by my love for videogames and sci-fi movies like The Matrix, Total Recall, etc.
#8: I know that the series have wrapped up for the most part, but rumor has it, you have another YOU out there bringing us some goodness. Can you tell us a little bit more about Mari Madison and what she has to offer your fans?
Mari: As I hinted above (and as you spotlighted), I have a new series coming out from Berkley/Penguin Random House in March called “An Exclusive Romance.” The books take place in a San Diego TV newsroom…where the news is hot and the guys are even hotter. J I used to work in a TV newsroom for many years so it’s a setting I know well. And I also know firsthand how much drama and romance happens when the cameras stop rolling. The first book, JUST THIS NIGHT, is about a young, ambitious reporter and a hot single dad photographer. It has dueling first person narration and is both sweet and sexy and funny. I’m really excited about this new series and hope people love Beth and Mac as much as I do!
#9: Anything else you’d like to be sure and let our readers know about while I have you here—signings, anthologies, etc?
Mari: In addition to the adult romance, I also have something coming out for younger readers –my first official middle grade novel called GOLDEN GIRL which is about a girl training to be an Olympic snowboarder. It was a lot of fun to write—especially since I don’t get to snowboard much anymore, now that I live in Texas.
#10: Anything you would like to say to our readers while we have you here today?
Mari: Can’t wait for Coastal Magic!! It’s such a great convention and the beachfront hotel is amazing. I’m just hoping it doesn’t rain this year—like it did the year I went. Still, even if it does, the authors and readers are so much fun—it’s bound to be a blast.
O.K, rapid-fire… Go.
Chocolate or Vanilla? Chocolate
Star Wars or Star Trek? Star Wars
DC or Marvel? DC
Angels or Demons? Angels
PC or Mac? Mac
Bond, Bourne, or Hunt? Bond
Call or Text? Text
Cats or Dogs? Dogs
Morning or Nighttime? Nighttime
Coffee or Tea? Coffee
Chelle – LITERAL ADDICTION: Mari, thank you so much for having some fun with us today and I am so, SO excited to see you again in a handful of months. :)
Mari: Yay! See you soon!
Do you want to meet Mari in person? You can! You can! You can meet tons of other amazing UF and PNR authors, LITERAL ADDICTION's officers and other well known featured bloggers, and loads of fellow book addicts and paranormal junkies at the Coastal Magic Convention in Daytona Beach, FL Feb 4-7 2016, as well.
Coastal Magic is a super casual, urban fantasy, paranormal romance, and other romance focused convention in Daytona. With panels designed to start interesting discussion, and meet & greets with fun themes, we’ve got something for every fan. Join us for reader, blogger, and author shenanigans, and lots of activities. The charity book sale and signing is open to convention attendees, and FREE to the public. Come take a bite out of the beach with us!! Feb 4-7, 2016. Registration opened 7/1/15, so get your ticket HERE.
Keep up with all things Coastal Magic at the Website / Facebook Page / Facebook Event / Twitter / Pinterest / Instagram / Tumblr / Google+
I’m offering up winner’s choice of eBook from those spotlighted today (with the exception of the one coming in 2016). To enter, find the Rafflecopter widget below, follow the directions, take action, and mark as ‘Done’.
Good luck, and as always… HAPPY READING!!
Helllllo everybody!
It is my very great pleasure to welcome the wonderful Deanna Chase back to the site today!
Deanna is a native Californian. After spending five years
traveling in an RV, she and her husband moved into an adorable cottage in a
small town outside of New Orleans. After about six months, Deanna was
convinced their 1907 home was haunted. Late at night as she penned Haunted
on Bourbon Street, she often heard footsteps throughout the old house.
Luckily, the spirit appears to be harmless, as he/she has never done more than
make a little noise and possibly smoke a few cigars. However, if the ghost ever
shows up in a dream, you’ll be the first to hear
When she isn’t writing, she is often goofing off with her
husband in New Orleans, playing with her two
To see Deanna’s bead creations, check out her other website and Etsy. You can keep up with Deanna
If you’re not familiar with Deanna’s work, she’s the proud creator of the Jade Calhoun, Coven Pointe, Pyper Rayne, and Crescent City Fae Urban Fantasy Romance series, and the Destiny New Adult Romance novels.
Let me spotlight the first book in each of her amazing main series as well as any new releases and tell you where you can get the rest. I HIGHLY recommend Deanna’s work. I’m a huge, huge fan!!
Haunted on Bourbon Street
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From USA Today bestselling author, Deanna Chase, the first
book in the Jade Calhoun series. HAUNTED ON BOURBON STREET Jade loves her new
apartment--until a ghost joins her in the shower. When
Check out the other books in the series, as well. Bewitched on Bourbon Street will be coming soon…
Get the Coven Point Bourbon Street spin off books here!
Spirits, Stilettos and a Silver Bustier
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From New York Times bestselling author Deanna Chase, the first book in the Pyper Rayne series (a spin-off of the Jade Calhoun Series).
All Pyper Rayne—medium and coffee shop owner—wanted was the
perfect vintage dress. What she got was a dead shop owner and a sexy ghost
who’s suddenly everywhere—at her shop, in her car, and even lounging in her
bedroom. But he’s not just any ghost. He’s a witch and able to appear in solid
And Pyper needs his help. When she becomes target
Influential Magic
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New York Times/USA Today bestselling author, Deanna Chase, brings you the first book in the Crescent City Fae series.
It’s tough being a faery in New Orleans, a city fraught with vampires… especially when their very existence drains your life-force.
Willow Rhoswen, owner of The Fated Cupcake and part-time
vampire hunter for the Void is having a rough week. Four years after her twin
brother’s mysterious death, Willow’s life is threatened and the director
saddles her with a new partner—her ex-boyfriend, David. To her horror, he’s
turned vamp, which causes her physical pain whenever she touches him… and any
other specimen of the
In order to save
Caught between two gorgeous men and a director who’ll stop at nothing to control Willow’s gifts, she’ll have to follow her instincts and learn who to trust. Otherwise, she risks losing more than just her life.
Check out the other books in the CRESCENT CITY FAE series here!
Defining Destiny
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From USA Today bestselling author, Deanna Chase, the first book in the Destiny series.
When destiny fails...
Singer-songwriter Lucy Moore thought her life was perfect. At just twenty-one, she's already met her soul mate and together they've landed a recording contract. But when her father dies and the love of her life betrays her in more ways than one, she returns home to pick up the pieces. On the shores of Mendocino, California, Lucy has some decisions to make. Should she start a solo career? Or should she leave it all behind for some semblance of normalcy in the quiet town she grew up in? And what about Seth, the tortured artist who always seems to be there when she needs him?
Seth Keenan has demons of his own. Eighteen months ago, he
was involved in a horrific accident that he never talks about. His career as an
accomplished oil-paint artist has been abandoned, replaced by the buzz of his
tattoo gun. And women--well, he never sticks around for longer than a few hours
of pleasure...
In a world where everyone has one true soul mate, can these two find love in the arms of each other?
Check out the other book in the DESTINY series!
Don’t they sound fantastic!!? They so, SO are! For the rest of today, though. Let’s talk with Deanna bit…
Chelle – LITERAL ADDICTION: Hi, Deanna! I’m so excited to have you back on LITERAL ADDICTION and even more excited to finally meet you in February. When I suggested Jennifer contact you, I was thrilled to see that you had joined the CMC family. :)
Deanna: Hi, Chelle. It’s great to be back here. I feel like I haven’t been out of my cave in months. Busy, busy here at
Casa Chase. A beach vacation in February sounds like just what the doctor ordered.
Chelle – LITERAL
ADDICTION: We’ve done a couple
of interviews with you already, so I’ll ask a few questions about the new
books, but I thought we’d keep this interview fresh and fun with some questions
about the beach—seeing as we’ll be hanging out on the beach in February.
#1: What’s the best beach vacation you’ve ever taken?
Deanna: Hmm, well the best beach vacation might be my first “date” with my husband. He won a free trip to Cancun and took me. Just friends! I swear. Stop laughing. It’s true. We had a great time and a few weeks later we started dating for real.
#2: Which of your characters (or groups of characters) can you most see hanging out on the beach and what do you think they’d do?
Well that’s easy. Lucy and Seth from Defining Destiny. Lucy would be playing the guitar and singing, while Seth would be painting. Or they’d be having abon fire with their friends.I’m not sure I see Jade at the beach. Now Pyper would be interesting. *Makes note to put Pyper on the beach*
#3: Sunrise on the beach, or sunset at the beach and why?
Deanna: Sunset. With wine. No one should ever be awake at sunrise unless she’s still parting
from the night before. Also the sun should always set over the ocean. This means sunset at the beach on the west coast. Sorry east coasters. I just can’t get used to the sun setting overland .
#4: If you were stranded on your own private
Deanna: The internet. I might
… okay, and totally addicted. I also need my dogs. Twoshih tzus . And a spa tub. Those are easy to pack, right?
#5: If you could write a short story about your characters taking a tropical vacation, what do you think it’d be called?
Deanna: Oh, a title. Hard question. How about Spirits, Daiquiris, and a Missing Coconut Bra?
#6: O.K, the last time we talked you had the Jade Calhoun and Crescent City Fae series. Now, there’s Pyper Rayne and your New Adult series, as well. Can you tell us a little bit more about the new work?
Deanna: I’d love to. Pyper Rayne is a spinoff of Jade Calhoun. She sees dead people. And
she spunky and totally fun to write. Her books are paranormal mysteries with a touch of romance.The Destiny series is a new adult series that is more magical realism than paranormal. In that series everyone has one true soul mate and when the two get together they have a magical ability. The twist is that even though there are soul mates, it doesn’t always mean soul mates should be together. And that is exactly what Defining Destiny is about—What happens when your soul mate isn’t a good person and is ultimately damaging to be around? How does one move on from that?
#7: I know you’re super busy writing the 2
Deanna: Bewitched on Bourbon Street (Jade Book 7) is coming out very, very soon. Before the end of this month if I have anything to say about it. It’s in final edits now.
Spirits, Rock Stars, and a Midnight Chocolate Bar (Pyper book 2) is coming in November.
And hopefully, fingers crossed, I’ll have Pyper book 3 by Feb. But no promises.
#8: Anything else you’d like to be sure and let our readers know about while I have you here (before we do some rapid-fire fun questions)?
Deanna: I have a pen name! Under the name Kenzie Cox I write shifter novellas. It’s a fun little break between my longer books. They are sexy, short reads. If you’re into that sort of thing, you might want to check them out.
O.K, rapid-fire… Go.
Chocolate or Vanilla? Chocolate
Star Wars or Star Trek? Wars
DC or Marvel? DC
Vampires or Shifters? BOTH!
True Crime TV or Reality TV? Reality.
HBO or Showtime? Showtime
Kindle or Nook? Kindle
Cats or Dogs? Dogs
Morning or Nighttime? Nighttime
Coffee or Tea? Coffee. Lattes especially.
Chelle – LITERAL ADDICTION: Deanna, thank you so much for having some fun with us today and I am so, SO excited to see you in a handful of months. :)
Deanna: Thank you! I’m so looking forward to seeing everyone in Florida.
Do you want to meet Deanna in person? You can! You can! You can meet Deanna, tons of other amazing UF and PNR authors, LITERAL ADDICTION's officers and other well known featured bloggers, and loads of fellow book addicts and paranormal junkies at the Coastal Magic Convention in Daytona Beach, FL Feb 4-7 2016.
Coastal Magic is a super casual, urban fantasy, paranormal
romance, and other romance focused convention in Daytona. With panels designed
to start interesting discussion, and meet & greets with fun themes, we’ve
got something for every fan. Join us for reader, blogger, and author
shenanigans, and lots of activities. The charity book sale and signing is open
to convention attendees, and FREE to the public. Come take a bite out
Keep up with all things Coastal Magic at the Website / Facebook Page / Facebook Event / Twitter / Pinterest / Instagram / Tumblr / Google+
I’m offering up winner’s choice of any of the spotlighted books (or a subsequent installment if you already have the spotlighted title).
To enter, find the Rafflecopter widget below, follow the directions, take action, and mark as ‘Done’.
Good luck, and as always, happy reading!!.
*Comments for the Event can be left HERE!
Hey, everyone! LITERAL ADDICTION is thrilled to welcome the
ever-amazing Jennifer Estep back to our site today. This time, to celebrate the
fact that she’s joining us in Daytona Beach, FL this winter at Coastal Magic.
Jennifer is a New York Times bestselling author, prowling the streets of her imagination in search of her next fantasy idea.
She writes the Elemental Assassin adult urban fantasy series for Pocket.
Jennifer also writes the Mythos Academy young adult urban fantasy series for Kensington.
And, she has a new series called Black Blade.
Keep up with Jennifer online at her Website / Blog / Facebook / Twitter / Goodreads
For those of you new to Jennifer’s work – where have you been? – I will spotlight the brand new Elemental Assassin release set for 7/28/15, and the Black Blade series, where the new installment is coming in October.
Spider’s Trap
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The next thrilling book in Jennifer Estep’s New York
Times and USA TODAY bestselling Elemental Assassin series—“an
extraordinary series.
Keep your friends
One important lesson I’ve learned in the assassination
business is that to be the best you have to roll with the punches. Now that I’m
My job is to maintain order among killers, crooks, and thieves, and soon I’m embroiled in a bloody game where the ability to keep secrets could be the greatest superpower of all. My enemies have all sharpened their knives and laid their traps, waiting for me to fall. But this Spider weaves her own webs of death…
Cold Burn of Magic
Released 4/28/15
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It’s not as great as you’d think, living in a tourist town that’s known as “the most magical place in America.” Same boring high school, just twice as many monsters under the bridges and rival Families killing each other for power.
I try to keep out of it. I’ve got my mom’s
But then some nasty characters bring their Family feud into my friend’s pawn shop, and I have to make a call—get involved, or watch a cute guy die because I didn’t. I guess I made the wrong choice, because now I’m stuck putting everything on the line for Devon Sinclair. My mom was murdered because of the Families, and it looks like I’m going to end up just like her…
Dark Heart of Magic
Coming 10/27/15
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As a thief, I stick to the shadows as much as possible. But when the head of the Sinclair Family picks me to compete in the Tournament of Blades, there’s no escaping the spotlight—or the danger.
Even though he’s my competition, Devon Sinclair thinks I have the best shot of winning what’s supposed to be a friendly contest. But when the competitors start having mysterious “accidents”, it looks like someone will do anything to win—no matter who they hurt.
As if I didn’t have enough to worry about, mobster Victor
Draconi is plotting against Devon and the rest of my friends, and someone’s
going around Cloudburst Falls murdering monsters. One thing’s for sure.
Sometimes, humans can be more monstrous than anything else
They sound great, don’t they!!? Make sure you check out the
rest of the Elemental
Assassin series and the rest of
LITERAL ADDICTION: Since this is our official Coastal Magic Convention spotlight for Jennifer, and she’s so super busy right now, we’re keeping the number of questions down to just five. And because we’ve interviewed Jenn so many times on L.A and couldn’t think of any fun new questions, PLUS because we’ll be hanging out on the beach in February, I thought maybe I would make four of our five questions beach related just to see what she thinks…
1) What was the best beach you’ve ever visited and when?
Jennifer: One of the best beach vacations I ever took was when I was a teenager, and my cousins and I went to Tybee Island, near Savannah, Georgia. It was a really lovely beach, and we picked up all these cool seashells to bring home.
What we didn’t realize was that there were actually crabs in all those seashells. Somehow, they survived riding around in the heat for hours. When we opened our suitcases when we got back home, there were all these crabs crawling around in our clothes. LOL. I felt so sorry for the crabs, but it was a really memorable moment, and a time/vacation I will always remember.
2) Nook, Kindle, iPad, or the real deal for when you’re at the beach and why?
Jennifer: Definitely print books. Knowing my luck, I would get sand all over and inside my tablet and then probably drop it in the water. LOL. So print books all the way at the beach.
3) Which of your characters do you think would be the most likely to hang out on a beach, and what do you think would happen if they did?
Jennifer: I’ll say Finnegan Lane from my Elemental Assassin series. Finn is all about the fine things in life, so I could see him lounging on the beach at some fancy resort, sipping some fruity drink and just relaxing. Although knowing Finn, he would flirt with the wrong woman and get into some sort of trouble. I can see his relaxing day at the beach ending up with him being taken out to sea and dropped in the middle of the ocean. LOL.
4) Sunrise or sunset at the beach and why?
Jennifer: Sunset, because I hate getting up early.
5) Anything special you want to make sure we know about before we see you in February?
Jennifer: Folks can visit my website at www.jenniferestep.com or follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and Goodreads for the latest news about my books.
Chelle: Jennifer, thank you so much for stopping by LITERAL ADDICTION again. It’s always wonderful to have you and to tell readers about your amazing work. I cannot wait to finally meet you in February!!
Jennifer: Thanks! I appreciate you featuring me on your blog, and I’m looking forward to meeting you and everyone else at Coastal Magic. Happy reading, everyone! :)
Do you want to meet Jennifer in person? You can! You can meet her, tons of other amazing UF and PNR authors, LITERAL ADDICTION's officers and other well known featured bloggers, and loads of fellow book addicts and paranormal junkies at the Coastal Magic Convention in Daytona Beach, FL Feb 4-7 2016.
Coastal Magic is a super casual, urban fantasy, paranormal
romance, and other romance focused convention in Daytona. With panels designed
to start interesting discussion, and meet & greets with fun themes, we’ve
got something for every fan. Join us for reader, blogger, and author
shenanigans, and lots of activities. The charity book sale and signing is open
to convention attendees, and FREE to the public. Come take a bite out
Keep up with all things Coastal Magic at the Website / Facebook Page / Facebook Event / Twitter / Pinterest / Instagram / Tumblr / Google+
I’m offering up a gifted
To enter, find the Rafflecopter widget below, follow the directions, take action, and mark as done.
Good luck, and as always… HAPPY READING!
*Comments for the Event can be left HERE.
Hey, everyone!
LITERAL ADDICTION is thrilled to have author Tina Wainscott with us today. You may remember our previous features with Tina as her pseudonym, Jaime Rush. :)
I’m the USA Today bestselling author of over thirty books with romantic thrills and suspenseful chills. A happy ending is a must, but I litter the road to it with ravines and shaky bridges. In my Random House FALLING series, each couple must overcome rocky pasts to find love. In my Justiss Alliance series, five Navy SEALs take the fall for a covert mission gone wrong and join a private agency that exacts justice outside the law. www.tinawainscott.com
As Jaime Rush, I’ve written the Hidden series, featuring humans with the essence of dragons, angels, and magic, and the award-winning Offspring series, about psychic abilities and government conspiracies. www.jaimerush.com.
Keep up with Tina online at her Website, on Facebook, on Twitter, and on GoodReads.
Today, I’m here to tell you all about Tina’s upcoming novel, Falling Fast, FALLING FAST Book #1.
Falling Fast
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Fans of Jasinda Wilder and Colleen Hoover will adore this emotional new small-town romance—a smoldering tale of first love and long-awaited redemption from USA Today bestselling author Tina Wainscott.
Raleigh West works in an auto shop day and night, trying to put his broken past out of mind. It’s been seven years since the fiery crash that landed his teenage sweetheart in the hospital . . . and him in jail. In an instant, he lost everything: his passion for racing, his hope of escaping his father’s shameful legacy, and the only girl he ever loved. Raleigh hasn’t seen her since that awful night. Never got a chance to apologize. And never forgave himself, either.
When brave, beautiful Mia Wentworth returns to the Florida coast for the first time in what seems like forever, it’s not to see Raleigh. Even so, the moment she arrives she can feel his presence like a gust of wind that gives her goose bumps. Opening her heart to him again seems impossible. But staying away? That might be harder still. Lucky for them both, Mia’s never been the kind of woman to take the easy way out.
Sounds good, yes!? Be sure to check it out!! For now, though, let’s see what Tina had to say when I sat down to chat with her…
LITERAL ADDICTION: Hi, Tina. Welcome back! Nice to have you here as—er, um—you!? ;-)
Tina: LOL Yes, it’s good to be me! It’s lovely to be back at your awesome blog. I loved meeting you at Coastal Magic, too! And I want to say, I have the little book cover wine charm on my favorite wine glass!
LITERAL ADDICTION: I always start by getting to know our guest V.I.P author a little bit better…
1) Can you tell us 3 things about yourself – no matter how random - that we couldn’t find out easily on the Internet?
Tina: I used to have pet rats. They’re lovely little critters, despite their reputation, and very clean. My favorite was Jeffenscheck, and he would hide in my hair and go on errands with me! Once, when I was in line at Wal-Mart, I heard a lady make a “Oh!” sound behind me and figured that my little buddy had peeked out from my then curly hair to say hello!
I’m beginning to sell my photographs on image sites. I love photography and finding those interesting shots. You can see my little portfolio here: http://www.dreamstime.com/tinawainscott_info
I actually do like broccoli. Not the way it smells when it’s cooking, though!
2) What are 2 things that always make you smile, and 2 things that never fail to piss you off?
Tina: Watching nature always makes me smile. Having windows in my office is very important to my creativity. I’ve been lucky to live on water for the last five years, and wading birds such as egrets, great blue herons, and anhingas bring me joy.
A child’s laughter. That full-out, totally uninhibited gale … the way we all should laugh. Even if we snort!
When I think something will be easy and quick, and I hit obstacle after obstacle. Computers are great for this.
While driving, when someone pulls out in front of me, and there’s either an empty lane beside me or no one behind me for miles.
3) Was there anyone (or anything) that was directly involved with your drive to become an author?
Tina: Just my love of reading, really. No one in my family writes, at least not seriously. I always had a vivid imagination, and I love conflict (fictionally speaking, anyway).
4) Let’s play a game… You are the heroine of the last book you read, being chased by the antagonist of the one before, and end up in the arms of the hero from the one before that. What’s the scenario?
Tina: This is really hard, because I haven’t read any suspenses recently. Even worse, I’ve started five different books and then jumped to some other book for various reasons. And I’ve been reading non-fiction, too. And moving into a new home, so life has been chaotic in general. The closest I could come would be Maddy from Flowers From the Storm who ends up in Nev Schulman’s arms (Catfish, the TV show!) because someone hijacked her identity and pictures and used them in a fake profile.
5) If you could spend the day with anyone – alive, dead, fictional, etc – with whom would you want to spend it, and what would you want to do?
Tina: Jesus. His spirit had such a high vibration that I can imagine just being in his presence would be uplifting.
6) What’s a typical writing day look like for you? Do you have any interesting writing quirks?
Tina: My kick-off is always making my daily cappuccino. Then I hit
the inbox and answer emails and then Facebook. I’m not as creative in the
morning, so taking care of business and socializing is what I do then. By
mid-morning, I need to be creating something! I work through the day, with a
break for lunch where I watch my
7) If we were to check out your DVR, what are some of the shows we’d see?
Tina: Well, you got a sneak peek above, LOL! Also Grey’s Anatomy, Beauty and the Beast, Resurrection, Last Man Standing, and the Goldbergs. Among many more. My husband complains!
8) Was there any specific inspiration behind the creation of Falling Fast?
Tina: I’ve always been intrigued by the idea of giving a couple a tough history to overcome. Raleigh was the bad boy who raced illegally. Mia was a seventeen-year-old cancer survivor who desperately wanted to make up for those years of facing death and the rigors of treatment. Their summer romance burned hot and bright—and then was extinguished when a racing accident severely burns her and sends Raleigh to jail. They are lost to each other for seven years… but life throws them together in an unexpected way. (Well, the author does!)
9) How many books do you ultimately have planned for each of the series?
Tina: Right now I have three stories in mind. Falling Hard comes out in December.
10) What types of scenes do you enjoy writing the most (love, action, dialogue, etc) and why?
Tina: I love conflict scenes, when the juicy angst really comes out.
11) What has been the most challenging thing about your career to-date?
Tina: Trying to juggle all of the elements of the business. In today’s market, an author needs to put out a lot of books, but they have to be good books. Then there’s all of the promotion, networking, and deciding where to put our time and money. And not knowing if any of it is helping.
12) Has there been a specific moment in your career thus far that you are particularly proud of?
Tina: Whenever I think about how many books I’ve written and how long I’ve survived in this industry! My first book came out twenty years ago.
13) What’s up next for Tina Wainscott? Anything else in the works – or available – outside of Falling Fast that you can share with us?
Tina: Falling Hard comes out in December. That’s Pax’s story. He’s Raleigh’s best friend, and I love the way he developed as I wrote Falling Fast. He has his demons and soft spots, and the heroine’s return to town will definitely make him face those in a big way. Their second chance is a little different, because while they had a connection, they didn’t actually date. I like to mix it up a little. In the third book, the two leads had a one-night stand, and she left him Cinderella style. He’s been thinking about her ever since.
The fourth book in the Justiss Alliance is scheduled for late next year. Right now we’re focusing on contemporary romance and waiting to see what the suspense market does. I’m always playing with new ideas, but I don’t want to say anything until I have a definite. ;)
14) Is there anything special you’d like to say to your readers while I have you here today?
Tina: I love my readers! I appreciate all the good words and reviews and support!
15) How about some quick-fire fun stuff?
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate (but my favorite Talenti
gelato flavor is vanilla, go figure)Marvel or DC Comics?
Ummm … neither? Don’t read comics, sorry! How about Calvin and Hobbes?Star Wars or Star Trek? I love Star Wars (the first trilogy) and I also loved TNG, too!
Dracula or Frankenstein (the book or the monster)? Dracula
Print or eBook? They both serve their purposes. Love the instant gratification of e-books, but I love more holding a book in my hand.
Home-cooked or eating out? I love cooking (but not cleaning!). That said, I also enjoy eating out a couple times a week.
Red or white (wine)? Red. Menage a Trois is my absolute favorite. But I’m good for a nice Riesling.
Cats or dogs? I’ve always been a dog person, but I haven’t had one in eleven years. But we are on the hunt for one now that we can have a fenced-in yard again. We’ve had our cat, Gypsy, for nearly seventeen years.
LITERAL ADDICTION: Tina, thank you SO much for being with us today. It was so great to meet you at Coastal Magic in February, and I really hope that I’ve piqued some readers’ interest with Falling Fast.
Tina: Thank you so much for having me! I’m honored! Love you guys!
looked up, and his eyes softened in a way she knew, and felt, right down to her
bones. He didn’t smile, but he stood, his body tensing as he took in her
approach. Friendly or hostile? He was no doubt trying to figure it out. She
tried to smile, to let him know that she wasn’t here to yell at him, but her
face felt frozen. Paralyzed. Hell, was she going to freeze up again?
She tried to utter a greeting, but her dry throat prevented the words from emerging. She waved instead.
Raleigh stepped out from behind the stone, coming toward her. His eyes hungrily roamed over her, skipping from her face down her body, then quickly back again. Not lustily but as if sating a deep thirst. And there, beneath the question in his eyes, lay a hint of a smile. Suddenly she was transported back to that first time she’d gone into the garage just to see him. To ask him more about the races. He’d looked both pleased and surprised.
“Mia,” he said, her name loaded with more than she could interpret.
For a
moment, she forgot about the scars that would be visible in the bright
sunlight. She forgot to breathe. “Raleigh,” she said. She thought she was
smiling, but it might look more like a grimace.
“Mia! We have to go!” Her mother’s voice pounded harshly from behind her.
Mia turned, spotting her mother duck-walking over in spiked heels that kept sinking into the earth, hands fisted at her sides. She turned back to Raleigh. “I just wanted to say . . . I don’t —”
“Mia,” her mother ground out.
“Blame you,” Mia managed, and quickly walked toward her mother, not wanting her anywhere near Raleigh. He would probably think she was still that timid seventeen-year-old who was afraid her parents would find out that she was sneaking out at night. But she wanted to protect him from all the angry, imprudent things that would gush from her mother’s mouth.
“What are you doing?” she hissed as Mia hooked her arm through hers and spun her back toward the casket.
“It’s called closure, Mother. The last time we spoke, he’d called to see how I was doing, and I hung up on him.”
“Well, he deserved it,” she shot back, flicking a glance backward.
Mia fought not to do the same. She didn’t want to see what expression he might have. Disgust. Sympathy. Regret. Or, even worse, just dismissal. “No, he didn’t.”
“She was talking to him,” her mother said when they reached her father. “She went to him.”
Mia met her father’s curious and disconcerted expression. “I just wanted him to know I wasn’t angry at him.” Though, dammit, she hadn’t gotten that part out.
“Why do you care what he thinks?” her father asked in his low, emotionless voice.
“Or do you care?” her mother asked. “You’re not still—”
“Of course not.” Even uttering the words in love was preposterous. Mia couldn’t help herself, glancing toward Raleigh. He was kneeling in front of the stone again, but his eyes were on her. “It was just a summer romance. Teenage hormones.”
They seemed gratified by that last declaration, even though it sounded hollow to her ears. “We should go,” her father said, nodding toward the people now milling by the limousine.
Once they reached it, she shot one more look toward Raleigh. She wanted to believe her recent declaration, but she felt exactly like that girl who had fallen fast and hard for the boy who’d made her a woman.
Follow along with the rest of the tour!: http://www.tastybooktours.com/2015/03/falling-fast-falling-fast-1-by-tina.html
*Comments for the Event can be left HERE.
Hello, everyone!
I’m super thrilled to have author Beth Cato with us today.
Beth Cato hails from Hanford, California, but currently writes and bakes cookies in a lair west of Phoenix, Arizona. She shares the household with a hockey-loving husband, a numbers-obsessed son, and a cat the size of a canned ham.
Beth's short fiction can be found in Orson Scott Card's InterGalactic Medicine Show, Beneath Ceaseless Skies, and many other magazines. She’s the proud creator of the CLOCKWORK DAGGER series.
You can keep up with Beth online at her Website, on Facebook, on Twitter, and on GoodReads.
For those of you new to Beth’s work, let me get you all caught up…
The Deepest Poison
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Octavia Leander, a young healer with incredible powers, has found her place among Miss Percival's medicians-in-training. Called to the frontlines of a never-ending war between Caskentia and the immoral Wasters, the two women must uncover the source of a devastating illness that is killing thousands of soldiers. But when Octavia's natural talents far outshine her teacher's, jealousy threatens to destroy their relationship—as time runs out to save the encampment.
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Full of magic, mystery, and romance, an enchanting steampunk fantasy debut in the bestselling vein of Trudi Canavan and Gail Carriger.
Orphaned as a child,
Octavia Leander was doomed to grow up on the streets until Miss Percival saved
her and taught her to become a
Suddenly, she is caught up in a flurry of intrigue: the dashingly attractive steward may be one of the infamous Clockwork Daggers—the Queen’s spies and assassins—and her cabin-mate harbors disturbing secrets. But the danger is only beginning, for Octavia discovers that the deadly conspiracy aboard the airship may reach the crown itself.
The Clockwork Crown
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COMING 6/9/15!!
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Rich in atmosphere, imagination, and fun, the action-packed, magic-filled sequel to The Clockwork Dagger is an enchanting steampunk fantasy, evocative of the works of Trudi Canavan and Gail Carriger
Narrowly surviving assassination and capture, Octavia Leander, a powerful magical healer, is on the run with handsome Alonzo Garrett, the Clockwork Dagger who forfeited his career with the Queen’s secret society of spies and killers—and possibly his life—to save her. Now, they are on a dangerous quest to find safety and answers: Why is Octavia so powerful? Why does she seem to be undergoing a transformation unlike any witnessed for hundreds of years?
The truth may rest with the source of her mysterious healing power—the Lady’s Tree. But the tree lies somewhere in a rough, inhospitable territory known as the Waste. Eons ago, this land was made barren and uninhabitable by an evil spell, until a few hardy souls dared to return over the last century. For years, the Waste has waged a bloody battle against the royal court to win its independence—and they need Octavia’s powers to succeed.
Joined by unlikely allies, including a menagerie of gremlin companions, she must evade killers and Clockwork Daggers on a dangerous journey through a world on the brink of deadly civil war.
How awesome do they sound!?? I absolutely cannot wait to find the time to dig in. J
For the rest of today, let’s find out some more about Beth and the books, shall we…
LITERAL ADDICTION - Chelle: Hi, Beth! Welcome
to LITERAL ADDICTION. I’m so thrilled to have you here!
Beth: Thanks, Chelle! I'm delighted to be here.
Q1): I always start out by getting to know our guest author a little bit better. Can you tell us 3 things about yourself – no matter how random – that we can’t find out easily on the Internet?
Beth: 1) I love getting new grocery ads and
clipping coupons! 2) I lived on both the Atlantic and Pacific coasts while my
husband was in the Navy. 3) I won a national writing award in 8th
grade for my Super Nintendo gaming column in the school paper.
2): If you could spend the day with anyone –
alive, dead, fictional, etc – who would you want to spend it with and what
would you want to do?
Beth: Oh gosh, talk about a deep question. I'm
going to stay close to home and say I'd want the day with my grandpa. He died
when I was 11. I inherited my knack for writing and my love of cooking from
him, and to share those things with him now would be priceless.
3): What do you like to do when you’re not
writing or taking care of other author business?
Beth: I do the stay-at-home mom thing. My son has autism so I spend a lot of time shuttling him to therapies or helping him with tasks. I love to bake. On my site, I post new recipes every Wednesday in a feature called Bready or Not, and I'm infamous for my decadent goodies. I also love to hit thrift shops.
4): What do you find the most challenging part about being a writer? What’s your absolute favorite part?
Beth: I think the most challenging thing is that you're always starting over. Each story or book starts out ugly and messy, goes through painful critiques and rewrites, then the even more painful submission process. Rejection is a constant, whether it's from editors or readers.
As for my favorite part--finding out that people actually DO enjoy my writing! Getting a happy tweet or email from a reader totally makes my day. It makes everything else worthwhile.
5): If you could spend the day in the world of
one of your favorite TV shows, what would you choose and why?
Beth: I thought of Firefly, but then I realized that being a passenger on that ship is a pretty dangerous venture. So I'll go for another Nathan Fillion show--Castle. It's witty and fun and I would love to hang out in such a ridiculously opulent author's world... so long as I wasn't the murder victim for the episode.
6): Let’s play a game… You’re the heroine from the book you last read, you’re falling in love with the hero from the one before, and you’re on the run from the antagonist of the one before that. Who are you? Who is your love interest? And who’s the big bad? ☺
Beth: I'd be the heroine of Teresa Frohock's
Miserere. Rachael a one-eyed holy knight possessed by a demon that threatens to
fully take her over. Before that book, I read E.C. Ambrose's historical fantasy
novella The Grail Maiden. The hero of that is Lord Randall, who happens to be a
married man. Maybe he's single or widowed as part of this crossover? He is a
good guy, so I don't object to him as the love interest so long as he's
available! The antagonist would be from Lexie Dunne's delightfully fun
Superheroes Anonymous. Chelsea is a supervillain
who is gunning for the down-to-earth heroine, Gail.
7): If your house were on fire, assuming you knew everyone was safe and you wouldn’t get hurt, what book would you absolutely have to save from your collection?
Beth: This stumped me. I stared at my bookshelf for a while and then realized that the answer wasn't in this room. I'd grab my childhood family photo album! That couldn't be replaced.
8): What’s a typical writing day look like for you?
Beth: I get up obscenely early, read the
newspaper, get my son up for school, and then try to catch up on email from the
night. Once my son is at school, I plant myself in my chair again, try to
finish up any other emails or other little tasks, and then get to work. That
might involve a fresh draft or several hours of revisions. I eat lunch, then go
back to work. I usually keep my evenings as family time unless I'm under a
really big deadline.
LITERAL ADDICTION – Chelle: Now I’ll ask a
little bit more about the books for our readers…
9): Was there any specific inspiration behind the
creation of the CLOCKWORK DAGGER series?
Beth: I knew I wanted to write a novel with a fresh take on healers, and I thought of doing a steampunk take on Agatha Christie's Murder on the Orient Express, but on an airship.
10): Is it really only a duology, or do you think you’ll write more? Maybe a spin-off?
Beth: The main story is just the two books, but
there are more short works set in this world. My story "The Deepest
Poison" is already out, and there will also be another short story and
novella. Beyond that... who knows? I'm certainly game to write more about
11): What type of research did you do to get things right for the CLOCKWORK DAGGER novels?
Beth: I made things a bit easier for myself
because it doesn't take place on Earth, but that brought its own burdens, too.
I had to make the full world from scratch. Octavia uses healing magic, but I
wanted her non-magical medical expertise to be grounded in reality. I read a
lot of novels and nonfiction set around World War I, which is similar to the
gritty mood and technology in my books. Books on battlefield medicine were
especially helpful.
12): Has there been a particular thing – character, setting, scene, etc – that you have just absolutely loved writing and (if possible) hope to write more of?
Beth: When I was a kid, I was absolutely horse
obsessed. I read every horse book in the library. I drew horses all over my
schoolwork. I took riding lessons. I eventually realized I'd never have a horse
of my own, but I still channel that love into my writing. It's definitely a
theme for me. An all-time favorite is "Red Dust and Dancing Horses,"
which is available to read or listen to as a podcast at Escape Pod.
13): Do you have anything else in the works that you’d like to share with us?
Beth: I hope I can announce more good news soon!
Folks can subscribe to my blog or follow me on Twitter to keep up with the
14) Is there anything special that you’d like to say to your readers and fans while we have you here today?
Beth: I love them and I'd feed them all cookies if I could? Seriously, I'm still new at this published novelist thing and I still geek out at the thought of people reading my books and becoming fans. It's awesome to be in this position. I'm so grateful to Harper Voyager, my readers, booksellers, and librarians.
15) How about some rapid-fire fun stuff?
Marvel or DC Comics? DC!
Chocolate or Vanilla? Vanilla (fro yo, please!)
TV or Big Screen? TV
Coke or Pepsi? Crystal Light with Caffeine! I'm a rebel.
Star Trek or Star Wars? Star Wars
Vampires or Werewolves? Werewolves
Sweet or Sour? Sweet!
Big City or Rustic Country? Rustic country for sure
Fall or Spring? Fall!
Thriller, Action or Romantic Comedy? Action, especially a good martial arts movie!
LITERAL ADDICTION - Chelle: Beth, thank you so
much again for coming to hang out with us. I really appreciate it! I am so
excited to check out the CLOCKWORK DAGGER books, and hope that my readers are,
as well!!
Beth: Thanks a bunch! It was great to be here.
I'm gifting a copy of The Clockwork Dagger from either Amazon or B&N. To enter, leave a comment HERE and I'll pick a winner on 6/4. :)
Hey everyone! Happy Tuesday!
LITERAL ADDICTION is super excited to be promoting for the fabulous Paula Brackston again today, and this time, we actually have her with us!
Paula Brackston lives in a wild, mountainous part of Wales. She has an MA in Creative Writing from Lancaster University, and is a Visiting Lecturer for the University of Wales, Newport. Before becoming a writer, Paula tried her hand at various career paths, with
When not hunched over her keyboard in her tiny office under the stairs, Paula is dragged outside
In 2007 Paula was short listed in the Creme de la Crime search for new writers. In 2010 her book ‘Nutters’ (writing as PJ Davy) was
She is the proud creator of The Witch’s Daughter, The Winter Witch, The Midnight Witch, and her newest release - just dropped today - The Silver Witch.
You can keep up with Paula online at her
I’m here today to help Paula promote and celebrate today's release of The Silver Witch. Here, find out more...
The Silver Witch
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Read an exclusive Excerpt
A year after her husband's sudden death, ceramic artist Tilda Fordwells finally moves into the secluded Welsh cottage that was to be their new home. She hopes that the tranquil surroundings will help ease her grief, and lessen her disturbing visions of Mat's death. Instead, the lake in the valley below her cottage seems to spark something dormant in her - a sensitivity, and a power of some sort. Animals are drawn to her, electricity shorts out when she's near, and strangest of all, she sees a new vision; a beautiful of ancient people approaching her across the water.
On this same lake
In her own time, Tilda's grief begins to fade beside her newfound powers and a fresh love. When she explores the lake's ancient magic and her own she discovers Seren, the woman in her vision of the boat. Their two
Don't they sound amazing!? I really, really enjoy getting lost in Paula's imagination. Make sure to check out her other books, The Witch's Daughter, The Winter Witch, and Midnight Witch.
For the rest of today, let's see what Paula had to say when I sat down to chat with her. :)
LITERAL ADDICTION - Chelle: Hi, Paula! Welcome to LITERAL ADDICTION. I’m so thrilled to have you here.
Paula: Thank you for inviting me.
Q1): I always start out by getting to know our guest author a little bit better. Can you tell us 3 things about yourself – no matter how random – that we can’t find out easily on the Internet?
Paula: Well, in my
I went to
agricultural college for a year and studied Equine Science, where I learned to
breed and train
And my school nickname was Mitzie, for reasons none of us can remember.
If you could spend the day with
anyone – alive, dead, fictional,
Paula: What a lovely question. I'd spend
it with William Shakespeare! Imagine being able to talk to him about what it
was like to write all those wonderful plays. If he could be persuaded, I'd want
us to pass the day creating a story together. I think there might be a few
3): What types of scenes do you enjoy writing most (action, love, dialogue) and why?
Paula: I don't think I have a
4): What are some of your favorite
Paula: Pastimes? Surely you jest! If I'm
5): Let’s play a game… You’re the heroine from the book you last read, you’re falling in love with the hero from the one before, and you’re on the run from the antagonist of the one before that. Who are you? Who is your love interest? And who’s the big bad? ☺
Paula: Heavens! That would make me Nella
from The Miniaturist, falling in love with Edward from The Silent Boy, on the
run from...
6): If you could spend the day in the world of one of your favorite TV shows, what would you choose and why?
Paula: I couldn't resist Game of Thrones, but I don't think I'd survive very long! I can still just about ride a horse, so that might help. If I was allowed to write my own script I could make sure my character met all the others in the show who really appeal to me. It's a fantastic series. I've read all the books too. I really admire George RR Martin's storytelling. He makes us invest in even the vilest of characters, so that we feel it when they are lost even though we should be glad to see the back of them.
7): What is one of your fondest childhood memories?
Paula: Sitting with my brother above our mountain home, pretending to be spies, watching the village in the valley below through binoculars, eating sugar cube sandwiches. It's a wonder we have any teeth left!
8): If you could own a first edition of any Classic novel, what would you want to own?
Paula: Candide by Voltaire. I keep a battered hardback of it next to my bed always. I still recall the first time I read it. I was only fourteen, and I couldn't believe something hundreds of years old, originally written in another language, could be such a page-turner and make me laugh so much. I think it is one of the cleverest, most multi-layered books ever written. Can I have a signed copy, please?
LITERAL ADDICTION – Chelle: Now I’ll ask a little bit more about the books for our readers…
9): Was there any specific inspiration behind the creation of The Silver Witch?
Paula: I live just a few miles from
Llangors Lake, which is where I have set the story. It's the largest lake in South
Wales and there have been settlements there for nearly 2,000 years, so it is
steeped in legends and myths. I'd wanted to write a story about it for ages,
and then my silver witch came into my mind. Once I knew what she looked like,
how she sounded, what sort of person she was, I was away. I visited the lake
often while I was working on the book to experience it in different weathers
and moods. It is a
10): Each of the books
Paula: After writing The Witch's
Daughter I really got the
11): What type of research did you do to get the world building right for The Silver Witch?
Paula: Well, because this book was set
locally I was able to get out and about
I read a lot of course, though there is not a great deal in the way of primary sources when you are looking at the tenth century! I found Welsh folk tales and legends very inspiring.
And I was tremendously lucky to be given access to the museum in Brecon, (despite it being closed for refurbishment) which has a tenth century dugout canoe that was actually found in the lake. The thing sings with history when you stand next to it - quite magical!
12): Has there been a character that you’ve written about thus far that you totally associated with and would like to get back to writing more of someday?
Paula: How can I choose a
13): Do you have anything else in the works that you’d like to share with us?
Paula: See above! I hope to finish the
sequel this summer, and it should be out next year. I've also got a new series just out. This one
is crime-fantasy, with a heavy dollop of
14) Is there anything special that you’d like to say to your readers and fans while we have you here today?
Paula: I love hearing from my readers,
so don't be shy about getting in touch. I can be reached by email via my
website, or you can find me on
14) How about some rapid-fire fun stuff?
Marvel or DC Comics?
Chocolate or Vanilla?
TV or Big Screen?
Big Screen
Coke or Pepsi?
Star Trek or Star Wars?
Sorry, neither! Can I have Dr Who instead?
Vampires or Werewolves?
Hard choice, but Vampires.
Sweet or Sour?
Heavens, does anyone choose Sour?
Big City or Rustic Country?
every time. Though I
Fall or Spring?
Fall. I think in academic years, so it feels like a beginning, and perhaps because I was born in September.
Thriller, Action or Romantic Comedy?
Thriller to make my brain work.
LITERAL ADDICTION - Chelle: Paula, thank you so much again for coming to hang out with us. I really appreciate it! I adore your books, and I can’t wait for others to check them out, as well.
Paula: Thank you so much for having me here!
Want a chance to win a print copy of The Silver Witch?
Paula’s Publicist is offering up a print copy to a US RESIDENT winner.
To enter, share about the book online wherever you love to share about your book obsession (Facebook, Twitter,
Good luck, and as always, Happy Reading!
Today, it’s my absolute pleasure to welcome the wonderful Dani Harper back to the site.
Dani Harper is a former newspaper editor whose passion for
all things supernatural led her to a second career writing paranormal fantasy. There
isn’t anything she likes better than exploring myths and legends from many
cultures, which serve to inspire her sizzling and suspenseful stories.
A longtime resident of the Canadian north and southeastern Alaska, Dani now lives in rural Washington with her retired mountain-man husband. Together they do battle with runaway gardens, rampant fruit trees, and a roving herd of chickens, with the assistance of three dogs and several grandchildren.
Dani is the proud creator of the CHANGLING, GRIM, and DARK WOLF series.
I highly recommend you check out all of Dani’s books, but
for today, we’re going to be spotlighting the GRIM series, and
Be sure to keep up with Dani online at her
GRIM Book #1
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Enslaved for millennia by the masters of the Welsh faery
realm, the fierce Celtic warrior Rhys is doomed to wander the earth forever.
But when a brave beauty unwittingly breaks the enchantment, he is drawn into a
strange new world
Sensible Morgan doesn’t believe in magic—until a mysterious
being saves her from a fate worse than death, and life as she knows it changes
forever. Now the man of her dreams has become flesh and blood, igniting a spark
From the best-selling author of Changeling Moon, this stirring novel of passion and magic launches an addictive new series for fans of paranormal romance.
Storm Bound
GRIM Book #2
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Kidnapped on his wedding day in the twelfth century and forced into a thousand years of servitude by a cold-hearted faery princess, rugged blacksmith Aidan dreams of nothing but revenge on his captor. Then the spell of a beautiful witch awakens him to the present day—and a passionate desire. But to build a future, he must first confront his past…
Modern witch and magic-shop owner Brooke doesn’t think her
life is missing anything, until a wayward
Storm Warned
GRIM Book #3
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When Caris’s unearthly musical talent attracts the attention
of the Wild Hunt, the Welsh farm girl is stolen away to serve as a
Music was Liam’s whole life—until a crushing betrayal left
him desperate to flee the public eye. Yet long-dormant passions awaken after a
powerful storm strands a beautiful, strong-willed woman on his isolated farm.
When a Fae prince bent on ruling both human and Faery realms
From the best-selling author of Changeling Moon, this
sweeping and passionate story of paranormal romance follows two souls from
centuries apart who lost everything
Our Review, by LITERAL ADDICTION's Pack Alpha - Chelle:
*Copy gifted in exchange for an honest review
I utterly enjoyed this book. It seemed to be exactly what I needed at the time, and kept my interest from beginning to end.
It should be noted that I hadn't read the previous 2
installments of the Grim series before reading this for review, and that was
Storm Warned had one of those despicable villains that you love to hate, heroes and heroines that you cheer on every step of the way, an interesting and beautifully built world with some very cool intricacies, and a supporting cast that will definitely make you want more.
Liam is a tortured hero. He had a bad break in life and it
caused him to put aside his dreams and secret himself away. You can't help but
feel for him, and while there were times I sort of wanted to shake him, it all
played out beautifully. Caris was fun, feisty and independent, a true
counterpoint to his misery. The two of them together blended harmoniously to
create a beautiful melody of love (
I am really looking forward to reading more in Ms. Harper's Grim world, and I definitely recommend Storm Warned if you're in the mood for some Fae.
Sounds good, right!!? Make sure to check them out. For the rest of today, though, let’s see what Dani had to say when we sat down to chat with her again…
LITERAL ADDICTION - Chelle: Hi, Dani! Welcome back. :) I hope you have been doing well since we last talked. Wow, it’s been 3 years since we did a Q&A; 5/10/12. Yikes! We should really catch up more often...
Dani: Omigosh! Has it really been that long? One thing about being a writer is that it’s VERY easy to lose track of time. My hubs will testify to all the meals I’ve burnt to a crisp while trying to type up “just one more sentence”. Someday I’ll probably look up from my laptop and discover that it’s suddenly twenty years in the future, à la Rip Van Winkle! (I sure hope I have at least 25 books to show for all that time on the computer…)
Q1): The last time we sat down to chat I asked you to spill 3 secrets we couldn’t find out easily on the Internet and you told us that you love pedicures. What’s your new favorite color??
Turquoise. Yes, it’s true – my favorite toenail color is vivid
2): If you could spend the day with anyone – alive, dead,
Dani: This
is a very hard decision. I’d like to fly off with the crew of the Serenity, or
sit in on a meeting of the Avengers. Just hanging out
3): What types of scenes do you enjoy writing most (action, love, dialogue) and why?
Dani: Dialogue is often the most fun because I have so little to do with it. Honest, my characters have minds of their own! They tend to grab the ball away and run with it, and it’s a lot like watching a movie – except I have to work hard to get it all written down. That’s how I first meet my characters too – even in the midst of a completely different project. They show up unannounced and start talking!
4): You told us last time that you love to garden and draw/paint. Have you done anything new and exciting in the yard that you can tell us about, or did you finally find some time to work on some art?
Dani: My artwork is still packed away in the closet, sadly, but I have managed to plant a number of trees, bushes and perennial flowers. I never tire of wandering through nurseries and looking at all the potential additions to my yard. I already have a few trays of vegetable and flower seedlings started in the house, and today I brought home a whole tray of pansies! And speaking of outdoor-projects-started-indoors, we have baby chicks arriving in a couple of weeks! Time to set up our “nursery” -- a plastic baby pool under the kitchen table with a heat lamp!
5): Let’s play a game… You’re the heroine from the book you last
read, you
Dani: What a fun question! Okay, I’m Leila Dalton Dracul, the heroine from Bound by Flames by Jeaniene Frost. I’m in love with Byron Montgomery, the new undertaker from Graveminder by Melissa Marrs. And I’m on the run from ALL KINDS of dangers in the post-apocalyptic world from Poison Princess by Kresley Cole – the mysterious and evil Arthur, the hungry dead, self-appointed militia, plus all the Arcana.
6): Authors are
Dani: I
haven’t had the pleasure of meeting one of my favorites yet. And it would be
hard to choose just one that I’d like to meet. But I’ve often thought that it
would be great to sit down and have coffee and a conversation with someone like
Jeaniene Frost, or Patricia Briggs, or Jim Butcher, or JR Ward, or Joss Whedon.
Better yet, ALL OF THEM AT ONCE! Imagine what a round
7): What is one of your fondest childhood memories?
Dani: So many to choose from! I’ll say “summer days at the town library”. I was allowed to ride my bike to this magical place by myself every few days, and both my parents and the librarian encouraged me to spend as much time there as I wanted to. And I DID want to! There was a great science fiction section, and I especially remember the Ray Bradbury and Isaac Asimov novels. I read tons of very old classics, like The Count of Monte Cristo and David Copperfield. The building was ancient, and very grand, with high ceilings and wide solid oak trim and tall windows. Golden light from the afternoon sun slanted across the hardwood floors, and I can still see the dust motes glinting in the air, and smell the pages of the books…
8): If you could own a first edition of any Classic, what would you want to own?
Dani: I’m assuming you mean classic books. If I had the chance, I’d definitely want a first edition of Dracula by Bram Stoker, and my second choice would be Frankenstein by Mary Shelley. I admit, though, I thought “classic car” at first, and I’d want a 1967 Camaro coupe in black on black!
LITERAL ADDICTION – Chelle: Now I’ll ask a little bit more about the books for our readers…
9): Was there any specific inspiration behind the creation of the GRIM series?
Dani: I’d
have to point to my childhood fascination with the Fae. Remember the old
library I talked about earlier? It was stuffed to the gills with old British
faery stories, and I’d been going there since I was three years old, so I knew
them back to front! There were stories in my family too. My
One of my favorite characters is the Black Dog, or the Grim.
Known by many names, like Gwyllgi, Barghest, and Black Shuck, the spectral
hound served as a herald of death. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle based his “Hound of
the Baskervilles” story
10): How many books do you ultimately have planned for the series?
Dani: My
characters haven’t told me yet, and I’m still consulting with my editor. Book 4
is pinned to my storyboard, waiting for me to wrap up
11): What type of
research did you do to get the world building right
Dani: My background in newspaper turned me into an avid researcher. I’m a history nut, and a stickler for details, so I work hard to research time periods, places, clothing, foods, languages, etc. I want everything to be as accurate as possible. I still make my share of mistakes, but boy, did I ever TRY to get it right!
I also collect traditional myths and legends from around the world, especially anything to do with the Fae. These stories are more fluid, and I allow myself to take a little artistic license with the creatures in them. Or rather, my characters do.
12): Has there been a character in the series thus far that you totally associate with and cannot wait to get back to writing more of?
Dani: I
don’t know if it’s a
13): Do you have anything else in the works that you’d like to share with us?
Dani: Sigh… So many story ideas, so little time… I’m just wrapping up a Christmas ghost story that I call “the little novella that GREW!” It was supposed to be a re-edit of The Holiday Spirit – and then my characters took me hostage and made me turn it into a novel. I also have a story about a psychic simmering on the back burner, another installment of the Changeling series to finish, and, and, and… you get the gist.
14) Is there anything special that you’d like to say to your readers and fans while we have you here today?
Dani: It’s been said many times, by many authors, but it’s true for me as well --- my readers are the reason I write. They’re my co-creators. I can paint a character on the page with words, but it takes a reader’s imagination to really make that character LIVE! Plus, writing has given me the opportunity to connect with many wonderful people. I love my readers!
LITERAL ADDICTION - Chelle: Dani, thank you so much again for coming back to hand out
Dani is offering up some fabulous goodies to celebrate the release and her stop here on LITERAL ADDICTION. To enter, find the Rafflecopter widget below, follow the directions, take action, and mark as 'Done'.
Good luck, and as always.... HAPPY READING!
*Comments for the Event can be left HERE!
Hi everyone!
LITERAL ADDICTION is very happy to welcome Coastal Magic 2015 Feature Author Jordan K. Rose to the site today.
Jordan loves vampires. But if you know anything about Jordan, you already know that detail. What you didn't know is that it wasn't long ago she began writing about them.
A few years back Jordan received a copy of Stephenie Meyer's Twilight from her husband as part of her anniversary gift. By the end of that week she'd read the entire series and moved onto Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles. Eight weeks and eighteen vampire books later the idea for her first book, Perpetual Light came to her followed very quickly by Eva Prim.
Jordan is a member of the national Romance Writers of America organization and several chapters.
When she's not writing about one vampire or another Jordan enjoys spending time with her husband, Ken and their lovable Labrador, Dino on the beautiful beaches of New England.
The Eva Prim Series now includes two full-length novels, The Demon Mistress and Prim & Proper, and four short stories. Black Magic Rose, Book One of The Alliance Series is now available. Book 2 is coming in 2016. The Central City Romance Novella Series has 3 books out, with books 4 and 5 coming in February and March.
Keep up with Jordan online at her Website, on Facebook, on Twitter, and on GoodReads.
As mentioned, Jordan is the proud creator of the EVA PRIM, ALLIANCE and CENTRAL CITY ROMANCE series.
Let me tell you a bit more about Jordan’s books…
The Demon Mistress
EVA PRIM Book #1
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What’s a girl to do when she discovers her husband, who happens to be the Master Vampire for the New England Region, has been lying to her for, oh, say a hundred and eighty years?
Well, it all depends. If she’s accidentally released forty demons from some creepy old book, unintentionally announced the existence of vampires on The Internet, kidnapped a werewolf, enraged a lovesick vampire by stealing his approved mate, and attracted the attention of The High Commander for The Vampire Federation, not to mention gotten stoned and mastered the forbidden art of demon calling, she might be willing to call it even.
Or, she might plead her case at an Inquisition and hope like all hell, she isn’t staked before sunrise. Eh, a slightly busier night than usual, but nothing Eva Prim can’t handle.
Prim and Proper
EVA PRIM Book #2
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A formal vampire reception is just that- formal. There are rules. There are expectations. There are certain security measures that must be taken.
The list of things that should not occur includes, but is not limited to: duels for subjugation, bar brawls, and accidental, er, unintentional, well, not-meant-to-happen-at-that-moment demon calling.
Drinking from other master vampires, turning new vampires without permission, and reliving your first kiss, which happened to be with a serial killer are absolutely inappropriate.
Having your demon-vampire-husband-master end up with an incurable case of vamnesia adds another level of complexity to the festivities, not to mention your marriage.
But Eva Prim has caused...experienced…survived, yes, that's the word. Eva and Stefan have survived other difficult challenges and she's confident they'll laugh about this some night. She thinks. Maybe.
There are also several companion novellas for the EVA PRIM series. So make sure you check those out, as well.
Her Vampire’s Promise
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Raging Fire Kills Co-Founder, Daughter.
Panthera Laboratories in Ruin.
~ Central City Gazette, 1994
Reade Hayes knows better than any vampire that nothing good ever comes out of Central City. So he isn’t surprised the beautiful blonde he meets in a dive bar is crazy. What does surprise him is how fast she moves, how hard she hits, and the fact she’s wearing a ring he last saw two decades ago on the hand of his dead friend.
Is it possible the little girl he swore a blood pact to protect didn’t die in the fire? If the beauty sitting beside him is that pretty little baby, where has she been for twenty years? And why is she so lethal?
On hindsight Lawrie Tyrone realizes drinking vampire blood might not have been the smartest decision. But scientists experiment and if she is going to prove her father was not a traitor, she has to take risks. So far she’s experienced no alarming side effects, well, none other than being able to recognize vampires walking among humans.
From the power he exudes to his gorgeous dark eyes everything about the man to her right screams danger. Every logical thought tells her to kill him. But something in his eyes stops her. Is he using his vampire powers to influence her, or is something else making her heart ache for him?
Can love thrive in the ruins of Central City?
Her Vampire’s Partner
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With Panthera Laboratories running again The Vampire Guard has no choice but to return to Central City. Pretending to be lovers Hunter and Alice are sent to do reconnaissance. But pretending to be something they both wish was real proves harder than they expect.
All logical thought tells Alice there’s no reason to mix business with pleasure unless you’re looking for a problem. Like every other girl who notices Hunter, she fantasizes about him. But becoming a member of his haram is not one of her life goals, neither is being forced to return to a life on the street. If there’s one sure-fire way of jeopardizing her career with The Guard and losing everything she’s worked so hard to attain, it’s by sleeping with her partner. The only problem is she can’t get her heart to believe logic or reason.
What is happening to Hunter? Is he losing his touch—his vampire touch? In all his years Hunter has never encountered anyone who could resist his vampire influence. Not until Alice. She’s also the only human to ever best him in a sparring match, but that was beginners luck and had nothing to do with the fact that he couldn’t stop thinking of how he wished she would see him as more than just a partner at work. No woman has ever awakened these feelings and no woman has ever denied him. He’ll do anything to persuade her to be his partner for life, love and eternity.
A Vampire’s Passion
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Homeless are disappearing. There's an evil army on the rise. Are the two connected? Brandt's determined to find out.
With The Vampire Guard on high alert Brandt focuses on his reconnaissance mission to stake out Menhaden's, a new upscale restaurant in the hub of Central City. He finds more than he bargains for when he meets Rachel, a petite waitress with a huge attitude and a stubborn streak to make any man crazy. She also possesses the most mesmerizing blue eyes he's ever seen in the century he's been on this earth.
Rachel has had her fair share of hard times. She knows what it's like to live on the streets, fighting for her next meal and failing more often than not. When her friend becomes one of the missing homeless, she will stop at nothing to find him. That includes listening to the tall, dark, and dangerously arousing man who keeps getting in her way. His commands border on the ridiculous and she refuses to heed them, regardless of the so-called danger he claims she's in. She knows how to take care of herself and anyone else who comes along.
Brandt is convinced Rachel is deep in the thick of Panthera Laboratories' plans and doesn't even realize it. The longer she's on the street, the closer she comes to being part of the twisted experiments he's there to stop. Try telling her that. She refuses to follow orders, no matter how many times and ways he tries to convince her. Is he losing his power as a vampire? Or is her allure more powerful than his will?
There's only one way to find out.
His Vampire Past
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Is it possible to reduce the amount of workplace violence in an organization run by vampires and werewolves? Sofia Engle, the new Employee Relations Manager at Cader House Hospital is about to find out, and she may not like the answer, or the series of firsts she experiences: first human employee at Cader House, first day tardy, first kiss with a dead guy. Well, maybe kissing the dead guy wasn't the worst of it after all.
For nearly 600 years Dragomir Petrescu has fought for The Alliance. As one of the most skilled warriors the Alliance has ever seen he's killed a lot of people and won many difficult battles. But his newest human adversary is turning out to be a worthier opponent than any he's met. Just the scent of her disarms him, never mind her endless policies and silly ideals about civility.
Can he possibly keep her safe from Alliance enemies, hospital employees and himself? The term Employee Relations is about to have a whole new meaning.
Sound good, yes!!? Be sure to check them out.
For the rest of today, let’s see what Jordan had to say when I sat down to chat with her…
LITERAL ADDICTION: Hi Jordan! Thank you so much for being here today!
JORDAN: I’m thrilled to be here! Thanks so much for inviting me over. I’ve brought cookies and chocolate.
LITERAL ADDICTION: I always start by getting to know our guest V.I.P author a little bit better…
1) Can you tell us 3 things about yourself – no matter how random - that we couldn’t find out easily on the Internet?
JORDAN: Hmm. Okay, well, I am tone deaf, as proven on Christmas Eve when I serenaded my family with Christmas carols and was able to hit only one note. I am afraid of Leprechauns. Hate the little monsters. And I’ve always wanted to learn to play the drums.
2) What are 2 things that always make you smile, and 2 things that never fail to piss you off?
JORDAN: The 2 things that always make me smile are hearing my husband’s voice and cuddling with my dog. The 2 things that irritate me tremendously are people who don’t follow the rules of the road- seriously, because a person exists does not mean the rules don’t apply to them and waiting in doctor’s offices. Oh my God- my time is equally as valuable. When I’m made to wait because doctors overbook themselves, I get very cranky. And I’m not quiet about it either.
3) Was there anyone (or anything) that was directly involved with your drive to become an author?
JORDAN: I would say it was my husband. I hadn’t set out to be a writer. When I told my husband about my idea for a book, he encouraged me and he has encouraged me ever since. I really don’t think I’d have moved forward with finishing a book without him.
4) Let’s play a game… You are the heroine of the last book you read, being chased by the antagonist of the one before, and end up in the arms of the hero from the one before that. What’s the scenario?
JORDAN: Oh, I like this. I would be Verity from Michele Hauf’s Beyond The Moon, chased by the creepy art curator from Bella Andre’s Let Me Be The One (I can’t think of his name!) and I’d end up with Reyes from Darynda’s Charley Davidson Series. Yay!
5) If you could spend the day with anyone – alive, dead, fictional, etc – with whom would you want to spend it, and what would you want to do?
JORDAN: Lucille Ball. I’ve loved her since I was very litte. I’d want to spend the day on the set of I Love Lucy and hear all about her life.
6) What’s a typical writing day look like for you?
JORDAN: Generally, I write very early in the morning. I’m usually writing by around 6 AM. I write for a couple hours, then work and later in the day I do other, not nearly as creative work, like play on Twitter and FB or research ideas. I’m really only creative first thing in the morning. Later in the day I’m to tired to think straight!
7) If we were to check out your DVR, what are some of the shows we’d see?
JORDAN: Getting On, Love Actually, The Patriot, Supernatural
8) Was there any specific inspiration behind the creation of the EVA PRIM or THE ALLIANCE series?
JORDAN: There really wasn’t for The Alliance. However, for Eva I think of her as a cross between Lucille Ball and Elvira. They were who came to mind when she popped up.
9) How many books do you ultimately have planned for each of the series?
JORDAN: I’m unsure on most. The Alliance I can see about 4 or 5. With Eva I think the series will go a bit longer. The Central City series will be 6 books.
10) What types of scenes do you enjoy writing the most (love, action, dialogue, etc) and why?
JORDAN: I like scenes that have a bit of all aspects. I like there to be a lot of movement and love, of course. I suppose I least like writing the physical love scenes.
11) What was the most challenging thing about creating each of the series?
JORDAN: I’d say it’s making sure the characters or the series grow and don’t stay stagnant. For examples, Eva is a goofball. Making sure she maintains her silliness, but continues to mature is a challenge. She’s really quite powerful, though she doesn’t understand the breadth or bounds of her abilities. If her character doesn’t grow with each book she could easily turn into a monster!
12) Has there been a specific moment in your career thus far that you are particularly proud of?
JORDAN: I think the most wonderful moments have been hearing from readers who’ve enjoyed my books. I’m amazed when someone quotes back a scene or asks me about a specific character. It’s so surprising that I’m often times embarrassed. I feel like – who am I that this person has any interest in me? It’s very humbling.
13) What’s up next for Jordan K. Rose? Anything else in the works – or available – outside of what I covered above that you can share with us?
JORDAN: I have a Valentine’s Day anthology coming out with Hildie McQueen, Kirsten Osborne, Jamie Lee Scott and Olivia Gaines. The anthology is Call Me Valentino. He’s the same hero across 5 different worlds. I wrote the vampire story, of course! My novella is the 5th novella in the Central City Romance Series. I’m very excited about the anthology.
14) Anything else coming up that you want to be sure your readers and fans know about – online events, signings, conventions (outside of Coastal Magic), etc?
JORDAN: We’re in the process of planning events for February’s release so I don’t have details on that. Later this year the third Eva Prim book releases and I’ll be having FB and Twitter parties which I’ll post on line.
15) Is there anything special you’d like to say to your readers while we have you here today?
JORDAN: A huge THANK YOU for reading my books and for emailing me and spending time with me on line and at the conferences. I’m truly grateful.
LITERAL ADDICTION: JORDAN, thank you SO much for being with us today. I really hope that I’ve turned some new readers on to your work, and I hope that people will go out, pick up, and love your books. I’m super excited to meet you in February. :)
JORDAN: You’re welcome and thank you so Chelle! I’m excited to meet you, too. I’m looking forward to a fun weekend at Coastal Magic.
Do you want to meet Jordan? You can! Registration is still open for the Coastal Magic Convention in Daytona Beach, FL. You can meet Jordan, tons of other amazing UF and PNR authors, LITERAL ADDICTION's officers and other well known featured bloggers, and loads of fellow book addicts and paranormal junkies at the Coastal Magic Convention in Daytona Beach, FL Feb 5-8 2015.
Coastal Magic is a super casual, urban fantasy and paranormal romance focused convention in Daytona. With panels designed to start interesting discussion, and meet & greets with fun themes, we’ve got something for every fan. Join us for reader, blogger, and author shenanigans, and lots of “supernatural” inspired activities. Saturday’s charity book sale and signing is open to convention attendees, and FREE to the public. Come take a bite out of the beach with us!! Feb 5-8, 2015. Get your ticket HERE.
Keep up with all things Coastal Magic at the Website / Facebook Page / Facebook Event / Twitter / Pinterest
*Comments for the Event can be left HERE
Hello my Literal Addicts!!
LITERAL ADDICTION is thrilled to welcome the wonderful Donna Grant back to our site today!
Donna Grant is the award winning author of more than forty novels spanning multiple genres of romance – Scottish Medieval, historical, dark fantasy, time travel, erotic, and paranormal.

Donna was born and raised in Texas but loves to travel. Her adventures have taken her throughout the United States as well as to Jamaica, Mexico, and Scotland. Growing up on the Texas/Louisiana border, Donna’s Cajun side of the family taught her the “spicy” side of life while her Texas roots gave her two-steppin’ and bareback riding.
Her childhood dream was to become a professional ballet dancer and study under the amazing Mikhail Baryshnikov. Though she never got to meet Baryshnikov, she did make it to New York City and performed in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. Later, Donna’s love of the romance genre and the constant stories running through her head prompted her to sit down and write her first book. Once that book was completed, there was no turning back.
Despite the deadlines and her voracious reading, Donna still manages to keep up with her two young children, three cats, and one long haired Chihuahua. She’s blessed with a proud, supportive husband who’s learned to cook far more than frozen chicken nuggets.
You can find Donna online at her Website as well as on Facebook, Twitter and Goodreads.
I’m here today to cover all of Donna’s books, but I’ll be highlighting her ROGUES OF SCOTLAND and new LARUE series, a spin-off of her CHIASSON series.
Outside of those three series, Donna is the proud creator of the DARK SWORD, DARK WARRIORS, DARK KINGS, DRUIDS GLEN, SISTERS OF MAGIC, ROYAL CHRONICLES, THE SHIELDS, WICKED TREASURES, MASTERS OF SEDUCTION and the upcoming THE SEVEN series (which I’m hoping she’ll tell us more about!).
For those of you new to Donna’s work, honestly, there isn’t a Donna Grant book I wouldn’t recommend, but as mentioned, for today, I’m going to tell you about her two latest releases and their associated series…
A generations old family of hunters fight the many evils that abound in New Orleans.
*A spinoff of the Chiasson series
Moon Kissed
LARUE Book #1
RELEASED 11/10/14!
*Add to your GoodReads Shelf *
**Buy from Amazon / Amazon UK / Amazon Ca / B&N / Kobo / iTunes **
For years, Addison Moore worked herself ragged to achieve her goals. Close to earning her degree, the contents of a shocking letter rip her world to shreds. In an attempt to forget, she wanders into a bar, unknowingly changing her life forever. Suddenly she’s surrounded by the supernatural she thought only myth and stalked by an evil priestess intent on her death. Her only chance is with an enigmatic man who makes her want to forget everything just to be in his arms.
Myles LaRue was content owning a bar and hunting evil in the French Quarter. He wasn’t looking for love, especially after the tragedy his family already experienced. But when the exquisite Addison Moore walks into his life, he can’t help but be charmed. Despite the dangers surrounding them, Myles comes to one conclusion – against the odds they found each other, and now that they have, he will do whatever it takes to keep her safe.
Moon Thrall
LARUE Book #2
COMING 4/13/15
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Moon Bound
LARUE Book #3
COMING 7/20/15
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Moon Struck
LARUE Book #4
COMING 1/19/16
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Rogues of Scotland
Four Highlanders whose bond of brotherhood finds each of them cursed. It'll take special women willing to break the curse - and bet on love.
The Craving
RELEASED 3/10/14!
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** Buy from Amazon / Amazon UK / Amazon Ca / B&N / Kobo
Resigned to a lonely life after a fierce betrayal of the man who broke her spirit, Meg Alpin retreats to her family’s castle. In her pursuit to move on with her life, she uncovers long buried secrets and discovers something magical amidst the furniture in the tower. In one instant, her dull world is given bright new meaning in the form of a Highlander too magnificent, too handsome to be real.
Cursed and caged in a mirror by a gypsy, Ronan Galt’s existence is complete darkness and unquenchable need. When he’s brought back into the light, his distrust of women is at odds with his instant attraction to the beautiful and strong Meg. In his quest to be free of his prison, he will learn the true meaning of love – but will it be too late to claim the woman that was destined to be his?
The Hunger
RELEASED 10/13/14!
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** Buy from Amazon / Amazon UK / Amazon Ca / B&N / Kobo
Cursed by a gypsy and banished to a realm of darkness for over two hundred years, Morcant Banner resigns himself to an eternity of torture. With need and frustration his ever-present companions, he’s given up hope of ever seeing his friends again, let alone knowing the pleasures of a woman. When he is suddenly freed from his prison by a very beautiful, very wary woman, he’s forced to face a reality much different from the one he remembers. A reality without the men he once called brothers, but with Leana who makes him hunger like no other…
Introverted and guarded, Leana freely admits that she prefers the quiet of the forest to the company of people. She’s comfortable in her independence and enjoys her solitude. When she stumbles upon a mysterious man unconscious in the forest, the very same man she’s had a vision about, she begins to believe in the magic the villagers whisper about. Because only magic could explain the uncontrollable, irresistible longing she feels for the handsome Morcant. But can she give in to her desires, knowing that he could leave her like everyone else?
The Tempted
COMING 1/19/15!
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Stefan Kennedy is cursed by a gypsy and sentenced to a prison of darkness and despair. A hell that only serves to feed the monster within. Unexpectedly released from his mystical cell, he’s engulfed by fury and overcome by a need for vengeance. Until a beautiful woman tames his inner beast. Stefan owes it to his friends to find out what happened to them after their run-in with the gypsy, but the mysterious and enchanting Morvan may be a temptation he can’t resist.
Morvan has always been a child of the forest. She spends her days using her gifts to calm and heal the animals she encounters. But when she finds herself compelled across clan borders to a mysterious cliff with a wall of strange etchings, she’s helpless to resist. Somehow, Morvan magically brings forth a stranger seemingly more beast than man, yet despite the inherent dangers, she’s driven to help the handsome Highlander. While his appearance in her life may end up shattering the peace she’s worked so hard to find, he could also prove to be the man of her dreams.
The Seduced
COMING 2/9/15!
*Add to your GoodReads Shelf*
Look & sound awesome don’t they!!? OMGss, they sooo are!
Do you want to meet Donna in person? You can! You can meet Donna, tons of other amazing UF and PNR authors, LITERAL ADDICTION’s officers and other well known featured bloggers, and loads of fellow book addicts and paranormal junkies at the Coastal Magic Convention in Daytona Beach, FL Feb 5-8 2015.
Coastal Magic is a super casual, urban fantasy and paranormal romance focused convention in Daytona. With panels designed to start interesting discussion, and meet & greets with fun themes, we’ve got something for every fan. Join us for reader, blogger, and author shenanigans, and lots of “supernatural” inspired activities. Saturday’s charity book sale and signing is open to convention attendees, and FREE to the public. Come take a bite out of the beach with us!! Feb 5-8, 2015. Registration opened 7/1/14, so get your ticket HERE.
Keep up with all things Coastal Magic at the Website / Facebook Page / Facebook Event / Twitter / Pinterest
Now, for the rest of the day, let’s see what Donna had to say when I sat down to chat with her again…
LITERAL ADDICTION/Chelle: Hi Donna! Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to drop by and spend some time with me. I’m so happy to have you back here today! We haven’t done an interview since August of 2011. Wow!
LITERAL ADDICTION/Chelle: As you may remember, I always start by getting to know our guest V.I.P author a little bit better…
1) I asked you last time to tell me 3 things we couldn’t find out easily on the Internet and you told me that you were allergic to and hate chocolate. What is your guilty food pleasure if not chocolate?
DONNA: Hmm…that would be wine. I love a good bottle of wine paired with a wonderful pasta dish. Gets me every time. :)
2) When I asked you last time what you like to do outside of writing, you told me that you love to travel, watch movies and catch up on TV shows. Where was the last coolest place you were able to spend some time, and have there been any new movies/TV shows that have stuck out lately that you love/loved?
DONNA: We got to movies often. Intersteller was amazing, and so was Dracula Untold. With the holidays, we’ve got some catching up to do. It’ll probably be another two-day movie happening soon.
One of my favorite new TV shows this season is Stalker. I love this show! The character development is wonderful and keeps me coming back time and time again.
3) What are 2 things that always make you smile, and 2 things that never fail to piss you off?
DONNA: The Minions from Despicable Me. If I’m in a bad mood, I play their Banana Song and I’m soon laughing. What pisses me off is rudeness. There’s no call for it, yet time and again people think because they’re on the internet, they can say or do anything they please without any consequences.
4) Was there anyone (or anything) that was directly involved with your drive to become an author?
DONNA: My husband pushed me to give writing a try. I think I would’ve eventually gotten there on my own, but he encouraged me to write sooner. :)
5) I did this on Facebook and you liked it, and ironically, my hero was Stefan from The Tempted…. :) Let’s play a game… You are the heroine of the last book you read, being chased by the antagonist of the one before, and end up in the arms of the hero from the one before that. What’s the scenario?
DONNA:lol. Okay…, but a word of warning, they’re all mine since I’m in multiple deadline mode. :) I’m Skye from MOON THRALL, being chased by Donald from THE SEDUCED, and end up in the arms of Warrick from SOUL SCORCHED.
Hmm…not a bad scenario. I’d take Warrick!
6) If you could spend the day with anyone – alive, dead, fictional, etc – with whom would you want to spend it, and what would you want to do?
DONNA: Oh, that’s a difficult one. I think I’d have a tough time choose between Nix from Kresley Cole’s Immortals after Dark series or Barrons from Karen Marie Moning’s Fever series.
7) If we were to hop in your car or pick up your MP3 player and turn it on, what do you think we’d be most likely to hear?
DONNA: A very eclectic mix of music. I love everything from classical, 80s hair bands, to today’s billboard hits, to Godsmack.
8) What types of scenes do you enjoy writing the most (love, action, dialogue, etc) and why?
DONNA: It depends on my mood. Action can be draining because you have to make sure it’s all believable. I watch a lot of action/fight scenes on TV as well as bring in my hubby to make sure I’m getting it all right. Then again, sex/love scenes can be exhausting. I love starting a book and just letting the characters take flight.
9) Was there any specific inspiration behind the creation of the CHIASSON/LARUE and the ROGUES OF SCOTLAND series?
DONNA: The Rogues I’d been wanting to write for some time. I missed writing historicals, and those four seemed like a lot of fun. As for the Chiasson/LaRue series, that was for my father. He was raised in Lyons Point, Louisiana, and I spent much of my childhood in that area with family.
10) Forgive me for not knowing this, but was the CHIASSON series your first indie adventure? What has it been like (besides crazy busy!) juggling traditional along with indie? What are you loving and hating about independent publishing versus NY traditional?
DONNA: I released several backlist series that I had the rights returned to. However, the Chiassons were my first new indie series.
11) There’s room for another spin-off within the LARUE series with the Moonstone pack. Do you think that it might happen someday? Or maybe you have some other yummy highlanders or other incredible supernaturals rattling around in that wickedly imaginative brain of yours that might be unleashed on the world some day via your indie avenue… (and yes I’m biased, but I am also curious if you have other indie stories that you’d like to see told)
DONNA: Aw. Thank you, Chelle! With a spin-off series coming from my Dragon Kings, my schedule has filled up quickly. I’ve got several ideas I’d love to write, but its all about finding the time. ;)
12) I keep hearing that paranormal is dying once again (which I don’t believe!), and it seems that most of my favorite PNR and UF authors are switching over to light-hearted and sweet contemporary romance or ’50 Shades-like’ erotica/BDSM lately (which is giving me time to catch up on books that I wanted to read years ago because I’m just not personally inclined to make that switch, at least not yet), but… are you thinking of making a switch-over, as well and trying out some other genres?
DONNA: I’ve been writing paranormal for years, and I hear that they’re dying at least once a day. When I first published, it was with historical paranormal, and I heard from agents that told me it would never sell. Yet, it did, with several publishers wanting the Dark Sword series. I’m always inclined to write paranormal in some fashion, no matter if its contemporary or historical.
Having said that, I do like to spread my wings a bit. It’s not erotic/BDSM or even light contemporary, but it is different.
13) O.K, what’s up next for Donna Grant? There’s a new series coming from St. Martins called THE SEVEN that’s a spin-off of the DARK KINGS about the Fae, yes!? Can you tell us a little bit more about hat and anything else you might have in the works or coming that we can look forward to (you’re always so busy [and we LOVE IT!])?
DONNA: I’m keeping most of the info about The Seven pretty close for now. I don’t want any kind of spoilers before it’s time. I’m so excited for the Fae to have a series of their own. It’ll be heavily connected to the Dragon Kings, since they’ll be crossing over. There are some surprises in The Seven that I don’t think many will see coming. Between The Seven releasing every 3 months, as well as the Dragon King books releasing every 3 months, and finishing up the Chiasson/LaRue series, my year is booked for 2015. But…that’s not to say that’s all that is coming. ;)
14) Anything else coming up that you want to be sure your readers and fans know about – collections/bundles, online events, signings, conventions (outside of Coastal Magic), etc?
DONNA: There are always things in the works with me. :) I’ll be at a few signings/conventions for 2015 that can be found on my website. I’ve got my annual 12 Dark Days of Christmas giveaway on FB coming up!
15) Is there anything special you’d like to say to your readers while I have you here today?
DONNA: Thank you! Thank you for reading my books, loving my characters, and getting so involved with my series. I wouldn’t be here without you!
LITERAL ADDICTION/Chelle: Donna, thank you SO much for being here today. I know how busy you are, and it means a lot that you took some time out to chat with my readers and me a bit. I really hope that I’ve turned some new readers on to your work, and I hope that people will go out, pick up, and love the CHIASSON, LARUE and ROGUES OF SCOTLAND novellas. I’m super excited to finally meet you in February!! *squee*
DONNA: Thank you, Chelle! I can’t wait until February so we can finally chat in person.
Since Wild Fever (CHIASSON Book #1) is FREE at most places (Amazon US, Amazon UK, Amazon Ca, Amazon AU, iTunes, Kobo), Donna is offering up an eCopy of Wild Dream (book #2 of the CHIASSON series) to get you hooked into the world.
To enter, leave a comment HERE with your email address and desired eBook format and I'll pick a winner on 12/16.
Good luck, and as always… Happy Reading!!
Hello my literal addicts!
I’m here today to tell you all about a brand new sexy collection called Steam releasing tomorrow, 12/2/14. What is Steam you ask?
Steam is an exclusive, very limited edition collection of arousing erotic romances by the genre's hottest New York Times and USA Today bestselling authors.

There's something to satisfy everyone's desires in this scintillating six-pack - Bad boys, Cajun lovers, a naughty cop, a fireman who is ready to stoke your flames, a powerful billionaire, and one sexy Frenchman.
Indulge in your fantasies and steam up your reading glasses with these wickedly decadent stories. Five full books, plus a sizzling sampler. GRAB IT WHILE YOU CAN!
Add to your GoodReads Shelf
Pre-Order/Buy tomorrow for just $.99 from Amazon US / Amazon UK / Amazon CA / B&N
Let me tell you a bit about the incredible authors…
New York Times and USA Today bestselling author NINA BRUHNS aka NIKITA BLACK achieved international bestsellerdom writing for Berkley, Harlequin, and Silhouette, and as an indie author with Cajun Hot Press. Nina has earned numerous awards for her thirty-plus books to date, including three Daphne du Maurier Awards for Best Overall Mystery-Suspense Book of the Year, three Rita nominations, four RT Bookclub Reviewers Choice Awards, a National Readers Choice Award, five Dorothy Parker Awards of Excellence, and two Golden Hearts.
Writing a book was number one on MARI CARR's bucket list. Now her computer is jammed full of stories -- novels, novellas, short stories and dead-ends. A New York Times and USA Today bestseller, Mari finds time for writing by squeezing it into the hours between 3 a.m. and daybreak when her family is asleep.
New York Times and USA Today bestselling author CATHRYN FOX is a wife, mom, sister, daughter, and friend. She loves dogs, sunny weather, anything chocolate, pizza and red wine. Cathryn has two teenagers who keep her busy and a husband who is convinced he can turn her into a mixed martial arts fan. When not writing, Cathryn can be found hanging out with her kids, or watching a big action flick with her husband.
LAUREN HAWKEYE is the New York Times bestselling author of over thirty published novels, novellas and short stories. She lives in the mountains of Alberta, Canada with her husband, young son, pit bull and idiot cat. Coffee, craft nights and Outlander are among her favorite things.
The author of over 60 novels in the fantasy, action/adventure, historical and paranormal romance genres, MICHELE HAUF also writes erotica as Michele Renae. Michele is good at daydreaming, kitty wrangling, navigating Paris from memory, and locating parking spots close to the front door. She is not so good at making bath bombs, being patient in line at the Post Office, and reading only one book at a time.
New York Times and USA Today bestselling author VIVI ANNA aka TAWNY STOKES has published over 40 paranormal romance, urban fantasy, scifi, and young adult novels, for New York publishers as well as independently. Tawny's YA, Static, was one of the most read books on Wattpad with close to 3 million hits. Tawny was recently hired by Wattpad and Smokebomb Entertainment to write companion stories to the popular webseries "Carmilla", which airs on Vervegirl TV. Tawny is one of the co-founders of #TVwriter
Now, let me tell you a bit about each of their stories in Steam.
CAJUN HOT by #1 Best Selling Author NIKITA BLACK
A hot-blooded Cajun seduces his beautiful captive...but who will fall in love?

COVERT AFFAIRS by New York Times Best Selling author MARI CARR
Tempting teacher and naughty undercover cop must keep their sizzling affair top-secret.
FEVER by New York Times Best Selling author CATHRYN FOX
Burning up inside? Feeling that fire down below? Call The Hot Line...
A BRIDE FOR A BILLIONAIRE by New York Times Best Selling author LAUREN HAWKEYE
Rich and powerful, he's desperate to possess her...and makes her a wicked proposition she can't refuse.
bestselling, award-winning author MICHELE RENAE
The first time she glimpses her fantasy-inducing new neighbor, his sultry smile arouses her imagination--and her desires.
Steam also includes a sizzling sampler to delight!
BAD TO THE BONE by New York Times Best Selling author VIVI ANNA
She didn't expect to wake up chained to a bed...nor to fall for her mysterious kidnapper.
The ladies have set up a Facebook page for the collection and are holding an Event Wednesday, December 3rd, from 1:00 – 10:00pm ET. Make sure to Join and check it out. There will be prizes and lots of chatting with the authors.
For the rest of today, let’s see what the ladies had to say when I asked them about their stories in the collection
1) What was your inspiration for your story in STEAM?
Mari: I'm a teacher, so the high school setting is a very familiar one to me. We had a hot undercover cop from the gang task force stop by from time to time at my school and I always thought…that's a story!
Michele: I have a mad passion for Paris. I really have to live there someday. And well, can you imagine spying a handsome Frenchman through the window one day? What would you do? Would you wave? Do you think he would wave back? I had to explore the possibilities.
Vivi: The song Bad to the Bone
Lauren: I wanted to write a story that was a take on one of my fave movies from when I was in high school, Cruel Intentions. This book is the result.
Nina: I wrote CAJUN HOT during the time I was writing for Silhouette/Harlequin, and their "heat" guidelines were very strict at that time. I wanted to try my hand at something really hot hot hot. And I've always loved the idea of a steamy bayou encounter with a guy who can really cook...in more ways than one!
Cathryn: The local firefighters who sell calendars at the market, and raise money for the burn unit at the hospital. A wonder bunch of men.
2) Is your story part of a series? If so, which series and where can my readers find out more?
Mari: Covert Affairs is part of the Lowell High stories, a series of books that take place in Lowell High School. They were some of my favorite stories to write and I've always thought I'd like to go back and add more to the collection. You can find out more about the books on my website at http://maricarr.com/books/lowell-high-series/ <http://maricarr.com/books/lowell-high-series/>
Michele: WINDOW is book #1 in The Paris Secrets trilogy. It is a stand-alone story, but I have to honestly say that I’m hoping readers will want to read the whole trilogy and discover even more about the lovers introduced in the first story. Info about all the books can be found at my website: http://michelerenae.com <http://michelerenae.com/>
Vivi: It is part of the Blackthorn Wolves, and The Werewolf Liaison series. Find them on Amazon, B&N, iTunes, Kobo...
Lauren: I hadn't intended it to be so, but it's been my most popular book ever. because of this there will be one more A Virgin, A Billionaire and a Marriage story, which is available for preorder now, and then the series will spin off into a connected series, Billionaire Brothers.
Nina: No, CAJUN HOT is not part of a series. However, under my real name, Nina Bruhns, I've written several other Cajun/Creole/Louisiana books, including the NEW ORLEANS trilogy starting with CATCH ME IF YOU CAN. Find the info on my website www.NInaBruhns.com <http://www.NInaBruhns.com> or your favorite online retailer.
Cathryn: Yes, its the first book in the Firefigher Heat series. Book 2 and 3, Siren and Flash Fire can be found at all vendors. For more information check out my website here. http://www.cathrynfox.com/the_hot_line.shtml
3) We’ve read the blurb, but can you give us your own high-level interpretation of your book in STEAM? Hook us, intrigue us… :)
Mari: Covert Affairs is essentially two strong personalities coming together to work for a common cause. Mac and Kelly are passionate people, very devoted to their careers. And while that passion leads to some heated disagreements about the job they're doing, it also translates into unbridled, set-the-sheets-on-fire sex!
Michele: She spied him through the window and he waved. The next time they sent flirtatious smiles through the glass and across the street. And then...he dared her. And she took that dare.
Vivi: Alpha wolf makes his perfect mate.
Lauren: A Bride for a Billionaire is essentially a Harlequin Presents, new adult style.
Nina: One of the main ideas behind CAJUN HOT was to give women permission to have somewhat...shall we say politically incorrect...fantasies. To show everyday women it's not bad or evil to crave things in the bedroom that we'd never put up with in the board room. Erotic romance is so common nowadays, but CAJUN HOT was one of the very first novels ever to be published in the genre--one man, one woman with super hot sex--and quite groundbreaking for the time. Underneath the steamy sizzle it's a true romance at heart, and a very upbeat story. Still one of my faves!
Cathryn: Hot firefighters who know how to tamp down the flames…of a woman in need.
4) What’s the best part about working with other authors to put out a collection?
Mari: I love collaborating on projects like STEAM because I learn so much from the other authors in terms of marketing, cover theories as well as having the opportunity forge friendships. Writing is a fairly solitary career, so it's really wonderful to actually work on a team with other authors.
Michele: I agree with everything Mari said. It’s meeting the other authors and getting a chance to be involved in a project with them that really makes it worth the time. Also, an anthology like this is a neat way to introduce your fans to the other authors, and vice versa.
Vivi: Support, lots of idea swapping.
Lauren: The creativity that flows when a bunch of authors get together on a project fills my "creative well". I love getting to meet new people.
Nina: All of the above! I'm constantly amazed by how generous and giving romance authors are, and it's a pure privilege actually to get to work with the fabulous authors I adore reading.
Cathryn: I love sharing ideas, forging friendships, and introducing my readers to new and awesome authors like the ones in Steam. Noting makes me happier than when one of my readers emails me and says, thank you for introducing me to Mari’s work, or Vivi’s work, etc!! I LOVE THAT!!
5) Is there anything else you would like my readers to know while I have you here today?
Mari: If you'd like to learn more about my work, please consider "Liking" me on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/MariCarrWriter, following me on Twitter at @MariCarr or subscribing to my newsletter: http://eepurl.com/NmRGf
Michele: STEAM is only available for a limited time. We’re projecting February as the last month it’ll be for sale. So grab it now! I promise there is something inside for everyone.
Vivi: I love interacting with readers especially on twitter. Come find me @Vivi_Tawny ;-)
Lauren: This is one heck of a deal and it's not around forever! And if you like sexy billionaires and the women they love and would like updates on more books in this series, come find me @LaurenHJameson, on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/LaurenHawkeye or sign up for my newsletter http://eepurl.com/OeF7r
Nina: Please consider posting a review of STEAM, but also, be sure to post your reviews to the individual book pages too, because as Michele said, STEAM will be disappearing after a very limited engagement. And of course, I'd love a "like" on my Facebook page facebook.com/Nina.Bruhns.author <https://facebook.com/Nina.Bruhns.author> and a signup for my new release announcements on my website! Thanks so much for hosting us!
Cathryn: I love to hear from fans, and for those who want to interact with me more, I have a street team that I’d love of for you to be a part of. We have GREAT fun there. https://www.facebook.com/groups/FOXYFICTION/ You can also find me on Facebook here. https://www.facebook.com/AuthorCathrynFox and twitter here.
Hello my lovely literal addicts! LITERAL ADDICTION is very
happy to be promoting for the wonderful D.B Reynolds once again today.
D. B. Reynolds is the RT Award-Winning author of the popular
Vampires in America series of Paranormal Romance/Urban Fantasy and an
Emmy-nominated television sound editor. She lives with her husband of many
years in a flammable canyon near the Malibu coast, and when she’s not writing
her own books, she can usually be found reading someone else’s. Visit her blog
at www.dbreynolds.com for details on all of
her books, for free stories and more.
You can find her online at her Website, on Facebook, Twitter, and on GoodReads
D.B is the proud creator of the VAMPIRES IN AMERICA series.
For those of you not yet familiar with D.B’s amazing series, first, I STRONGLY urge you to change that ASAP, and second, here is everything you need to know, including the gorgeous new covers and my reviews…
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Malibu, California-home to rock-and-roll gods and movie stars, the beautiful, the rich … and vampires. Powerful and charismatic, Raphael is a Vampire Lord, one of the few who hold the power of life and death over every vampire in existence. Thousands call him Master and have pledged absolute loyalty on their very lives. But when, in a brazen and deadly daylight attack, a gang of human killers kidnaps the one female vampire he’d give his life for, Raphael turns to a human investigator to find his enemies before it’s too late. Cynthia Leighton is smart, tough and sexy, a private investigator and former cop who’s tired of spying on cheating spouses and digging out old bank accounts. When Raphael asks for her help in tracking down the kidnappers, Cyn’s happy to accept. But she soon realizes her greatest danger comes not from the humans, but from Raphael himself. Battling Russian mobsters and treacherous vampires, and betrayed by those they trusted, Cyn and Raphael find themselves fighting for their lives while caught up in a passion of blood and violence that is destined to destroy them both.
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Houston, Texas-Cowboy boots, baseball and journeys to the stars … right? Wrong. Because Houston is also home to Jabril Karim, one of the eight powerful Vampire Lords who control all of North America. And as Private Investigator Cynthia Leighton will soon discover, not all Vampire Lords are created equal. For Jabril is the face of evil in the new world, a vampire who values no life but his own, who enslaves those he desires, steals whatever he covets and destroys anyone who stands in his way. Running from L.A. and its seductive Vampire Lord, Raphael, Cyn sees the Houston job as a welcome refuge, a place to get away and heal her broken heart. But Texas will be no vacation. For in Jabril Karim, Cyn will confront a true enemy, one who will go to any lengths to satisfy his lusts, enrich his coffers and expand his power. Fighting for the lives of two young sisters, Cyn’s journey will take her through the streets of Houston and back to L.A., where the human police are determined to bring Raphael down for the murder of one of their own. But the danger doesn’t end there. For Jabril has set his sights on Cyn, and he will stop at nothing to have her.
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Buffalo, New York—Thundering waterfalls, great sports teams … and a treacherous Vampire Lord who is slowly losing his mind. New York City vampire Rajmund Gregor is the undisputed master of The Big Apple. He bows to no one but his Sire, the Vampire Lord Krystof, who has ruled the Northeast for hundreds of years. But when Krystof summons Rajmund to his headquarters in Buffalo, Raj finds his master slowly descending into madness and his territory crumbling around him. Raj is the only one of Krystof’s children strong enough to seize power, but he’ll have to save his master before he can destroy him. Several women have gone missing and the local police are convinced a vampire is behind it. Is Krystof so lost to reality that he’s capturing and murdering human women? Is a rogue vampire moving into Krystof’s territory for the kill? Or is it something far more insidious, something that could threaten the existence of vampires everywhere? Sarah Stratton is living a lie. Her past holds a secret she shares with no one—not even her good friend Cynthia Leighton, the West Coast vampire lord’s mate. It’s a secret that could destroy her carefully constructed life as a professor at a Buffalo university. It’s also a secret that could save the lives of the missing women. To save them, however, she must enter Buffalo’s vampire community and put herself into the care of Rajmund Gregor. But can she trust Raj, the dangerously seductive vampire who wants to lay claim to far more than her secrets?
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The Pacific Northwest … home to lush forests and constant rain, to lumberjacks and computer geeks, especially those of the vampire kind. Sophia, beautiful and deadly, has spent the last hundred years dancing her way through the balmy nights and hot-blooded men of South America. But when her Sire sends an urgent summons, Sophia rushes home to Vancouver only to find he has disappeared, leaving nothing behind but three dead vampires and a letter with Sophia’s name on it. Colin Murphy, a former Navy SEAL, came to the Northwest seeking a quiet place to heal the scars earned in more than a decade at war. But when someone starts killing local vampires and torturing their mates, Colin takes on the mantle of a warrior once again as he sets out to find the killers and do whatever it takes to stop them, even if that means hunting with vampires.Following her Sire’s trail of death to a small town in northern Washington, Sophia unexpectedly discovers the heat of a South American night in Colin’s arms. But too soon Sophia and Colin find themselves in a race to uncover the killers before the next dead vampire becomes Sophia herself.
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Washington, D.C. … capital of an empire. Powerful. Exhilarating. Corrupt. And in the shadows … vampires far older than the nation itself. A power unto himself, Duncan has served at Raphael’s side for nearly the entire two hundred years of his existence. But long laid plans have finally borne fruit, and the time has come for Duncan to leave Raphael and tackle the greatest challenge of his life. He will face treacherous vampires and murderous humans. He will rock the halls of human power if necessary. But Washington, D.C. will be his. Emma Duquet cares nothing for vampire politics. She just wants to find her missing roommate and best friend, Lacey. But Lacey’s been playing with vampires of a particularly dangerous kind, and Emma will have to deal with the new vampire in town if she’s going to find her friend. Battling powerful enemies who will stop at nothing to keep their secrets, Duncan and Emma will dig beneath the corruption and depravity that is Washington, D.C. and uncover the most heinous conspiracy of all …
Vampires in America
The Vignettes Vol. I
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From award-winning author D. B. Reynolds come nine stories of seduction and intrigue set in her Vampires in America universe. Note: This is a 122 page compilation of SHORT STORIES, not a full-length novel. For the first time in print … The Vampire Vignettes From New Year’s Eve on the beaches of Malibu, to love in a penthouse over Manhattan, and a challenge fought on a snowy night in Montreal, Reynolds takes us behind the scenes with seven steamy Vignettes featuring her ultimate alpha Vampire Lords and their beautiful and independent mates. And Never Before Published – Two brand new, full-length short stories. You Belong To Me follows Duncan and his mate Emma as they consolidate power in his new territory, while generating plenty of heat in private. And then it’s time for The Wedding, as readers join Rajmund and Sarah for their big weekend … and Cyn’s girls-night-out bachelorette party. Unfortunately, some local kidnappers have other plans, and Cyn and Sarah will have to outwit their abductors before Raphael and Raj start hunting, and the entire wedding is ruined!
VAMPIRES IN AMERICA #5.5 - A Cyn & Rafael Novella
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Love, the ache in your heart when you meet the one. It can take you to soaring heights; and it can leave you bleeding in the wreckage. Loyalty, the thing which binds a Vampire Lord to his children for eternity … unless it rots from within, birthing hatred. Betrayal, it comes in many forms and from many sources … love … loyalty … betrayal. War has come to the North American vampires, and Vampire Lords are reaching across territorial lines to strengthen allies and weaken enemies. The most powerful Lord of them all, Raphael, could change the course of the war and determine who raises the final banner of victory. But at what price? And will his mate, Cyn, be the one to pay it?
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THE BADLANDS of SOUTH DAKOTA … haunting landscapes, legendary outlaws, and … vampires?
LUCAS DONLON is a Vampire Lord, one of the most powerful vampires in North America and beyond. Charming and irreverent to his friends and lovers, he enjoys everything about his life as a vampire. But when a neighboring lord makes the mistake of declaring war, he quickly discovers that Lucas is as every bit as lethal as he is charming.
KATHRYN HUNTER doesn’t care about powerful vampires or their wars. Her baby brother is missing and she will do anything to find him, even if it means going against both her FBI bosses and the local vampire lord. But Lucas Donlon has other plans for the lovely FBI agent who’s landed on his doorstep. Waging war against their enemies and each other, Lucas and Kathryn will risk everything to keep the most deadly vampire war in hundreds of years from engulfing every vampire, and human, in North America.
VAMPIRES IN AMERICA Book #6.5 – A Cyn and Raphael Novella
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POWER, it comes down to this … those who have it, those who want it. REVENGE, the need for it is a fire in the soul, a goad for the unwise. HUNTED, the fate of the foolish when they think to become the hunter. Power … Revenge … Hunted. The Lord of the Midwest is dead, and the powerful vampires of North America are gathering to choose his successor. The Vampire Council will be there to oversee the competition and to keep the violence to a bloody minimum, including Raphael, who will do whatever it takes to ensure the victor is a vampire he can trust. But someone is determined to stop Raphael and his mate, Cyn, from ever reaching Chicago, a hunter who may soon become … the hunted.
Driven by the demons of his past and the power of his vampire blood, Aden is determined to become the next Lord of the Midwest.
But as powerful vampires line up and the battles begin, Sidonie Reid walks into his life with a challenge he cannot ignore.
Vampires are running slaves out of Chicago, and Sidonie wants Aden to shut them down, permanently!
A Cyn & Raphael Novella
ALLEGIANCE . . . the ties that bind. Friendship, duty, blood.
TREACHERY . . . when friendship is abused, duty turns to burden, and blood is not enough.
UNFORGIVEN . . . because there are some things that can never be forgotten.
Allegiance . . . Treachery . . . Unforgiven.
War is imminent, and a spy has infiltrated Raphael’s estate. But his target is not Raphael; it’s his sister, Alexandra, whose earlier duplicity nearly cost Cyn her life. Raphael and Cyn are determined to play the spy’s game, traveling to Mexico to discover who their enemy is and just how far he’ll go to win. But once Raphael finds his sister, can he take the chance that she won’t betray him again?
Sinaloa, Mexico . . . haunting deserts, hot nights, and vampires, who’ve been there for hundreds of years, watching from the shadows, playing their games, manipulating humans, and surviving at any cost.
Vincent Kuxim, powerful and charismatic, was made vampire by an ambitious leader looking for soldiers to pave his way to the rule of all Mexico. But more than a century later, Vincent’s Sire is looking over his shoulder as Vincent closes in for the kill, ready to claim the title Lord of Mexico for himself.
Lana Arnold is a bounty hunter, smart, beautiful, and determined to chart her own future. So when the most powerful vampire lord in all of North America enlists her help in tracking down a very old and elusive bloodsucker, Lana sees nothing but opportunity. There’s only one catch. The client wants her to take Vincent—a vampire she neither knows nor trusts—along on her hunt. Then again, maybe it’s herself she doesn’t trust, because Vincent Kuxim is sex walking in a pair of tight black jeans.
Thrown together by circumstance, Vincent and Lana soon find themselves battling an evil they didn’t know existed in a fight that makes Vincent all the more determined to destroy his Sire, seize Mexico for himself . . . and keep Lana by his side forever.
So new readers… do I have you all salivating? Can’t blame you one bit! This series is utterly amazing and I look forward to getting lost in each and every release. If you haven’t checked them out yet, I would suggest bumping them up in your TBR queue. Like I said in my reviews… you won’t be disappointed!
If you’re a VAMPIRES IN AMERICA fan (or even if you’re not….YET) and missed our previous Events with Donna, you can find our first Interview with her HERE, the transcript of our shopping excursion and impromptu interview with Cyn and Sarah HERE, and the transcript of our trip out to the Midwest to meet with Kathryn and Lucas HERE. :)
For the rest of today, let’s see what D.B had to say when I sat down to chat with her again…
LITERAL ADDICTION - Chelle: Hi DB! I’m so happy to have you back on the site today, and am very excited to help you promote Vincent.
DB: Thanks for having me, Chelle. It’s always lovely to visit my fellow addicts.
LITERAL ADDICTION - Chelle: As usual, I always start by letting my readers get to know our guest author a little bit better.
Q1): I asked you last time to list 3 things that always make you smile and you told me your youngest niece and nephews, pictures of Jensen Ackles and Chocolate (I’m right there with you for 2 of those!). What are 3 things that never fail to make you angry?
DB: 1) Intolerance of any kind. Live your life and let others live theirs. 2) Slow or indecisive drivers. Hey, I’m from L.A., what did you expect? 3) I couldn’t come up with a #3. I’m not a very angry person.
Q2): I asked you last time some things you like to do in your free time and you said that you’re a dedicated reader and love action/adventure movies. What’s the last great title you had the pleasure to read and what was the last action movie you saw?
DB: I read so many books, but if we’re talking a “great title,” that has to be a book that I’d read more than once, something that made the Favorites folder on my Kindle. The last one of those would be Heart of Obsidian by Nalini Singh. And the last action movie that I loved was Captain America: The Winter Soldier.
Q3): If you could spend the day with anyone – alive, dead, fictional, etc – who would you want to spend it with and what would you want to do?
DB: My mom. She died way too early, and it was before I started writing seriously. I’d love to have a day with her, to catch her up on everything that’s happened. She’s the one who taught me to read and to love books.
Q4): If we were to hop in your car or pick up your MP3 player, what do you think we’d be most likely to hear?
DB: Linkin Park, probably, because I have more of their songs than any other. But I have a fairly eclectic collection of music on my devices, so it could be almost anything.
Q5): If your house was on fire, assuming everyone was safe and it was safe to do so, what print titles from your collection would you most want to save?
DB: I’ve given this some thought, because of where we live. We’re always prepared to grab and run. So I have a couple of shelves for the books I’d want to save. First of all is my husband’s very first book, based on his doctoral dissertation. It’s been reprinted, but I have a first edition and those are almost impossible to find. Plus, he’s my honey. As for the rest, all of my favorite fiction books are on that shelf—some signed, some not—20 or so titles that I’ve read over and over, including books by authors Nalini Singh, Ilona Andrews, Linda Howard, Vince Flynn, Patricia Kennealy, and others.
Q6): I asked you last time what your favorite types of scenes to write are and you said that the easiest for you is dialogue. Do you find any particular scenario or type of scene more challenging than others? Why?
DB: Sex scenes! There’s so much to keep track of. You have to keep the action flowing; keep up the heat; remember to have your characters verbalize, not just lie there silently; and figure out new ways to put tab A in slot B, or sometimes slot C, while remembering at all times who’s lying which way, what clothes they’re wearing (or not.) It’s a lot, and at the end, it has to be smooth and sexy.
Q7): Congratulations on the release of Unforgiven and Vincent! The last time I sat down to talk with you, you said that your ViA contract was for 8 novels but that you were talking about possibly going beyond that. Any update on that? Is Vincent the last book?
DB: Vincent is definitely not the last. I signed a new contract with ImaJinn/Belle for another 5 books and 2 novellas. We’re also talking about a spin-off series, so at least a couple of the books on the new contract will be the new series. But the next book after Vincent will be the 9th Vampires in America book. It’s called Deception, and it’s a new full-length Raphael and Cyn story.
Q8): 2 part question: What has been the most challenging thing about bringing the ViA series to life? Has there been something that you’re particularly proud of with regards to the series?
DB: The most challenging part is keeping the stories fresh, which means coming up with a different plot for each book. I didn’t want to simply repeat a formula over and over again. Obviously, the books are romance, so in that sense, there’s a pattern—vampire meets mate and falls in love—but I try to make their individual paths different. I’ve also tried to make each of my Vampire Lords a unique individual, not simply a cookie cutter of the others. I think I’ve succeeded in that, and I’m also proud that my vampires are in the classical mode. They’re not longsuffering, self-hating brooders. They’re arrogant about what they’ve become, about their greater senses and abilities. They’re capable of great love and tremendous loyalty, but they are also unforgiving to their enemies and can be unapologetically cruel.
Q9): Do you have anything else in the works outside of VAMPIRES IN AMERICA that you can share with us?
DB: I have a new book coming out next year that features genetically modified shifters. It’s a blend of Paranormal and Science Fiction, and it’s a story I love. I can hardly wait to share it with my readers.
Q10): Anything special you’d like to say to your readers and fans while I have you here today?
DB: As always, I want to thank every reader who’s given my books a chance, and the many, many readers who keep coming back for every book. You all have made my dream come true. I can’t adequately express how much that means to me.
LITERAL ADDICTION - Chelle: DB, thank you so much for being with us today! I’m always happy to promote for you and love doing Events for VAMPIRES IN AMERICA. I hope we can get together again for your next big release.
DB: Thank you for all you’ve done for my Vampires, Chelle. I’ll be back in March for Deception – Vampires in America Book 9 (can you believe it?)
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Hey literal addicts!
I’m very happy to welcome author Jess Haines to the site today.
Jess Haines, author of urban fantasy and paranormal romance, is a displaced New Yorker who writes about vampires, werewolves, and other bitey creatures of the night from her home in the Tampa area in Florida. She's best known for the H&W Investigations series (starting with HUNTED BY THE OTHERS).
Keep up with Jess online at her Website, on Facebook, on Twitter, and on GoodReads.
New to the H&W Investigations series? Let me get you all caught up…
Hunted by the Others
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Shiarra Waynest's detective work was dangerous enough when her client base was strictly mortal. But ailing finances have forced her to accept a lucrative case that could save her firm - if it doesn't kill her first. Shiarra has signed on to work for a high-level mage to recover an ancient artifact owned by one of New York's most powerful vampires. As soon as Shiarra meets sexy, mesmerizing vamp Alec Royce, she knows her assignment is even more complicated than she thought. With a clandestine anti-Other group trying to recruit her, and magi being eliminated, Shiarra needs back-up and enlists her ex-boyfriend - a werewolf whose non-furry form is disarmingly appealing - and a nerdy mage with surprising talents. But it may not be enough. In a city where the undead roam, magic rules, and even the Others aren't always what they seem, Shiarra has just become the secret weapon in a battle between good and evil - whether she likes it or not…
Taken by the Others
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Once, New York P.I. Shiarra Waynest’s most pressing problem was keeping her agency afloat. Now she’s dealing with two dangerous, seductive vampires who have been enemies for centuries. The only thing Max Carlyle and Alec Royce agree on is that they both want Shia–for very different reasons.
Max is determined to destroy Shia for killing his progeny, while Royce’s interest is a lot more personal. That’s not sitting well with Shia’s werewolf boyfriend, Chaz. As the feud between Max and Royce gets ever more deadly, a powerful vampire-hunting faction is urging Shia to join their side. Shia has always believed vamps were the bad guys, but she’s discovering unexpected shades of grey that are about to redefine her friends, her loyalties–and even her desires…
Deceived by the Others
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They're here, and they're real. . .werewolves, vampires, mages, and other creatures of the night. For New York P.I. Shiarra Waynest, taking care of Others business started out as a way to stay solvent. But now business is getting very, very complicated. . .
Shiarra's relationship with sexy werewolf Chaz may be somewhat unconventional. Still, after a few bumps, Shia is finally ready to get serious. That means meeting family—or in this case, bringing Chaz's entire werewolf pack along for a rollicking full-moon weekend in the Catskills.
Soon after they arrive, threatening notes appear, warning Chaz to go home. Then their cabin is ransacked. Shia starts digging to find out whether it's the work of upstart teenaged werewolves or something more sinister. Yet as rumors about her vampire connections arouse the pack's hostility, Shia has to contend with other dangers. Not just from an adversary about to make his fatal intentions known, but from a threat that's even closer than she knows. . .
Stalking the Others
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Once, she was one of the good guys–or as close as a New York P.I. can get. Then Shiarra Waynest was drawn into the world of the Others. Every faction has its own loyalties and agenda. And Shia’s recent betrayal by her ex-boyfriend means that she may be on the verge of becoming a rogue werewolf at the next full moon. Of course, with all the threats against her, Shia’s not sure she’ll live long enough to find out. The enigmatic vampire Royce wants her back in his clutches, as do two powerful werewolf packs, along with the police. Instead of going into hiding, Shia is enlisting the aid of her enchanted hunter’s belt and every dirty P.I. trick she knows. If she’s going down, she’ll take out as many of her enemies as she can–and hope that in the process, she keeps whatever humanity she has left…
Forsaken by the Others
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The Others–vampires, werewolves, things that go chomp in the night–don’t just live in nightmares anymore. They’ve joined with he mortal world. And for private investigator Shiarra Waynest, that means mayhem…
Have a one night stand with a vampire, and you can end up paying for it for eternity. P.I. Shiarra Waynest, an expert on the Others, knows that better than most. Yet here she is, waking up beside charismatic vamp Alec Royce with an aching head…and neck. Luckily, Shia has the perfect excuse for getting out of town–namely, a couple of irate East Coast werewolf packs who’d like to turn her into a chew toy.
On Royce’s suggestion, Shia temporarily relocates to Los Angeles. But something is rotten–literally–in the state of California, where local vampires are being attacked by zombies. Who could be powerful enough to control them–and reckless enough to target the immortal? Following the trail will lead Shia to a terrifying truth, and to an ancient enemy with a personal grudge…
Enslaved by the Others
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As a New York P.I. and Other specialist, Shiarra Waynest has been in plenty of trouble before. But waking up in a windowless room the prisoner of a vampire slave trader is a shock for anyone. Shia has her wits, her bravado, and a couple of used staples, so maybe she can take on a mansion full of serious evil.
But although she's desperate to escape, Shia needs some answers too. Her friends are in danger. There are betrayers and spies among them. And even if she can figure out what's going on and somehow get a message out, she's still a captive of the worst kind...
Intrigued? You should be! Make sure to check them out…
Now, let’s find out some more about Jess.
LITERAL ADDICTION: Hi Jess! Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to drop by and spend some time with us. I’m so happy to have you here today!
JESS: I’m thrilled to be here! Thanks so much for inviting me over. I’ve brought cookies.
LITERAL ADDICTION: I always start by getting to know our guest V.I.P author a little bit better…
1) Can you tell us 3 things about yourself – no matter how random - that we couldn’t find out easily on the Internet
JESS: Three things, huh? Let’s see…
First off, I have bouts of horrible stage fright. Knees knocking together, hands shaking, dry mouth, the whole nine yards.
Second, to get over said horrible stage fright, I used to push myself to do acting (stage plays, not TV or movies, if that’s what you’re thinking) and to sing. Mostly karaoke. On rare occasions, I still do.
And last, but certainly not least, at the height of my attempts to handle my stage fright I took some crazy pills and decided to be a backup singer in a blues band. Before the band broke up, we once performed in front of thousands of people for a big event. I almost passed out from stage fright, but I still got up there and did my best.
Oh, and the lead singer of our band was later among the top 30 contestants on the first season of American Idol.
The more you know, huh?
2) What are 2 things that always make you smile, and 2 things that never fail to piss you off?
JESS: Two things that always make me smile are new books added to my library and that scene in 10 Things I Hate About You where Heath Ledger starts singing “Can’t Take My Eyes Off of You”
Two things guaranteed to piss me off are people who pick on my friends or family, and traffic. Though you’d think after living in Los Angeles for 20 years, I would have gotten over my road rage.
3) Was there anyone (or anything) that was directly involved with your drive to become an author?
JESS: I had a teacher who ripped my work to shreds in college. He killed my desire to write for a number of years.
When I started writing again, it was only for myself. I had no intention of ever letting anyone read what was turning into HUNTED BY THE OTHERS, but a friend (who also happened to be a coworker at the time) was digging in my purse and found a printout of the first chapter. She proceeded to beg me for more, and was a big part of my motivation to write a chapter or more a day until the first draft was done.
After I finished the book, she pushed me to get it published. Until that point, I had given up hope of being a novelist, but she rekindled my desire and kept nudging me in that direction until I started looking for an agent. I think you know how the rest of the story goes!
4) Let’s play a game… You are the heroine of the last book you read, being chased by the antagonist of the one before, and end up in the arms of the hero from the one before that. What’s the scenario?
JESS: (I’ve got to say, there’s no way in hell I would want to be the heroine of the last book I read. Instead, I’ll go ahead and write a scene for this one…)
Holly Gray panted in terror as she dashed from room to room, slamming the doors behind her even though she knew it wouldn’t hold off her assailant for long. Not when he could simply walk through the walls.
She screamed and backpedalled as the apparition swam into visibility in the hallway in front of her. Roy still had a cigarette clenched between his teeth, even though as a ghost he had no hope of lighting the cancer stick that was just as translucent as his twisted, wretched features.
“Someone call for the Ghostbusters?”
Holly straightened and held out a hand to warn the newcomer back. “Watch out for that sodding Weeping Angel wannabe! He plays dirty!”
Ryan Stone adjusted his baseball cap and hefted his bat, nodding at the ghost making ready to charge. “Sounds like fun. Let’s play ball…”
(In order of appearance, this poetic license was brought to you by:
Holly Gray from HUBBLE BUBBLE by Jane Lovering
Roy from HAUNTED ON BOURBON STREET by Deanna Chase
Ryan Stone from DARE YOU TO by Katie McGarry)
5) If you could spend the day with anyone – alive, dead, fictional, etc – with whom would you want to spend it, and what would you want to do?
JESS: I would want to spend the day with C.S. Friedman and pick her brain about the Coldfire Trilogy. Those books astound me with their depth and intricate world-building.
Not to mention ask her how she came up with the hotness of the Hunter. Oh, Gerald Tarrant. You evil bastard, you. I love me a good villain who works with and gets under the skin of the good guys.
I suppose that’s part of why I love Crowley from Supernatural so much, too.
6) Do you have any interesting writing quirks or a specific routine you must follow to begin your writing process?
JESS: I prefer to fly by the seat of my pants. If I’m forced to give an outline when working on fiction, it’s usually chopped to itty bits and worked over, and then only loosely followed to make the final product.
I can’t say I have much of a routine to writing. My process is different for almost every book. Writing fiction is something I do to relax, so I tend to write more when I’m stressed. The last 18,000 words of one of the books was written over the course of a single weekend, starting from the moment I got home from work on a Friday evening until the moment I hit “The End” on Sunday night (actually early Monday morning). Deadlines can be a hell of a motivator to finish a book.
7) If we were to hop in your car or pick up your MP3 player and turn it on, what do you think we’d be most likely to hear?
JESS: Probably the Underworld: Awakening soundtrack. Ridiculous movie, great music (if you like that sort of thing).
Give it a listen, if you’re so inclined. This is a partial playlist including songs by Evanescence, Combichrist, 8mm: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TMp-iGRNiow&list=PL29D7616BB23B7823
There is some other great music not included in that playlist by Linkin Park, The Cure, and Collide. The song by Collide is probably my favorite on the soundtrack:
8) Was there any specific inspiration behind the creation of the H&W INVESTIGATIONS series?
JESS: My deep and abiding love of cheesy horror and urban fantasy. I can’t say that any one thing was the inspiration, but there was certainly a conglomeration of many things that led up to it. When I wrote the first book, I wasn’t trying to be a unique snowflake, I just wanted to write something along the lines of what I knew I liked to read.
I wanted adventure. I wanted danger lurking in the shadows. I wanted vampires and werewolves and magic and excitement. To be honestly worried about whether or not the main character would survive intact because, hey, she’s human. She’s fragile. She’s genuinely scared of these things because the bulk of them could and would eat her. She doesn’t have the benefit of super strength or fangs or claws or magical healing powers. To me, that meant I had to work out ways to make her inadvertently become a player in the supernatural sandbox—and not only that, but come out on top, special powers or no.
It also meant I had to figure out how to make it all work without making the whole danged thing eye-rollingly cheesy.
I like to think I accomplished that, particularly since it appears a lot of other people like to read that kind of book, too.
9) How many books do you ultimately have planned for the series?
JESS: 3 more, for a total of 9 in the H&W Investigations series. The last 3 are temporarily on hold while I explore a new project.
10) What types of scenes do you enjoy writing the most (love, action, dialogue, etc) and why?
JESS: That changes with my mood. That said, usually dialogue, but occasionally I get really into writing action scenes.
11) What was the most challenging thing about creating the series?
JESS: Not gallivanting off into all of the secondary storylines I want to. Shiarra’s world is so much bigger than what the readers see through her eyes, and sometimes that’s frustrating. As the author, I have a bird’s eye view of what’s happening with other characters where Shiarra is not in the picture. Their struggles can be just as fascinating as hers, if not more so, sometimes. I have to keep my eye on the ball and finish out the story arc for her as intended.
12) Has there been a specific moment in your career thus far that you are particularly proud of?
JESS: Aside from getting the first book deal and the first time I saw a finished copy of HUNTED BY THE OTHERS, I would have to say it was the first time I held a physical, translated copy of HUNTED BY THE OTHERS in my hands. It was in French.
It’s funny, but that’s the moment when it really hit me—I was a real author. People weren’t just reading my ramblings in English, picking me up at a bookstore. This was for real. People in other countries, and who maybe didn’t even speak my native language, would read my words.
That was the most significant moment in my career thus far.
13) What’s up next for Jess Haines? Anything else in the works – or available – outside of H&W that you can share with us?
JESS: There are a couple of anthologies with H&W Investigations short stories in them. NOCTURNAL (my story is “Spark of Temptation”) and THE REAL WEREWIVES OF VAMPIRE COUNTY (my story is “What’s Yours Is Mine”).
I’ve got some new things in the works, but nothing official to announce yet. If you’d like to hear about those new things once they do become official, I’ll be alerting my newsletter subscribers first. You can sign up on my website, or follow me on Twitter or Facebook for the latest news (links above).
14) Anything else coming up that you want to be sure your readers and fans know about – online events, signings, conventions (outside of Coastal Magic), etc?
JESS: Sure thing! I’ve just signed on for the Readers & ‘Ritas (link: http://readers-n-ritas.org) convention, so if you’ll be there next week (Nov 7 – 9), I hope you’ll come say hello. I’ll also be at Authors After Dark in 2015.
Chances are good I’ll be at a few other conventions next year, but I don’t have all of my plans ironed out yet.
15) Is there anything special you’d like to say to your readers while we have you here today?
JESS: I’m not dead yet! I know a few people have been anxiously awaiting the next installment in the H&W-verse, and I do promise it’s coming. I’m hoping you guys will love what I’ve got up my sleeve—and I’m hoping if everything goes as planned to announce (and quite possibly release) this new project I’ve been working on at Coastal Magic, which is just one of many great reasons to attend!
LITERAL ADDICTION: Jess, thank you SO much for being with us today. I really hope that I’ve turned some new readers on to your work, and I hope that people will go out, pick up, and love the H&W INVESTIGATION novels. I’m super excited to see you again in February. :)
JESS: Thank you very much for having me, Chelle! Can’t wait to see you in Daytona! Happy reading, everybody! :)
Do you want to meet Jess in person? You can! You can meet Jess, tons of other amazing UF and PNR authors, me and LITERAL ADDICTION’s other officers, other well known featured bloggers, and loads of fellow book addicts and paranormal junkies at the Coastal Magic Convention in Daytona Beach, FL Feb 5-8 2015.
Coastal Magic is a super casual, urban fantasy and paranormal romance focused convention in Daytona. With panels designed to start interesting discussion, and meet & greets with fun themes, we’ve got something for every fan. Join us for reader, blogger, and author shenanigans, and lots of “supernatural” inspired activities. Saturday’s charity book sale and signing is open to convention attendees, and FREE to the public. Come take a bite out of the beach with us!! Feb 5-8, 2015. Registration opened 7/1/14, so get your ticket HERE.
Keep up with all things Coastal Magic at the Website / Facebook Page / Facebook Event / Twitter / Pinterest
In celebration of the series and this event, we’re offering up some special H&W Investigations swag and a signed copy of Jess’s latest book, ENSLAVED BY THE OTHERS, and a signed copy of the anthology, THE REAL WEREWIVES OF VAMPIRE COUNTY!
To enter, leave a comment HERE with your email address (entries without an email address will not be accepted) and let Jess know what you think about her series, her interview, meeting her at CMC, etc...
Good luck, and as always…. HAPPY READING!
Hey everyone!
LITERAL ADDICTION is thrilled to welcome the amazing Jenna Black back to the site today.
Jenna Black is your typical writer. Which means she's an "experience junkie." She got her BA in physical anthropology and French from Duke University.
Once upon a time, she dreamed she would be the next Jane Goodall, camping in the bush making fabulous discoveries about primate behavior. Then, during her senior year at Duke, she did some actual research in the field and made this shocking discovery: primates spend something like 80% of their time doing such exciting things as sleeping and eating.
Concluding that this discovery was her life's work in the field of primatology, she then moved on to such varied pastimes as grooming dogs and writing technical documentation. Among her other experiences . . .
• Ballroom dancing.
• Traveling all seven continents. Yes, even Antarctica.
• Becoming a Life Master in Bridge.
• Singing in a barbershop chorus.
Keep up with Jenna online at her Website, on Facebook, on Twitter, and on GoodReads.
I highly suggestion checking out her entire backlist (I’m a Jenna Black fangirl!), but for today, I’m going to tell you about her new release The Gifted Dead and the REPLICA series to get you all ready for its final installment in November…
The Gifted Dead
GIFTED Book #1
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Politics and magic make dangerous bedfellows.
Deep within the Order, the seeds of corruption have taken root. While younger generations of the Gifted have embraced modern democratic values, a secret society of old-guard zealots seek a return to the past, when only European men of distinguished bloodlines held power.
Now, three venerable European families and a maverick American each plot to seize control of the Order and shape it to their will. A cutthroat game of political intrigue will decide the winner; and the stakes couldn't be higher, for ruling the Order carries with it the power to grant—or deny—an afterlife.
What begins as a battle of wills could turn into an all-out war. And magic could prove deadlier than any missile.
Our Review, by LITERAL ADDICTION's Pack Alpha - Chelle:
*Copy gifted in exchange for an honest review
Oh what a tangled web we weave....
Jenna Black joins the masterful prose I am so fond of with a thrilling new concept that takes the whole 6 degrees of separation concept and pairs it with some heavy duty political intrigue, all bundled up with some very cool preternatural world building for a book that most definitely pleased!
I was told that The Gifted Dead and the GIFTED series were Game of Thrones meets House of Cards and I can kind of see that with regards to the tie ins of the characters and the intrigue and deception rampant throughout.
Interesting protagonists, baleful antagonists, an interesting and complex world with plenty of room for growth and engaging prose make for a book that I was very happy I had the chance to enjoy. I definitely recommend The Gifted Dead for urban fantasy and mystery readers looking for something new and interesting and I can't wait to see where Jenna takes this new endeavor...
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Breathtaking new YA SF from the author of the Faeriewalker series
Sixteen-year-old Nadia Lake comes from a high-class Executive family in the Corporate States. Her marriage has been arranged with the most powerful family in her state, which means she lives a life of privilege but also of public scrutiny, followed everywhere by photographers, every detail of her private life tabloid fodder. But her future is assured, as long as she can maintain her flawless public image — no easy feat when your betrothed is a notorious playboy.
Nathan Hayes is the heir of Paxco — controller of the former state of New York, and creator of human replication technology, science that every state and every country in the world would kill to have. Though Nadia and Nate aren’t in love, they’ve grown up close, and they (and the world) are happy enough with their match.
Until Nate turns up dead, and as far as everyone knows, Nadia was the last person to see him alive.
When the new Nate wakes up in the replication tanks, he knows he must have died, but with a memory that only reaches to his last memory backup, he doesn’t know what killed him. Together, Nadia and Nate must discover what really happened without revealing the secrets that those who run their world would kill to protect.
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Nate Hayes is a Replica.
The real Nate was viciously murdered, but thanks to Paxco’s groundbreaking human replication technology, a duplicate was created that holds all of the personality and the memories of the original. Or...almost all. Nate’s backup didn't extend to the days preceding his murder, leaving him searching for answers about who would kill him, and why. Now, after weeks spent attempting to solve his own murder with the help of his best friend and betrothed, Nadia Lake, Nate has found the answers he was seeking...and he doesn’t like what he’s discovered.
The original Nate was killed because he knew a secret that could change everything. Thanks to Nadia’s quick thinking, the two of them hold the cards now—or think they do.
Unfortunately, neither of them fully understands just how deep the conspiracy runs.
COMING 11/11/14!
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Nadia Lake and Nate Hayes find themselves at the center of a horrifying conspiracy in this action-packed finale of Jenna Black’s SF romance series that began with Replica
From the author of the Faeriewalker series comes the stunning conclusion to the young adult science fiction thriller series that began with Replica and continued in Resistance.
At the conclusion of Resistance, Nadia Lake and the Replica of her best friend, Nate Hayes, found themselves at the center of a horrifying conspiracy. Framed for murder and wanted by the government, they have no choice but to go underground and seek refuge in the dangerous, gang-ridden slums of the Basement.
Jenna Black brings readers an action-packed final installment that will have them racing to the finish.
Sound good, right!!?
Make sure to check them out! For the rest of today, let’s learn some more about Jenna.
LITERAL ADDICTION - Chelle: Hi Jenna! Welcome back. I’m very happy to have you here again today. Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to chat with me…
JENNA: Thanks for having me!
LITERAL ADDICTION - Chelle: As you know, I always start by getting to know our guest author a little bit better. Last time you were here I asked you to tell me 3 things about yourself I couldn’t find out on the Net and you told me that you lived in Tahiti until you were 7. Is there a place that you absolutely would love to live?
JENNA: I used to do a lot of traveling when I was younger, and one thing I discovered was that no matter how much I enjoyed the travel, I always enjoyed coming home. So honestly, I don’t think there’s anywhere else I’d like to live than in my own home here in North Carolina. (I guess that makes me a homebody, but I’m fine with that.)
Q2): I also asked you to tell me 3 things that always make you smile and you mentioned watching The Princess Bride (me too!). Do you have a favorite quote from the movie?
JENNA: It is possibly the most quotable movie of all time, and you want me to pick ONE?? Inconceivable! (Ha-ha, get it?) I’ll refrain from picking any of the obvious, most-repeated ones and settle for one that never fails to make me laugh: when Vizizni is on the boat trying to get his crew to hurry and he shouts out: “Move the thing! And … that other thing!” I would so say that if I were a movie villain! I flounder for words all the time when talking.
Q3): You mentioned that you’re a ballroom dancer. Do you do Latin and American styles? What’s your favorite style to dance in?
JENNA: I do American style (as opposed to International style), and I do both Latin and Smooth. What I claim as my favorite dance changes at the drop of a hat (kind of like my favorite book/author/series does), but I’m especially fond of Foxtrot and Cha-cha. (In fact, I’m fond enough of Cha-cha that I once had a dog by that name.)
Q4): If I were to hop in your car or snag your MP3 player, what do you think I’d be most likely to hear?
JENNA: You’d be likely to hear a series of songs in completely different genres, leaving you completely confused as to what it is exactly I like. You might hear Rockapella, or Fall Out Boy, or Sarah Brightman, or 2Cellos, or Queen, or Carrie Underwood. I guess you can say I have eclectic tastes in music.
Q5): If you could spend the day with anyone – alive, dead, fictional, etc – with whom would you want to spend it, and what would you want to do?
JENNA: I’d probably like to spend a day with Elizabeth I. I’ve always been fascinated by women in history who managed to excel and hold power and influence despite the attitudes of their times, and she’s a great example. I’ve read a couple of biographies about her, so it’s not so much the details of her life I’d be interested in as the emotional journey she had to travel. So I’d basically just want to spend a day talking to her, asking her what it was like being the daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn. How did she deal with the horror of what happened to her mother and with her father’s changeable affections? And how did someone with her childhood manage to have the self-confidence to ascend to the throne and hold it for so long? She must have been an absolutely fascinating and extraordinary woman.
Q6): If your house were on fire, assuming everyone was safe and it was safe to do so quickly, what book(s) in your collection would you want to make sure and save from the inferno?
JENNA: I’d most want to save the books I have that are signed by authors who are no longer with us, because they would be completely irreplaceable. The first books that came to mind are WHEN GRAVITY FAILS by George Alec Effinger, which is dog-eared because I’ve read it so many times. Then there’s FROST & FIRE by Roger Zelazny, who was one of my instructors at Clarion West many moons ago. Last would be MAINSPRING, by Jay Lake, a friend who lost his battle against cancer earlier this year.
Q7): Congrats on the release of The Gifted Dead. I absolutely loved it. Was there anything specific that led to the inspiration to write the book?
JENNA: It was mostly spawned by a realization that (as far as I know) there were no urban fantasies around that were written on an epic scale. I figured the current urban fantasy market was pretty glutted with vampires and werewolves and fairies, so wanted to create a world with totally new magic, not based on any existing folklore. That’s usually the realm of epic fantasy, but I decided to do a new magic system and set it in the contemporary world. I like to call it a contemporary epic fantasy.
Q8): How many books would you like to see in the series?
JENNA: I don’t have a predetermined expectation. Because of the scope of the concept and the extensive cast of characters, there’s certainly the potential for it to be open-ended. How many books I write will mostly be dependent on how readers respond to them.
Q9): What was the most challenging thing about bringing The Gifted Dead to life?
JENNA: In some ways, the most challenging part was writing the less than 150-word back cover blurb, but I’ve already written an entire blog post on that here: http://bullspec.com/2014/09/24/the-hardest-part-jenna-black-on-the-gifted-dead/
As for the writing of the book itself, the hardest part was juggling so many point of view characters. I’d never written a book with more than four or five characters’ point of view, and trying to figure out how to intertwine their various parts of the plots was definitely challenging. It meant I wasn’t always writing in perfect chronological sequence, which is what I’m used to doing. It also meant there were times when I had to move scenes around, which I also am not used to doing. But it was an invigorating challenge, and after writing quite a few first-person fantasies, it was nice not to have to make sure all the action took place right in front of a single point of view character!
Q10): What about the REPLICA trilogy? Was there any specific inspiration for the creation of that world and characters?
JENNA: The idea was originally spawned by my then-day-job, where I had the feeling that some positions within my company had an obvious heir-apparent rather than really being open to any applicant. That made me start thinking of companies as hereditary monarchies, and through the admittedly convoluted pathways of my mind, the series was born.
Q11): The Gifted Dead is out now, Revolution (REPLICA #3) is coming 11/11, do you have anything else in the works or coming soon that your readers and fans can look forward to – compilations, box sets, etc?
JENNA: The final re-release in my Guardians of the Night series will be coming out on December 23rd. This was the first series I ever published, and I’m really happy the books are getting a chance to reach a new audience. They have brand new, gorgeous covers, and I’ve done some minor touch-ups of the stories themselves. I had no idea how much I used to love (by which I mean overuse) exclamation points!
Q12): What are you the most proud of with regards to your career so far?
JENNA: I’m proud of the perseverance I showed in continuing to write and seek publication in the face of many, many years of rejection. The first book I had published by a major New York publisher was WATCHERS IN THE NIGHT (Book 1 of the Guardians of the Night series), and it was the 18th book I’d completed over the course of 16 years of trying to break in. I consider myself the poster child for “Never Give Up!”
Q13): What’s next for Jenna Black? What do you have going on in the next handful of months that your readers might be interested in – signings, conventions, online events, etc?
JENNA: If all goes according to current plan, next year will see the publication of my first hardback, a YA horror novel. I don’t know if my title will survive the editorial process, but for now the book is called ONE WITH THE NIGHT, and I had an absolute blast writing it. The tentative plan is for it to come out sometime in the fall of next year, but that’s still up in the air.
As for events, I’ll be attending the Coastal Magic Convention in February (obviously), and (as always) the RT Booklovers Convention in May. I don’t have any other public appearances scheduled at the moment, but I have a list of upcoming appearances on my website, so if anything changes or there are additions, you’ll see them there.
Q14): Is there anything special that you’d like to say to your readers while I have you here today?
JENNA: Thank you very much for all the support you’ve given me through the years. You’ve helped me through more crises of confidence than you can ever imagine.
LITERAL ADDICTION - Chelle: Jenna, thank you so much again for being back with us today. I’m thrilled to tell the world about The Gifted Dead and the upcoming REPLICA book, and I cannot wait to meet you in February!
JENNA: Thanks again for having me! I look forward to my first trip to Coastal Magic and getting to meet lots of readers and bloggers!
Want to meet Jenna? You can! You can meet Jenna, tons of other amazing UF and PNR authors, me and LITERAL ADDICTION's other officers, other well known featured bloggers, and loads of fellow book addicts and paranormal junkies at the Coastal Magic Convention in Daytona Beach, FL Feb 5-8 2015.
Coastal Magic is a super casual, urban fantasy and paranormal romance focused convention in Daytona. With panels designed to start interesting discussion, and meet & greets with fun themes, we’ve got something for every fan. Join us for reader, blogger, and author shenanigans, and lots of “supernatural” inspired activities. Saturday’s charity book sale and signing is open to convention attendees, and FREE to the public. Come take a bite out of the beach with us!! Feb 5-8, 2015. Registration opened 7/1/14, so get your ticket HERE.
Keep up with all things Coastal Magic at the Website / Facebook Page / Facebook Event / Twitter / Pinterest
In celebration of the release of The Gifted Dead and the upcoming release of Revolution, we’re giving 2 US Residents the chance to win a signed copy of The Gifted Dead or a signed ARC of Revolution, and I'm giving my International peeps the chance to win their choice of Jenna Black backlist print copy from Book Depository.
To enter, find the appropriate Rafflecopter widget below, follow the directions, take action, and mark as ‘Done’.
Good luck, and as always… HAPPY READING!
*Note: the Rafflecopter widgets aren't Mobile friendly. In order to see and enter the Rafflecopter, you must use a browser. You can use the browser on your Phone or Tablet, however, you'll probably just have to scroll in to see the widget and manipulate it better.
*Comments for the Event can be left HERE!
Hello my literal addicts!
I am super happy to have the wonderful Lisa Kessler back with us today.
Lisa Kessler is a Best Selling author of dark paranormal fiction. Her debut novel, Night Walker, won a San Diego Book Award for Best Published Fantasy-Sci-fi-Horror as well as the Romance Through the Ages Award for Best Paranormal and Best First Book. She currently writes the Night Series and the Moon Series for Entangled Publishing.
Her short stories have been published in print anthologies and magazines, and her vampire story, Immortal Beloved, was a finalist for a Bram Stoker award.
When she's not writing, Lisa is a professional vocalist, and has performed with San Diego Opera as well as other musical theater companies in San Diego. She’s married and lives in sunny San Diego, California.
You can keep up with Lisa online at her Website, on Facebook, on Twitter, and on GoodReads.
You can check out Lisa’s entire backlist HERE, but let me fill any new readers in on her MOON series so that we can all be ready for the awesome new release, Blood Moon, when it gets here! I'll also let you know about a wonderful new box set she's involved in called Seductive Supernaturals. Read on...
MOON Book #1
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Rancher Adam Sloan is more than meets the eye. As the heir to his Pack, the sexy werewolf’s biggest challenge is keeping his kin’s true nature under wraps. But a group of jaguar shifters threatens to reveal the pack, blasting into town killing humans in plain sight. And when he smells one at the local diner, his standing orders are to take her out.
Lana Turpin doesn’t realize she’s a moving target. Raised in the foster system, she only knows that she blacks out during the new moon and wakes up without remembering a thing. But now she’s being tracked by some strange organization that wants her back—even though she’s never stepped foot inside their compound. And the stranger across the diner is watching her like an enemy.
It should be a simple mission for Adam, but when he touches the frustratingly beautiful Lana, his inner wolf howls…mate. Now, the two must find and stop the people who hunt her…and Adam must keep his own family from killing the only woman he will ever love.
Hunter’s Moon
MOON Book #2
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Sasha’s future was stolen from her the moment she was bitten. Now she’s on the run from the Nero Organization that transformed her from a human detective into a shape shifting jaguar assassin.
When a rogue bounty hunter threatens her younger sister, she’ll be forced to fight, and with nowhere else to turn, Sasha will need to trust the one man who has every reason to want her dead.
Aren is a werewolf with a secret. While protecting his twin brother and Alpha of the Pack, he found his one mate for life. Sadly she’s also the jaguar assassin who tried to kill them both. Now Aren is struggling between his animal nature to love and protect her, and his loyalty to the Pack.
Add book #3, Blood Moon - Releasing Soon - to your GoodReads Shelf, as well (cover and blurb coming soon)!
And... the new box set with 11 other best-selling and award-winning authors, Seductive Supernaturals, coming 10/20/14...
Bad boys, tortured alpha heroes, and kick-ass heroines all come together in 12 steamy full-length paranormal romance novels and novellas from NY Times, USA Today, and national bestselling authors! Whether you’re looking for tantalizing dark tales or the humorous side of the supernatural, you’ll get werewolves, vampires, fallen angels, monster hunters, and ghosts—every one of them a hot temptation you won’t be able to resist…
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Check in to one of the eBook retailers to read about each of the stories that comprise the box set, including Lisa's Night Angel.
Now, let’s learn some more about Lisa, shall we?
LITERAL ADDICTION - Chelle: Hi Lisa! Welcome back. As always, I’m thrilled to be promoting for you today!!
LISA: Hi Chelle! *waving* Great to be back with the Literal Addicts again! :)
LITERAL ADDICTION - Chelle: I always start out by asking some random ‘get to know you’ type questions, as you know. We did most of the normal ones last time we did an interview with you for the NIGHT series, so I thought I’d throw some new ones at you this time.
Q1): The last time you were here I asked you to tell me 3 things about yourself I couldn’t find out easily on the Net and you mentioned that you chew gum [furiously] while you write. What’s your favorite kind and why?
LISA: Great question! LOL I’m kind of an aficionado of sugarless gums! LOL I’ve tried most all of them, and my favorite is still Trident Bubble Gum. Occasionally I’ll also chomp Trident Sweet Mint too just for a change of pace! LOL
Q2): I also asked you what you liked to do in your non-author time and you told me that you adore Disneyland. What are your favorite parts of the park?
LISA: Fantasyland is my favorite. I love the storybook rides and It’s a Small World, but during the Fall I’m all about the Haunted Mansion. They switch it up in September and all of the Nightmare Before Christmas cast takes it over. Amazing!!! It’s my favorite Halloween tradition! :)
Q3): If I were to pick up your MP3 player or jump in your car, what would I be most likely to hear?
LISA: I have pretty eclectic tastes so it could be anything from show tunes, to Adam Lambert, to Queen, to Metallica! LOL It’d probably be easier to tell you what wouldn’t be playing… Country and rap. Just not my things! :)
Q4): If your house were on fire, assuming everyone was perfectly safe and you were able, what book(s) would you attempt to go back in to save from the inferno?
LISA: All my signed Kelley Armstrong and Anne Rice books! Yikes! My hubby would be right beside me braving the flames to save all his Stephen King 1st edition hardbacks.
Q5): Let’s play a game…. You are the heroine in the last book you read and are dating the hero from the one before. Who are you and who is your boy toy?
LISA: I’m Mercy Thompson and my boy toy would be Charles from the Alpha and Omega series… I can see lots of drama on the horizon when Adam Hauptman finds out, right? LOL
Q6): What’s a typical writing day like for you? Do you have a process that you normally follow or is it sort of by the cuff?
LISA: I wish I had a typical day. Before I started writing full time, I had this mental picture that I’d have hours to write every single day, but it hasn’t worked out like that for me just yet. Between promo for new releases, sales on backlist releases, and writing new books my days are crazy. When a book deadline is nearing though, everything else takes a backseat so I can crank out words every single day. Lots of words… Whee!
Q7): Was there any specific inspiration behind the creation of the MOON series?
LISA: It was actually born from a short story. I’d met Ray Bradbury and he challenged me to write 52 short stories in 52 weeks. During that challenge I wrote a short story called Moonlight about a woman who had no idea that when she passed out during the new moon cycle, she was really shifting into a huge black jaguar.
Anyway, after I wrote the short story, I couldn’t stop thinking about Lana and Adam and wondering what would happen next. That story ended up being Chapter One of MOONLIGHT and after I met the rest of the Pack, I knew I needed to write each of their stories.
Q8): How many books do you have planned for the series?
LISA: There will be eight books total. The final book will be Sebastian’s.
Q8): For my readers who are new to the series, can you tell us a little bit about it in your own words?
LISA: The Moon Series centers around a werewolf pack in Reno, Nevada. Their path is on a collision course with a top secret government contractor, the Nero Organization, who is obsessed with breeding the ultimate assassin.
Q9): Congratulations on the wrap up of the NIGHT series by the way! So great. :) Do you have anything else in the works outside of the MOON series that you can share with my readers?
LISA: Thank you!!! I’ve been thrilled with the reader response for the final book in the Night Series, NIGHT CHILD! I’ve got a new series that my agent is shopping around, and in the meantime, NIGHT ANGEL is going into the new multi-author boxed set you mentioned above, Seductive Supernaturals! I’m thrilled to be a part of it! :)
Q10): Is there anything special you’d like to say to your readers and fans while I have you here today?
LISA: I’d love to thank all my readers and all the amazing people on my Night Angels street team too! You all make this crazy publishing journey worthwhile and I appreciate every one of you who take the time to read and breathe life into my stories.
LITERAL ADDICTION - Chelle: Lisa, thank you so much for taking time out of your busy schedule to be with us again today. I adore having you here and I am SOOO excited to finally meet you in February!
LISA: Oh I can’t wait to meet you too Chelle!!! When my first book, Night Walker, came out, you were one of the FIRST book bloggers who had me on their blog and I’ve never forgotten! Thanks for all the support over the years! :)
Do you want to meet Lisa in person? You can! You can meet Lisa, tons of other amazing UF and PNR authors, LITERAL ADDICTION's officers and other well known featured bloggers, and loads of fellow book addicts and paranormal junkies at the Coastal Magic Convention in Daytona Beach, FL Feb 5-8 2015.
Coastal Magic is a super casual, urban fantasy and paranormal romance focused convention in Daytona. With panels designed to start interesting discussion, and meet & greets with fun themes, we’ve got something for every fan. Join us for reader, blogger, and author shenanigans, and lots of “supernatural” inspired activities. Saturday’s charity book sale and signing is open to convention attendees, and FREE to the public. Come take a bite out of the beach with us!! Feb 5-8, 2015. Registration opened 7/1/14, so get your ticket HERE.
Keep up with all things Coastal Magic at the Website / Facebook Page / Facebook Event / Twitter / Pinterest
In celebration of the release of Seductive Supernaturals, Lisa is offering up an eBook copy of NIGHT WALKER and an eBook copy of MOONLIGHT….
To enter, find the Rafflecopter widget for the Event below, follow the directions, take action, and mark as ‘Done’.
Good luck and as always… HAPPY READING!
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*Comments for the Event can be left HERE!
Hi everyone!
I’m thrilled to have the very talented Cherie Priest here today!
Cherie Priest is the author of over a dozen novels, including the steampunk pulp adventures The Inexplicables, Ganymede, Dreadnought, Clementine, and Boneshaker. Boneshaker was nominated for both the Hugo Award and the Nebula Award; it was a PNBA Award winner, and winner of the Locus Award for Best Science Fiction Novel. Cherie also wrote Bloodshot and Hellbent from Bantam Spectra; Fathom and the Eden Moore series from Tor; and three novellas published by Subterranean Press. In addition to all of the above, her first foray into George R. R. Martin’s superhero universe, Fort Freak (for which she wrote the interstitial mystery), debuted in the summer of 2011. Cherie’s short stories and nonfiction articles have appeared in such fine publications as Weird Tales, Publishers Weekly, and numerous anthologies. She lives in Chattanooga, TN, with her husband, a big shaggy dog, and a fat black cat.
Keep up with Cherie online at her Website, on Facebook, on Twitter, and on GoodReads.
I highly suggest checking out Cherie’s entire backlist, but for today, I’m here to tell you all about the BORDAN DISPATCHES and Maplecroft, its debut novel.
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Lizzie Borden took an axe and gave her mother forty whacks; and when she saw what she had done, she gave her father forty-one....
The people of Fall River, Massachusetts, fear me. Perhaps rightfully so. I remain a suspect in the brutal deaths of my father and his second wife despite the verdict of innocence at my trial. With our inheritance, my sister, Emma, and I have taken up residence in Maplecroft, a mansion near the sea and far from gossip and scrutiny.
But it is not far enough from the affliction that possessed my parents. Their characters, their very souls, were consumed from within by something that left malevolent entities in their place. It originates from the ocean’s depths, plaguing the populace with tides of nightmares and madness.
This evil cannot hide from me. No matter what guise it assumes, I will be waiting for it. With an axe.
Our Review, by LITERAL ADDICTION's Pack Alpha - Chelle:
*Copy gifted from the Publisher in exchange for an honest review
Fantastically unique and utterly intriguing, Maplecroft took a true crime story that I always found fascinating and turned it on its head to be an exciting slightly historical 'urban' fantasy with a compelling mystery thread.
It was beautifully written, as well. Ms. Priest has a wonderfully lyrical quality to her writing, and while it wasn't quite poetic, it was smooth as silk and when writing from each of her characters' POVs you couldn't help but feel like you were in the room with them. I particularly liked the way the author told the story as a series of diary/journal/correspondence entries by the different characters, all overlapping, and all flowing together to create the beautiful tapestry of the mystery. It also allowed the reader to formulate their own conclusions about not only the mystery, but the supernatural fantasy woven within.
I enjoyed Maplercroft much more than I actually expected to, and I'm very curious to see what's next in the Borden Dispatches!
Definitely recommended for mystery/urban fantasy readers looking for something fresh and compelling.
How wonderful does that sound!? It really was great… :)
For the rest of today, what do you say we get to know Cherie a bit better?
LITERAL ADDICTION: Hi Cherie! I am so happy to have you here today. Thank you so much for taking time out of your schedule to chat with us for a bit. I always like to start out learning more about our guest authors…
Q1): What are 3 things about yourself – no matter how random - that we couldn’t find out easily on the Internet?
1. I have comically flat feet. Like, you’ve seriously never seen feet so flat. They’re ridiculous!
2. I have a total of nine piercings.
3. I’m not much of a singer, but I tend to surprise people when they hear me; my register is pretty low for a lady.
Q2): What are 2 things that always make you smile, and 2 things that never fail to piss you off?
CHERIE: Smiles: (1). Animals. I adore animals – mammals, reptiles, birds, and everything in between. (2). Unusual antiques, particularly if they aren’t very valuable – i.e., old posters, art glass pieces, hair combs, etc.
Pisses: (1). Being late for anything, (2). My Facebook feed.
Q3): What are some things that you enjoy doing when you’re not writing or taking care of other author business?
CHERIE: Hanging with my pets (or other people’s pets, or homeless pets up for adoption) and my husband or friends, sneaking into abandoned buildings, reading, wandering through antique malls looking for oddball items.
Q4): What’s a typical writing day like for you? Do you have anything that you absolutely have to have with you to get the creative juices flowing or any interesting writing quirks?
CHERIE: Morning is usually eaten up with “Writer Business” – answering emails, running errands (going to the bank/post office/etc.), taking phone calls, filling out interview questionnaires…that kind of thing. After lunch I try to get some writing one for a few hours, then I usually have to take a break for yard work or supper or something. Evenings I fiddle with notes for new projects (or work out tangles on existing projects), often in front of the TV and/or with a drink.
No quirks to speak of, I suppose; this is just the rhythm that the days tend to take.
Q5): If you could have 1 superpower, what would you want it to be and why?
CHERIE: I’d like to be a telepath. I’m hella-nosey.
Q6): What authors or titles (if any) do you feel inspired you to become the author that you are today?
CHERIE: I’m a big fan of the Victorians and their dark/weird fiction and mysteries – Stoker, LeFanu, Blackwood, Crawford, Doyle, and later on Lovecraft. Yet I’m also a massive dork for noir. (Hammett rules, Chandler drools.)
Q7): If you could spend the day with anyone – alive, dead, fictional, etc - who would you want it to be and what would you want to do?
CHERIE: Dracula. Man, that guy needed a hug.
Q8): Was there any specific inspiration (aside from the obvious, LOL) behind the creation of the BORDEN DISPATCHES series? Or if the whole Lizzie Borden mystery was the sole inspiration, how exactly did it inspire you to become what it is?
CHERIE: A few years ago, I ran across the trial transcripts online and read through them…and I had this weird thought that I hoped she’d actually committed the murders – because if she didn’t, she sure as hell didn’t deserve the fallout after they occurred. Once your name has made it into a nursery rhyme, your legacy is basically *set*.
But that’s not a very nice thing to think, so I consoled myself by thinking maybe she had a hell of a good reason. The rest of the story just evolved out of that, I suppose.
Q9): How many books do you ultimately have planned for the series?
CHERIE: Honestly, I wanted it to be a one-off – but the publisher had other ideas, and it was a 2-book deal. Therefore, there will only be two books.
The second, CHAPELWOOD, comes out around this time next year. It’s a sequel…but only sort of. It’s set thirty years after the events of MAPLECROFT, and is almost entirely unrelated. But it’s a different spin on the Lovecraftian angle; whereas MAPLECROFT is centered on the ocean/aquatic aspects of his mythos, CHAPELWOOD is much more cosmic in its scope.
Q9): What can we expect as the series progresses – spoiler free of course. ;-)
CHERIE: In CHAPELWOOD, Lizzie joins her old friend Simon Wolf on an investigation in the 1920s, in Birmingham, Alabama. It’s loosely based around a real case, which was so incredibly strange that it almost didn’t need a Weird element to be worth the telling. But everything’s more fun when it’s Weird, or so I like to think.
Q10): What are you the most proud of with the release of Maplecroft?
CHERIE: I’m proud of the way the epistolary style came together, with this project. It’s something I’d never really tried before, and I was afraid the voices would come off muddled or the multiple point-of-views would make the story too hard to follow (rather than giving it depth) – but all in all, I think it came together well, and I’m very happy with it. With this project, I feel like I leveled up as a storyteller.
Q11): What were some of the challenges that you encountered while bringing the book to life?
CHERIE: Juggling my other writing projects, in composition and production – and getting proposals/samples sorted for *this* year. I keep finding myself in this position where I think I’m going to be without-a-contract for a year…only to wind up overcommitted. Better too much work than not enough, I suppose – but sometimes it’s exhausting.
Q12): Has there been a moment thus far in your career that you look back on and smile every time?
CHERIE: A number of them! Honestly, I couldn’t pick.
Q13): What else are you working on outside of spreading the word about Maplecroft that we can all look forward to?
CHERIE: Well, CHAPELWOOD is next (fall of 2015) along the Lizzie Borden lines; but I also have JACARANDA coming this winter from Subterranean – and that’s a novella that’s something of an epilogue to my steampunk material. Then in June of next year (I think?) my YA debut lands via Scholastic – it’s a modern internet mystery called I AM PRINCESS X. And sometime next year (don’t know the particulars yet) I have a southern gothic ghost story coming from Tor, which is called THE FAMILY PLOT.
So I wasn’t kidding about that whole “juggling other projects” thing.
Q14): Anything else – upcoming collections, conventions, signings, etc that you want to make sure your fans know about? Maybe a virtual signing for Maplecroft that we can all get in on – hint hint. :)
CHERIE: I’m all tapped out for this year, I’m afraid; I have too much work to do, so I won’t be doing a tour. But as for the rest, see above! This year I have had three books to write and/or overlap with three in production, and I’ve been asked to pitch for several more. So I’m up to my eyeballs, over here.
Q15): Is there anything special you’d like to say to your readers while we have you here today?
CHERIE: Thanks so much! For everything, I swear. I know I do a lot of genre-hopping, and that a lot of my material is on the oddball side … but I’ve been blessed with some wonderful readers, and I am terribly grateful for their support.
LITERAL ADDICTION: Cherie, thank you so much again for being with us today. I’m SO excited to introduce some new readers to your incredible work – both new and old - and cannot wait to promote and celebrate the release of additional new books for you in the future.
The publisher is offering up a print copy of Maplecroft to a US Resident winner, but I will gift an eBook from Amazon or B&N if the winner is international.
To enter, find the Rafflecopter widget below, follow the directions, take action, and mark as 'Done'.
Good luck, and as always.... HAPPY READING!
*Note: the Rafflecopter widgets aren't Mobile friendly. In order to see and enter the Rafflecopter, you must use a browser. You can use the browser on your Phone or Tablet, however, you'll probably just have to scroll in to see the widget and manipulate it better.
Hello my lovely literal addicts,
LITERAL ADDICTION is thrilled to have the wonderful Lexi Blake with us today…
New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Lexi Blake lives in North Texas with her husband, three kids, and the laziest rescue dog in the world. She began writing at a young age, concentrating on plays and journalism. It wasn’t until she started writing romance that she found success. She likes to find humor in the strangest places. Lexi believes in happy endings no matter how odd the couple, threesome or foursome may seem.
You can keep up with her online at her Website, on Facebook, on Twitter, on Pinterest and on GoodReads.
Lexi is the proud creator of the THIEVES and MASTERS AND MERCENARIES series, as well as some awesome collections.
I suggest you check out her entire backlist, but for today, I’m going to get you all caught up on her MASTERS AND MERCENARIES series and promo its new release, A View To A Thrill, which was just released today, 8/19/14!
The Dom Who Loved Me
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A routine mission…
Sean Taggart is hunting a deadly terrorist, and his only lead is the lovely Grace Hawthorne. She's the executive assistant for an employment agency Sean suspects is a front for illegal activities. To get the truth, he is going to have to get very close to Grace, a task he is all too eager to undertake when he discovers her deliciously submissive nature.
…turns into a dangerous seduction.
Soon, Grace Hawthorne is living a double life. By day, she is the widowed mother of two college-aged sons. By night, she submits to Sean's every dark desire. She's living out her wildest fantasies of pleasure—intimate acts of trust she's only read about. As passion engulfs her, a murderer strikes, and Grace learns that Sean has a deeply hidden agenda. Will Sean choose his mission and break her heart or be the Master of her dreams?
The Men With The Golden Cuffs
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A woman in danger…
Serena Brooks is a bestselling author of erotic fiction. She knows how to write a happy ending but hasn’t managed to find one of her own. Divorced and alone, she has no one to turn to when a stalker begins to threaten her life. The cops don’t believe her. Her ex-husband thinks she’s making the whole story up. She has no one left to turn to except a pair of hired bodyguards. They promise to guard her body, but no one can protect her heart.
Two men in search of love…
Adam Miles and Jacob Dean are halves of a whole. They’ve spent their entire adult lives searching for the one woman who can handle them both. Adam is the playful, indulgent lover, while Jacob is the possessive, loving Dom. When Serena comes into their lives, Adam is certain that she’s the one. But Jacob’s past comes back to haunt them all. He is suspicious of Serena’s story, and his concerns are driving a wedge between him and Adam. But when the stalker strikes, they will have to come together or lose each other forever…
A Dom is Forever
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A Man with a Past…
Liam O’Donnell fled his native Ireland years ago after one of his missions ended in tragedy and he is accused of killing several of his fellow agents. Shrouded in mystery, Liam can’t remember that fateful night. He came to the United States in disgrace, seeking redemption for crimes he may or may not have committed. But the hunt for an international terrorist leads him to London and right back into the world he left behind.
A Woman Looking for a Future…
Avery Charles followed her boss to London, eager to help the philanthropist with his many charities. When she meets a mysterious man who promises to show her London’s fetish scene, she can’t help but indulge in her darkest fantasies. Liam becomes her Dom, her protector, her lover. She opens her heart and her home to him, only to discover he’s a man on a mission and she’s just a means to an end.
When Avery’s boss leads them to the traitorous Mr. Black, Liam must put together the puzzle of his past or Avery might not have a future…
On Her Master’s Secret Service
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Her submission fulfilled her
When Eve St. James married Alex McKay, she had her whole life ahead of her. They were the FBI’s golden couple by day, but by night Eve gave herself over to her husband’s world of Dominance and submission filled with pleasures she came to crave.
His betrayal destroyed her
Worried for her safety, Alex left Eve behind to tackle a dangerous mission. But Alex never suspected that Eve was the real target and her security is destroyed by a madman. By the time he rescues her, his wife has been changed forever.
But when her life is in danger, he is her only hope
Unable to heal the damage, Alex and Eve are still trapped together in a cycle of pleasure and misery that even their divorce cannot sever. But when a threat from Eve’s past resurfaces, Alex will stop at nothing to save her life and reclaim her heart.
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Some contracts are made to be broken...
A contract broken…
Ryan Church and Jill Paxon enjoyed their life as Master and submissive until the day Ryan's entire world crumbled. No longer able to fulfill his end of the contract, Ryan did what he thought was best for Jill. He let her go.
An unexpected reunion…
Eighteen months later, Ryan is working for Ian Taggart as the Dom in Residence at the elite BDSM club Sanctum when his former submissive walks through the door looking for a job. Jill has changed, but his desire for her is still insatiable. Jill, shattered by his past rejection, can't trust Ryan, but she needs the job. Back in the community where she once felt safe and secure, she longs for the life she lost and the man she loved.
A last chance for love…
Ryan is presented with an opportunity to restore his wealth and name, but it could cost him his last chance at rebuilding a life with the woman he loves. When the secrets Jill has carefully hidden from Ryan are exposed, a terrible twist of fate might take her out of his life forever.
Love and Let Die
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Ian Taggart and the whole McKay-Taggart Security team return in Love and Let Die.
A Tragic Love Story
Charlotte Dennis’s mission was clear: distract and misdirect CIA operative Ian Taggart by any means necessary. If she failed, she would never see her sister again. With her training, it should have been simple, but after one night in Ian’s arms, she knew that saving her sister would mean losing the man of her dreams.
Ian was tracking a terrorist when he met the beautiful American daughter of a Russian mobster. His instincts told him Charlotte was trouble, but his body craved her like a drug and his heart would not be denied. She took his ring and his collar. For once he was truly happy. But as he closed in on his target, her betrayal cost him his mission while her sacrifice saved his life. As she died in his arms, Ian vowed he would never love again.
A Dangerous Reunion
For six years, Charlotte has thought of nothing but returning to her husband, her Master. Working in the shadows, she has devoted herself to earning a chance to reclaim her place in Ian’s life. But forgiveness isn’t a part of Ian’s vocabulary.
Nothing is more important to Ian Taggart than his new mission. But the information he needs is firmly in the hands of the woman who betrayed him. To catch his most dangerous prey, Ian will have to let Charlotte back into his life. As the hunt takes them to some of the world’s most exotic locations, the danger grows and their passion reignites.
Will Ian forgive his wayward submissive…or lose her again?
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A curious woman
Ashley Paxon understands responsibility. After her fiancé left her alone and pregnant, she forged a new life for herself and her daughter. Moving to Dallas, she went back to school and found a job at a club called Sanctum. As one of the BDSM club’s waitresses, she watches the Doms and their submissives every night. She yearns to explore their lifestyle of discipline and power exchange, but she knows she wouldn’t belong.
A wounded man
Keith Langston believes in living in the moment. Haunted by the past, he moves from one casual relationship to the next and never looks back. But the moment he lays eyes on Ashley, something primal and possessive takes over. He can’t stop thinking about her and yet he knows he can’t offer her what she needs. Having her seems impossible until Sanctum’s owner, the mysterious Ian Taggart, makes him an offer he can’t refuse.
The perfect contract
Offered the chance to train Ashley and initiate her into the D/s lifestyle, Keith is delighted to accept. Under the guidelines of a carefully crafted contract, they lose themselves in the pleasures and intimacies of being Master and submissive. But when Ashley and her daughter are threatened, Keith realizes she needs much more than a part-time Dom. To protect her, he will have to break through the barriers of their contract and finally face the demons haunting his heart.
Dungeon Royale
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Broken by betrayal, one woman holds the secret to his redemption…
An agent broken
MI6 agent Damon Knight prided himself on always being in control. His missions were executed with cold, calculating precision. His club, The Garden, was run with an equally ordered and detached decadence. But his perfect world was shattered by one bullet, fired from the gun of his former partner. That betrayal almost cost him his life and ruined his career. His handlers want him to retire, threatening to revoke his license to kill if he doesn’t drop his obsession with a shadowy organization called The Collective. To earn their trust, he has to prove himself on a unique assignment with an equally unusual partner.
A woman tempted
Penelope Cash has spent her whole life wanting more. More passion. More adventure. But duty has forced her to live a quiet life. Her only excitement is watching the agents of MI6 as they save England and the world. Despite her training, she’s only an analyst. The closest she is allowed to danger and intrigue is in her dreams, which are often filled with one Damon Knight. But everything changes when the woman assigned to pose as Damon’s submissive on his latest mission is incapacitated. Penny is suddenly faced with a decision. Stay in her safe little world or risk her life and her heart for Queen and country.
An enemy revealed
With the McKay-Taggart team at their side, Damon and Penny hunt an international terrorist across the great cities of Northern Europe. Playing the part of her Master, Damon begins to learn that under Penny’s mousy exterior is a passionate submissive, one who just might lay claim to his cold heart. But when Damon’s true enemy is brought out of the shadows, it might be Penny who pays the ultimate price.
Dungeon Games
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Derek Brighton has become one of Dallas’s finest detectives through a combination of discipline and obsession. Once he has a target in his sights, nothing can stop him. When he isn’t solving homicides, he applies the same intensity to his playtime at Sanctum, a secretive BDSM club. Unfortunately, no amount of beautiful submissives can fill the hole that one woman left in his heart.
Karina Mills has a reputation for being reckless, and her clients appreciate her results. As a private investigator, she pursues her cases with nothing holding her back. In her personal life, Karina yearns for something different. Playing at Sanctum has been a safe way to find peace, but the one Dom who could truly master her heart is out of reach.
On the hunt for a killer, Derek enters a shadowy underworld only to find the woman he aches for is working the same case. Karina is searching for a missing girl and won’t stop until she finds her. To get close to their prime suspect, they need to pose as a couple. But as their operation goes under the covers, unlikely partners become passionate lovers while the killer prepares to strike.
A View to a Thrill
-->JUST RELEASED TODAY, 8/19/14!!<--
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A Spy without a Country
Simon Weston grew up royal in a place where aristocracy still mattered. Serving Queen and country meant everything to him, until MI6 marked him as damaged goods and he left his home in disgrace. Ian Taggart showed him a better way to serve his fellow man and introduced him to Sanctum, a place to pursue his passion for Dominance and submission. Topping beautiful subs was a lovely distraction until he met Chelsea, and becoming her Master turned into Simon’s most important mission.
A Woman without Hope
Chelsea Dennis grew up a pawn to the Russian mob. Her father’s violent lessons taught her that monsters lurked inside every man and they should never be trusted. Hiding in the shadows, she became something that even the monsters would fear—an information broker who exposed their dirty secrets and toppled their empires. Everything changed when Simon Weston crossed her path. Valiant and faithful, he was everything she needed—and a risk she couldn’t afford to take.
A Force too Strong to Resist
When dark forces from her past threaten her newfound family at Sanctum, Chelsea must turn to Simon, the one man she can trust with her darkest secrets. Their only chance to survive lies in a mystery even Chelsea has been unable to solve. As they race to uncover the truth and stay one step ahead of the assassins on their heels, they will discover a love too powerful to deny. But to stop a killer, Simon just might have to sacrifice himself…
How awesome do they sound!? Spies, submission, and sex appeal!! :) I was entranced writing the spotlight… For the rest of today though, let’s see what Lexi had to say when I sat down to chat with her.
LITERAL ADDICTION: Hi Lexi! Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to drop by and spend some time with us. I’m so happy to have you here today!
LITERAL ADDICTION: I always start by getting to know our guest V.I.P author a little bit better…
1) Can you tell us 3 things about yourself – no matter how random - that we couldn’t find out easily on the internet?
LEXI: I collect those little souvenir magnet from every place I visit and yes, I do put them on my fridge.
I really want to go to Iceland. It looks gorgeous there.
As a teen I wrote Doctor Who fan fiction. No. I am not kidding. I really wrote a whole season of Who when I was in high school. I’m a geek.
2) What are 2 things that always make you smile, and 2 things that never fail to make you angry?
LEXI: Babies always make me smile. I can’t help it. I love a sweet baby face. And Hemsworths. They always make me smile, too. Just put a half naked Hemsworth in front of me and I’m sure to smile.
Two things that make me angry—bullying and rudeness. There’s no call for either.
3) When did you start writing? Can you share with us a bit about your first experience trying to get a manuscript out there?
LEXI: I’ve been writing since I could pick up a pen. I won my first writing contest when I was in fifth grade. In high school I wrote plays. I actually had several produced in the states and Canada. And then I got married and had kids. It was after I had my third that I decided to get back into writing. I wrote nine full books before I submitted anywhere. I tried to get an agent and failed and finally wrote a book for a small press and that’s how I got started.
4) Was there anyone (or anything) that was directly involved with your drive to become an author?
LEXI: My father always showed such great pride in my work. He came to every play, read every essay, cheered at every competition. He had a great imagination and taught me that hard work pays off in the end.
5) If you could spend the day with anyone – alive, dead, fictional, etc – whom would you want to spend it with, and what would you want to do?
LEXI: I would spend it with my father. He died before my daughter was born and I would love for to meet my dad. He also passed before I published anything, before I even really tried. What would I do? I would take him to Yankee Stadium and see a game with him. The only thing I’ve kept of my dad’s is his Yankee’s cap. I take it with me when I travel and take pics to show my brother so a little piece of my father has gotten to see the world.
6) Do you have any interesting writing quirks or a specific routine you must follow to begin your writing process?
LEXI: Cup of coffee. This is a must. Then I note in my calendar how many words I wrote the previous day and how many I need for today. I also write the scenes I’m writing on a white board because I have the compulsive need to check things off lists.
7) If we were to hop in your car or pick up your MP3 player and turn it on, what do you think we’d be most likely to hear?
LEXI: I have a whole lot of Snow Patrol and Fall Out Boy, but I also listen to the 80s channel on satellite radio.
8) Was there any specific inspiration behind the creation of the MASTERS AND MERCENARIES series?
LEXI: Yes. James Bond. James Bond and more James Bond. I wanted to do Bond as a Dom. I love thrillers with intricate plots and international locations. I just always miss the hot scenes you get in an erotic romance. So I married them and got Masters and Mercenaries. Only one character though has ever done the Bond, James Bond thing. The name’s Taggart. Ian Taggart. He’s the only one allowed to do that.
9) How many books do you ultimately have planned for the series?
LEXI: No idea. After Simon, I’m doing books for Jesse, Brody, Liam’s new partner and a couple of new players you’ll meet in A View to a Thrill. I definitely plan something for Tennessee Smith.
10) What types of scenes do you enjoy writing the most (love, action, dialogue, etc) and why?
LEXI: I love writing dialogue. I think it’s because I came from theater, but I love people talking. Even in my love scenes, there’s an enormous amount of dialogue. I especially love it when a character has his or her own unique voice. When I can write a piece of dialogue and the fans know who it is without me having to tell them – I know I’ve done well.
11) What was the most challenging thing about creating the series?
LEXI: Getting things right. I really try to be correct when I talk about guns or locations or the CIA and MI6. I research and find experts to talk to, but I still get it wrong on occasion. I love writing characters from other countries, but I can still slip Americanisms in.
12) Has there been a specific moment in your career thus far that you are particularly proud of?
LEXI: I had a reader tell me that my books helped get her through chemo. She said reading made it easier for her and I can’t think of anything I would rather do or be than comfort for another human being. I have books I go to when I’m feeling down and the idea that I could be that for someone else makes me very happy.
13) What’s up next for Lexi Blake? Anything else in the works – or available - that you can share with us?
LEXI: I’ve got Cherished coming in October. It’s set in the Masters and Mercenaries world. Then I start the new Thieves series in January with a book called Ripper. In February of 2015 M&M continues with Jesse’s book You Only Love Twice.
14) Anything else coming up that you want to be sure your readers and fans know about – online events, signings, conventions, etc?
LEXI: I’ll be in Seattle in October for KallypsoCon. I’m excited about that because it’s going to be a very intimate con and specifically for BDSM centered fiction. I’m excited about Coastal Magic, too. It’s a very PNR centered con and I really want to talk about Thieves. I’ve never been before and I’m happy to share it with a bunch of my fellow 1001 Dark Nights authors.
15) Is there anything special you’d like to say to your readers while we have you here today?
LEXI: I have the best readers in the world and I owe them everything. My job is a dream. I get to sit around and write out the stories in my head. It doesn’t get better than that and I can do it because of their support.
LITERAL ADDICTION: Lexi, thank you SO much for being with us today. We really hope that we’ve turned some new readers on to your work, and we hope that people will go out, pick up, and love the MASTERS AND MERCENARIES novels. I am so excited to meet you in Feburary!
LEXI: I’m looking forward to it! And thank you so much for having me!
WAIT, there’s more… Do you want to meet Lexi in person? You can! You can meet Lexi, tons of other amazing UF and PNR authors, LITERAL ADDICTION's officers and other well known featured bloggers, and loads of fellow book addicts and paranormal junkies at the Coastal Magic Convention in Daytona Beach, FL Feb 5-8 2015.
Coastal Magic is a super casual, urban fantasy and paranormal romance focused convention in Daytona. With panels designed to start interesting discussion, and meet & greets with fun themes, we’ve got something for every fan. Join us for reader, blogger, and author shenanigans, and lots of “supernatural” inspired activities. Saturday’s charity book sale and signing is open to convention attendees, and FREE to the public. Come take a bite out of the beach with us!! Feb 5-8, 2015. Registration opened 7/1/14, so get your ticket HERE.
Keep up with all things Coastal Magic at the Website / Facebook Page / Facebook Event / Twitter / Pinterest
Lexi is offering up a 2 signed books and swag pack in conjunction with the Event!
To enter, find the Rafflecopter widget below, follow the directions, take action, and mark as ‘Done’.
Good luck, and as always… HAPPY READING!
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Hello my literal addicts! LITERAL ADDICTION is thrilled to be promoting for author Michele Renae again today! It’s a bittersweet post for me. While I’m thrilled to tell those of you that don’t know about the PARIS SECRETS Trilogy, I’m heart broken to say good-bye…
An author of over 60 stories in the fantasy, action/adventure, historical and paranormal romance genres, this prolific author now writes erotica as Michele Renae. [For those of you that don’t know, Michele Renae is Michele Hauf in her other persona. :)].
Michele is good at daydreaming, kitty wrangling, navigating Paris from memory, and locating parking spots close to the front door. She is not so good at making bath bombs, being patient in line at the Post Office, and reading only one book at a time.
You can connect with Michele online at her Website, on Facebook, on Twitter and on GoodReads.
Michele, as Michele Renae, is the proud creator of the PARIS SECRETS series, a super sexy erotic romance trilogy unlike anything you've read before.
For those of you not yet familiar with PARIS SECRETS, here is everything you need to know to get you all caught up until you have some time to curl up on your favorite chaise or ottoman and enjoy them yourself…
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An erotic romance behind glass
The first time she sees her new neighbor, his sexy smile arouses her curiosity — and her desires. His hard, chiseled muscles and playful invitations are irresistible.
Bared before their windows, framed and displayed above the streets of Paris, they embark upon a provocative affair. Their daring game of exhibitionism lures her back for more and more, and she quickly realizes he is the man she has dreamed about.
Yet she’s never heard his voice. Never felt his touch. Never thought she’d experience something this exquisite. Or this bold…
Paris Secrets - Do you dare?
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She fell willingly, seduced by the erotic foreignness of all that he was. Words can be more powerful than touch. Stimulate and engage the senses, then watch what happens…
They began a daring affair a few weeks ago, baring skin, sensual secrets—their very souls—before their bedroom windows, situated across the street from one another. Now they’ve taken it to the next level. The laptop screen has added sound to their intimate liaisons, and his voice, that delicious French accent, is oh, so sexy. His laughter teases good shivers across her skin, and his sensual commands seduce her deeper into a world of erotic play. Fantasies lure them into a new intimacy and a surprising trust that the two strangers who have never touched welcome.
Yet frustrations grow as she pines for his touch. They must meet. Soon. But a secret is revealed that will challenge their desires and the trust both have earned.
Return to the heroine’s Parisian apartment as she continues her relationship with Monsieur Sexy, and they explore the delicious intricacies of cyber-sex. Book #2 in the Paris Secrets trilogy begins with a bang..
Buy from: Amazon (coming soon!) / Amazon UK / Amazon Ca / B&N / Smashwords (coming soon!)
Are you ready for two bodies to collide in an irresistible crush of desire? They’ve experimented with sight, voice, and trust in their inventive sexual romps that began as a flirtatious affair before a window and advanced to provocative cyber sex. He fell in love with her. She is still waiting for his touch.
Exquisite. Bold. Gorgeous. Those are the words that lured her into the Frenchman's heart. She is the American woman who has learned to set her inner vixen free, and he is the handsome and light-hearted Monsieur Sexy.
Finally the lovers abandon their apprehensions and come together. All senses are engaged, including the delicious glide of his masterful hands over her skin. A dashing musketeer, black velvet Louboutins, and Da Vinci's mysterious Mona Lisa all become a part of their liaisons. It is easy to fall into a trusting relationship that feels as if it were meant to be.
But there are yet challenges that will try their connection and which will force them to decide, once and for all, if they were meant for one another...
...or if secrets will break them apart.
SKIN is the final story in the Paris Secrets trilogy. Do you dare?
And... for the first time ever in print, the entire PARIS SECRETS TRILOGY, in one utterly gorgeous bundle!
The Paris Secrets Trilogy
PARIS SECRETS #1, #2, & #3
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Buy bundled eEdition from: Amazon / Amazon UK / Amazon Ca / B&N
This fun and flirty erotic romance trilogy is comprised of the stories, WINDOW, SCREEN, and SKIN.
Set in Paris, the story follows an American heroine who discovers that her fantasy man lives across the street from her—and a window affair begins. Mutual self-pleasure graduates to cyber-sex, and in the concluding story...they finally come together, skin to skin.
Our Review, by LITERAL ADDICTION's Pack Alpha - Chelle:
*Copy gifted in exchange for an honest review
Incredible trilogy. Definitely not to be missed....
Window is a super sexy debut novel in a new erotica trilogy unlike anything I've read before!
There is just something so incredibly naughty and titillating about forming a 'relationship' with nothing but sight - 'you can look, but you can't touch'... Or talk... Yet what they SHARE is more private, personal and intimate than anything else.
It's self pleasure and voyeurism at its best. It's one of those highly sexual books that isn't filled with 'in your face' eroticism, but requires you to feel, and think, and fantasize right along with your leading couple, thereby getting your pulse racing and your flush rising.
It's got a quirky female lead that you can't help but love, a sexy, chivalrous male lead that will melt your heart, and even the cliff hanger didn't upset me too much, because I knew there would be more, and I absolutely CANNOT wait to get lost in this teasing, artful seduction again!
Yet another surprising and sinfully sexy read by Michele Renae. I breezed through it in one long setting, and wanted nothing more than the third book of the trilogy immediately afterward.
Picking up where Window (book #1) left off, our leading couple takes their relationship to the next level. After discovering one another with nothing more than sight across a Paris alley, they add sound to the mix, and jump into a cyber relationship from Berlin to Paris, still keeping to their rules of engagement.
Given the sheer genius of the way these books are written, it's hard to write a review without spoilers. Suffice it to say that Michele ramped up the fantasy, added a sense, threw in a wrench, and had my heart rate elevated almost the entire time with Screen, and I cannot wait for the finale to the trilogy, Skin.
PARIS SECRETS is one of the most engaging, unique, and titillating series I have encountered. The romance is sweet, the erotic elements are off the chart steamy (and all without touch if you can believe it), the characters super lovable, and the tone light and fun...until twist that Michele introduces towards the end of Screen, which serves as a reminder that the best happily ever afters don't come easily.
I honestly can't think of a better way for Michele to end the series.
There were some seriously sexy times, some really fun scenes, some slightly dark (and very human) moments, and under it all, heart and emotion that impacted me on a deeply visceral level.
I ran the gamut of emotions in this book, and that is a true sign of good storytelling, and quite honestly, I can't thank Michele enough for allowing me to take this journey with her characters.
I loved it!
TRILOGY - Overall:
Engaging, enthralling, utterly sexy, fun, flirty, and HIGHLY RECOMMENDED! :)
O.K, now that you’re scrambling to your favorite bookseller to find them all, how about I tell you more? During Screen (book #2), there is an event that occurs that leaves a lot to the imagination (O.K, there is a lot of that [and it’s all FABULOUS!] , but I'm referring to our heroine writing in a notebook and the reader not knowing what she writes. If you want to see some of her entries, Michele has created an awesome book companion for us fans. Go to The Notebook Confessions to find out what she had to say (I suggest waiting until after you read the books though. There’s no spoilers, but it’s much more enjoyable as a companion.
Now, how about we see what Michele had to say when I sat down to talk with her about writing under a different identity, coming out afterwards, about the journey of PARIS SECRETS and more…
LITERAL ADDICTION: Hi Michele! Welcome back and congratulations on wrapping up the series. I’m both thrilled and sad, I’m sure you can relate…
MICHELE: I can relate to being thrilled and sad. But overall? I’m sort of pleasantly satisfied that I’ve told this couple’s story and I think I did it well and I hope that readers will feel the same.
Q1): So now that everybody knows that you’re also Michele Hauf, can you tell us a little bit about how you decided to write as Michele Renae and what it was like when you finally spilled the beans that Michele Renae and Michele Hauf were both you?
MICHELE: I think I took a different name for this series not only because it was very steamy erotica (different from my usual romances, and yet, I get steamy in my para/roms) but also because it sort of freed me to write anything goes. I was a different person! I had a new name. And it worked to allow me to dive in and not have that usual internal editor and go for it. But also, my middle name is Renae, and I have always regretted not being Michele Renae from the very start for my romance writing. So now I get to use it!
Q2): What did you find to be the biggest challenge about switching from the genres that you wrote in as Michele Hauf, to this bright and shiny new world of erotica as Michele Renae?
MICHELE: I think this story is very honest in all aspects, and that was sometimes very surprising to me, to be writing, and all of a sudden realize…I’m crying. What’s that about? Not that I don’t write honestly with my para/roms, but there is that fantasy element that takes it a little beyond my norm. Does that make sense? And yeah, this series does feel bright and shiny. How cool is that?
Q3): PARIS SECRETS is unlike anything I’ve ever read before, and I think it’s utterly magical because of it. Were you afraid of what readers might think about an erotic novel where the characters never touch actually touch until the 3rd book?
MICHELE: Ha! Well. Yes. That’s why there are some fantasy scenes in the first two books. Because really? How long will readers hold on until they just say Enough? So I tried to make it work for everyone involved. And to be honest, by book 2 I was saying to myself “Why did I do this to myself? They need to touch!” So by book 3 I was happily relieved.
Q4): I think you once told me that you weren’t sure this was going to be more than a single book. When did you know that it was going to be a trilogy?
MICHELE: When I originally set out to write Window, it was just going to be that first book. Two people having an affair through windows. But about halfway through the story I realized how much I loved the characters. And then I knew I couldn’t just leave them standing in the windows staring at one another. I had to continue. And so I did.
Q5): PARIS SECRETS has a heroine with a very distinct voice. It’s something that immediately grabbed me as a reader, and I’ve read other reviews where readers found her utterly compelling, as well. How were you able to keep her so fun and light and yet truly unique? Was she someone that you had whispering to you for a while? Is she a bit like you in ways and that’s why she reads so natural?
MICHELE: It’s weird but I don’t really know how to answer that one. That’s just the way she came out on the page. I know, not a very good answer. So maybe there is a lot of me in her. Well, I know there is. ;-) But as well, I did strive for a light, fun tone. I know a lot of erotica is dark and angsty. I want sex to be fun!
Q6): O.K, those that follow you online know your inspiration for Monsieur Sexy, but for those that may not, can you give us a little insight? ;-)
MICHELE: Sometimes when an author reveals the picture/actor/inspiration for her characters then readers may be disappointed because they had a totally different image of them in their minds. But. I don’t care. ;-) Luke Evans has always inspired Monsieur Sexy for me. I know, he’s Welsh, not even French! But there’s something about his smoldering gaze. And let’s not discuss his real-life sexual orientation. All good stories are fantasy anyway, right? Of course, if a movie were ever made I would kill to see Vincent Cassel in the lead role (even though he’s probably a bit too old).
Q7): This is a bit of a spoiler, but how (and why) did you decide that you weren’t going to introduce the characters’ real names until late in the series, and how in the world did you find a way to write the books in such a way that, as a reader, you honestly don’t even realize that you don’t know them?
MICHELE: I had no clue my characters names as I was writing book #1, WINDOW. I think by the end of that story I had figured out what to name Monsieur Sexy. So it was no problem writing that story without names. I had a moment of doubt where I thought readers would throw rotten tomatoes at me for not giving them names, but that didn’t last long. Because the story doesn’t need names. It would have been weird to know their names, yes? And by book #2, SCREEN, I still didn’t know the heroine’s name. Honestly. So when I reveal the hero’s name at the end of that book and not hers? It was by necessity. I actually only got her name right when I started drafting out book #3, SKIN. And to be honest, she started with a completely different name than she has now. I think the strength of the characters overwhelms the need for names. Maybe?
Q8): So overall, PARIS SECRETS is very light, flirty and fun, but there are some very human, and therefore quite dark, moments. Were you worried about how your readers would take them, or were you fairly certain that most would feel that they were necessary to keep things feeling ‘real’?
MICHELE: I think any good story does have to have some dark moments. And this is a chunk of two people’s lives. It’s not all sunshine and rainbows. But still, I didn’t want it to be tragic in any way. Just real life.
Q9): So here we are, at the end. The story has been told, the characters have lived their lives and touched many others (mine for certain!). How are you feeling about how things worked out overall and now having to say goodbye?
MICHELE: Well, I did write an ‘extra’ chapter at the end of SKIN to satisfy my need to make sure readers were satisfied that this couple would have their happily ever after. So I can say goodbye with a happy au revoir!
Q9): Do you think we’ll ever hear from any of these wonderful folks again? Any chance you have another story or 2 in that beautiful brain of yours for us? Maybe some of the supporting characters with a guest appearance from our beloved couple? Or what about any other ideas swimming around in your head for Michele Renae erotic tales?
MICHELE: You know I think about Melanie, the heroine’s BFF, a lot. That’s all I’ll say right now. ;-) Oh, ok, and how about a book on ottoman porn? Ha! Just sayin’…
Q10): Anything you want to say to your readers and fans – both new and established – about the PARIS SECRETS Trilogy?
MICHELE: I’ve been utterly and delightfully surprised at how well readers are receiving the series. I love that you love it! It means so much to me to hear your kind words, so please know I appreciate it. Makes writing the series well worth it. And to those who have not yet read it, I dare you to get to know Monsieur Sexy. Come on, I dare you!
LITERAL ADDICTION: Michele, you know I adore having you here, and I really, really hope that people check out the trilogy. This series holds a very special place in my heart and it’s definitely one that I know I’ll pick up again someday. I’m most definitely going to miss these characters and this world, and I’m so very happy that I was able to take this journey with you!
MICHELE: It’s been a fun journey with you Michelle. (And you know why.) Your support has been awesome, and now I feel like I have to write another book just so I can come back to this great online home you have. ;-)
Since we’re talking about PARIS SECRETS, Michele has 2 wonderful ‘secret’ prizes to offer up to 2 lucky winners (I know what they are, and believe me, they’re GREAT! Like exclusive, can't get anywhere else, great! Like one of a kind great!) :)
To enter, find the Rafflecopter widget for today’s Event below, follow the directions, take action, and mark as ‘Done’.
Good luck and as always… HAPPY READING!!
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Hello my Literal Addicts!
I am very happy to introduce you all to author Houston Havens today…
Houston Havens retired from a successful modeling career and an adventurous jet-set lifestyle to set the world on fire with her erotic romance books. A tenacious Irish lass, she strives to entertain with seductive stories created from her decadent imagination and traces of a provocative lifestyle she may or may not admit to.
Her interest in the paranormal, fascination with quantum science, passion with myths, and the lure of her mysterious Celtic Irish-Druid bloodlines are combined with generally unknown truths, strange facts, and questionable fiction. Her novels reflect a mix of the past, present, and future, with sexy blends of futuristic science fiction, paranormal fantasy, western romance, and always love everlasting. An author of six romances, a seven book erotic romance series, and numerous articles in literary magazines, she has two award winning blogs.
Follow Houston online: Website / Facebook / Twitter / GoodReads
Houston is the creator of the PSYCHIC MENAGE series.
For those of you not yet familiar with Houston’s work, here is some information to get you caught up:
Sinful Surrender
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On the run, branded a traitor by her government, Fay Avalon has to depend on three brothers for shelter. Sinful Surrender is Book 1 of Houston Havens’ new romance series, Psychic Ménage. Why be tempted by one man’s seduction when you can be loved by three? Top psychic spy Fay Avalon saw too much on her latest mind traveling mission and is now on the run from her post-catastrophic dystopian government, searching for the truth and proof. She escapes but is shot down, landing in the arms of the enemy
In Drakker and Arlo’s world, women are so rare the men have accepted a polyandrous lifestyle. When the brothers stumble upon Fay unconscious in the wreckage of an aircraft, they are immediately attracted to her. Arlo wants to keep her, but Drakker knows they can’t. They must take her to their brother Logan Abán, leader of their people.
Logan struggles with trusting anyone, even himself. When a beautiful, intelligent, and intriguing woman falls into their laps, his denied desires for intimacy challenge his need to trust the spy. He’s frustrated by romantic Arlo’s claims of her innocence. Even when pragmatic and dominating Drakker defends her as well, Logan refuses to trust his gut.
Can one woman satisfy the diverse desires of three men? Will Logan’s fears be realized by betrayal? Is Fay to be sentenced to death as a spy, suffer a fate worse than death by being returned to her government as a traitor, or will she find a new life and love as the wife of three sexy brothers?
Content: Hot, D/s Elements, Anal Play, Anal Intercourse, Ménage, Polyamory, Voyeurism, Light BDSM
Interests piqued!? They should be. J For the rest of today though, let’s see what Houston had to say when I sat down to chat with her…
LITERAL ADDICTION: Hi Houston! Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to drop by and spend some time with us. I’m so happy to have you here today!
HOUSTON: The pleasure is mine.
LITERAL ADDICTION: I always start by getting to know our guest V.I.P author a little bit better…
1) Can you tell us 3 things about yourself – no matter how random - that we couldn’t find out easily on the internet?
HOUSTON: 1) I’m a very private person. 2) I’d rather find out more about those I’m talking to then talk about myself. 3) I’m an animal lover and I love taking care of them all.
2) What are 2 things that always make you smile, and 2 things that never fail to make you angry?
HOUSTON: hum, life in general makes me smile and animals. I love watching animals be themselves. There are two strays I feed three times a day and when I come back from a walk I’ll see them playing with each other…just being cats. I love that. Or watching my pet dog flip his toy around like he just caught a beats.
What angers me most is when I see or hear about animal abuse, and I’m not very kind about to those who interrupt my writing time, specially during a love scene.
3) When did you start writing? Can you share with us a bit about your first experience trying to get a manuscript out there?
HOUSTON: I started writing after I retired from modeling. I began writing straight romance then got into erotic romance about three years ago. Sinful Surrender is my very first Erotic Romance, but I learned the craft by cutting my teeth writing straight romance for several years. No, I didn’t submit any of those except one and that was to get feedback on my voice. After getting some very awesome advice from a handful of publishers, I felt confident enough to move into Erotic Romance and submit Sinful Surrender, which immediately got accepted. It’s important a new writer doesn’t jump the market before she’s ready. It can hurt her career.
4) Was there anyone (or anything) that was directly involved with your drive to become an author?
HOUSTON: Yes. First, is my awesome husband. Second, my three dearest friends who won’t let me quit. Third, my fans and fourth, I’m a very driven person; the need is in my blood to tell stories.
5) If you could spend the day with anyone – alive, dead, fictional, etc – whom would you want to spend it with, and what would you want to do?
HOUSTON: Yes, I am so bold as to say this … I’d want to spend it with God. I’m a rather feisty Irish lass, just ask my assistant, and Yes, I would dare to ask about those few ‘issues’ I don’t understand and would like to chat up with him and find out where his thoughts and mind were when he invented a few things.
I know why he rested on Sunday because his mind was tired on Saturday when he invented useless emotions like JEALOUSY, envy, and Pettiness.
6) Do you have any interesting writing quirks or a specific routine you must follow to begin your writing process?
HOUSTON: Only desire and motivation to succeed. I’m up in the wee hours each day and 16 hours later I fall into bed.
7) If we were to hop in your car or pick up your MP3 player and turn it on, what do you think we’d be most likely to hear?
HOUSTON: Smooth Jazz or Sade.
8) Was there any specific inspiration behind the creation of the PSYCHIC MENAGE series?
HOUSTON: Yes, besides the erotic love story I was inspired to braid in a few things I stumbled across in my research. I discovered Remote Viewing (what I call Mind Travel in the book) back in the 80’s after hearing the President of the United States mention Psychic Spies.
I heard rumors about Vivos centers and saw pictures of entryways to underground cities, which you can see some on my Pinterest site, along with other book related photos. There my book unfolds in pictures for you.
I watched videos of trucks delivering goods to these underground cities. What bothered me and got me going was the amount of tax dollars here in the USA and abroad that are secretly being spent to build these underground worlds…and if they’re for us all then why is it such a secret?
I found it interesting when I discovered the method in which the Denver International Airport was built. I verified the news reports on the five buried building with connecting tunnels and trams, and found evidence left by a man (who died mysteriously) about what’s going on in those buried buildings. I hint at these finding in Sinful Surrender.
HAARP (High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program.) is real and just recently Obama ok its use. It’s a frightening and very powerful weapon. In the wrong hands …. Well, Sinful Surrender shows one possibility of what could happen.
Sad, when HAARP can be used to bring water to desert land to create bountiful farms for starving people. It could stop killer hurricane as well as create them. Used with ill will, a powerful Government could use this weapon to force small countries to its will, and push individual citizens’ to act in horrendous ways, like mass shootings and other insane acts.
A lot of what you read in the secondary plot of Sinful Surrender is based on specific inspiration that I used to create the PSYCHIC MENAGE series … and I have more to unveil in each book.
9) How many books do you ultimately have planned for the series?
HOUSTON: There are seven books.
10) What types of scenes do you enjoy writing the most (love, action, dialogue, etc) and why?
HOUSTON: I love creating and without them all I couldn’t create the stories I do.
11) What was the most challenging thing about creating the series?
HOUSTON: Book length. As an author I’d love to be able to tell the whole story I have in my mind, but an author is limited on how many words she’s allowed to write in a book, which limits what can be shown in the series.
A regular romance has, one hero, one heroine, and one storyline and is given a certain amount of words to tell a complete love story.
Unfortunately, a Futuristic-Fantasy Erotic-Ménage Romance author is also given that same amount of space. And the reason so many erotic romance authors decide to write erotica (one sexual story) instead.
But I can’t write just about sex. I’m a storyteller and I have stories to tell with erotic sexual scenes within those tales, because that’s how life is. You don’t live just sex lives, you live interesting lives with (hopefully) erotic sex in those lives. ;-)
So, it’s a challenge to write a Futuristic-Fantasy Erotic-Ménage Romance that wraps three stories into one series in that same limited space that is given to a single title (one storyline) romance. In that same space I have to balance more descriptive love scenes, for three heroes love stories (3X the love scenes) made even more challenging for an author of a futuristic world (unfamiliar to readers) to be built in details what that world looks like and still have space to fit in the series plot around the lovers story and the book’s plot … that’s three stories in the same space of a standard novel with one storyline that is set in a contemporary or historical world familiar to all of us.
Having said that, I am pleased to say most reviewers and readers were very happy with the balance I achieved (in this limited space) in Sinful Surrender. Most felt I did an excellent job in balancing and developing the love between the heroes and the heroine, and still able to show them new and fascinating worlds and keep three stories in one moving at a good pace. Sinful Surrender has received mostly all 4 and 5 star reviews. So, limited as I was I think most readers will find Sinful Surrender a well balance story with lots of sex, love, and adventure…and still get their HEA with a tease for book two.
12) Has there been a specific moment in your career thus far that you are particularly proud of?
HOUSTON: Yes. Sinful Surrender within the first month of sales hit USA Today and the Best Sellers List at ARe and at Amazon in both the UK and the USA!
13) What’s up next for Houston Havens? Anything else in the works – or available - that you can share with us?
HOUSTON: Yes. Book two Chandra Lamar’s story ‘Phantom Desire’ in the Psychic Ménage series will be coming out this fall and book three is soon to follow.
14) Anything else coming up that you want to be sure your readers and fans know about – online events, signings, conventions, etc?
HOUSTON: I have Promo blitz on Aug 11 with Reading Addiction Blog Tour and I’ll have the Schedule on my blog http://houstonhavens.wordpress.com and a monthly Newsletter (sign up at my blog get the news first there!) and a tab page on my blog with my event and such for those who don’t want to join the newsletter to see what’s happening. Come visit me there.
15) Is there anything special you’d like to say to your readers while we have you here today?
HOUSTON: Go to Amazon. Read All the reviews on Sinful Surrender … then decide for your self. I hope you’ll let me tempt you!
LITERAL ADDICTION: Houston, thank you SO much for being with us today. We really hope that we’ve turned some new readers on to your work, and we hope that people will go out, pick up, and be captivated by Sinful Surrender.
Houston is offering up an ebook of Sinful Surrender (in winner’s preferred format) to a lucky winner. –To enter, share about the PSYCHIC MENAGE series, Sinful Surrender and/or Houston wherever you love to share your book love - Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, etc - and then come back HERE and tell me where you shared with a URL (if possible) along with your email address.
I’ll pick a winner at the end of the Event period and be in touch.
Good luck, and as always… HAPPY READING!
Hey everyone!
LITERAL ADDICTION is uber thrilled to introduce you to an extraordinary author today.
Brynn Myers is an urban fantasy/paranormal romance author. After considering writing a hobby for years, she finally turned her passion and talent into a career. She came into the paranormal genre later than most but has always loved fairy-tales and all things magical. Using that love, she creates charmed worlds by writing stories involving passionate, strong willed characters with something to discover.
Brynn lives with her family in the Brevard County, Florida area.
Brynn is the proud creator of the PROPHESIES OF THE NINE and JORJA GRAHAM series.
Keep up with Brynn online at her Website, on Facebook, on Twitter, and on GoodReads, and if you’d like… we’d LOVE to have you as one of her Bookish Beauties, so feel free to request to join her Street Team, as well. The more the merrier!!
For those of you new to Brynn’s work, first, the books are incredible! Second… read on to get all caught up. :)
The Prophecies of The Nine is a breathtaking adult paranormal romance series featuring the warriors of The Nine, a unique band of fighters all chosen for their individual talents. Their job is to protect the innocent souls and punish those who wish to enslave the human world as well as the supernatural. The leader of the sluagh has waged a war with the goddesses and now both sides will stop at nothing to exact their vengeance. Get ready to fall into a story of love, fire and passion as these warriors fight to save everything and everyone they love.
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Kylah is the granddaughter of two Celtic goddesses but due to a tragedy Kylah's memories were taken to protect her. She has no idea who she really is but soon she will find out...soon she will have to confront her past in order to save her future.
**This book is not a YA read. This book contains a detailed sex scene and is not suitable for young readers.**
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An adult paranormal romance. **This book is not a YA read. This book contains several detailed sex scenes and is not suitable for young readers.**
The past is no longer a blur, the present has become a mystery, and the future remains unknown.
Kylah’s mind has been freed and her power unleashed. She is once again the loose cannon she was two hundred years ago. Everyone she loves is waiting for her to take her rightful place among The Nine. But if Kylah can't control her guilt, her anger, and her conflicting desires, she may yet again ruin the lives of those she loves.
After spending two hundred years thinking his mate was dead, Aerric finally has the love of his life back in his arms and in his bed. But after realizing Kylah willingly made the choice to leave him all those years ago, his heaven quickly turned to hell. Truths are revealed and tempers flare, leaving their happily ever after on the verge of ashes.
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*COMING 2015
An adult paranormal romance.
Ty and Vivi have spent hundreds of years waiting for their chance at a peaceful life, and now that it's within their grasp, they will stop at nothing to protect what they love most.
Tynan’s soul has been returned but now something else threatens to destroy him and his family. Liam and Cathal’s actions have taken things to another level and The Nine will be forced to respond immediately. The past is now colliding with the future and he’ll need to do all he can to protect his siblings from the pain of setting Caolainn free.
Vivi risked everything to save Tynan that fateful night in the alley. A decision she doesn’t regret because the child growing within her is nothing less than a miracle. Sorcha will need both her mother and father because Vivi fears their enemies will do all they can to possess her and use her as a pawn in this continuing war.
A stunning paranormal romance mystery duet, the Jorja Graham series follows the life of Jorja and her quest for love, acceptance and peace.
The Life and Death of Jorja Graham
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All my life I've been referred to as the quintessential southern bell: blonde, stunningly beautiful, and overtly enchanting, but that was only the face I shared with the world; no one ever knew the hell I truly endured.
After returning to Savannah, I had everything I ever wanted: a new home, a handsome suitor, and the job of my dreams as an antique dealer. Little did I know that the choice to move on with my life would be the last decision I’d ever make.
My name is Jorja Graham and my story is proof that not every romance has a happy ending.
The Echoed Life of Jorja Graham
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Book #2 in the Jorja Graham series.
"Follow my echo and I will lead you to the still point at the center of it all." ~ Jorja
Extended blurb to come.
Captivated by Crimson
A paranormal thriller coming 2015.
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She is the fated one I have been waiting for...
The crimson in her veins will restore me…
* * *
My desire for her burns like no other…
I must possess her…
Dare to touch her and you will be the one to suffer…
* * *
Nola Blair is a free-spirited photographer sent to cover the party of the century in Elizabeth Bathory’s ruined castle. It was an assignment she'd declined––twice, but when she was offered a hefty sum to indulge the wealthy eccentric, she finally gave in. Little did she know that the guests at this party were centuries old and their desires reached far beyond those of a normal partygoer.
One captivating night will change her life and the two vampires vying for her will fight to the death to get what they want. One wants her to be his and the other wants her blood.
Who will decide Nola’s fate?
Don’t they sound incredible!!?? Seriously, they are. Brynn has an amazing voice and you can’t help but get lost in her books. Make sure to check out her available releases, and keep your eyes open for the new releases, as well. For the rest of today though, let’s see what Brynn had to say when I sat down to chat with her…
LITERAL ADDICTION: Hi Brynn! I am so happy to have you here today. Thank you so much for taking time out of your schedule to chat with us for a bit. I always like to start out learning more about our guest authors…
Q1): What are 3 things about yourself – no matter how random - that we couldn’t find out easily on the Internet?
BRYNN: 1. I have a lotus tattoo on my right hip. 2. I get bored with my hair a lot and am always looking for ways to change it…color, cut or both. 3. I’m a total smartass and sometimes it’s so dry that folks don’t get my humor, but I never mean anything by it, I’m just a bit quirky is all. :P
Q2): What are 2 things that always make you smile, and 2 things that never fail to piss you off?
BRYNN: My family and friends make me smile every day. The two things that piss me off are self-absorbed, insensitive people and drivers on the road who practice random acts of driving. They piss me off royally. :P
Q3): What are some things that you enjoy doing when you’re not writing or taking care of other author business?
BRYNN: Reading and *hangs head* playing BubbleMania and the other internet games my daughter got me started on. :\ In my defense, my brain rarely rests, so it feels good to get lost sometimes in something that is mindless.
Q4): What’s a typical writing day like for you? Do you have anything that you absolutely have to have with you to get the creative juices flowing or any interesting writing quirks?
BRYNN: Um let’s see…when it’s NOT summer, I get up, drink java (a must), take my daughter to school (another must), answer messages, write my pants off or stair at the monitor wishing I was writing my pants off, pick my peanut up from school, try and write some more in between the cat meow’s, the dog begging for my attention and my people hoping I am gonna feed them dinner sometime within this century. On any given day any and all of those things can/do happen. As for summer…*inserts glorious laughter* Pray for fifteen minutes to think and hope for the best! LOL! #countdowntobacktoschool
Q5): If you could have 1 superpower, what would you want it to be and why?
BRYNN: The ability to control fire telekinetically. It’s no coincidence that Kylah gets all blue and flamey. :-P
Q6): What authors or titles (if any) do you feel inspired you to become the fantasy author that you are today?
BRYNN: I came into this genre later than most. My first love was suspense and mystery authors like Koontz and Cornwell but once I started reading PNR/UF, I was hooked and have been ever since. I’m pretty sure my favorites will be standard fair…Moning, Ward, Kenyon, Ione, Frost. I love the characters and the worlds they create. My favorites are the authors that keep me guessing. I love to unravel the story and predict where it’s going. In fact, I drive some of my girlfriend’s nuts with my theories.
Q7): If you could spend the day with anyone – alive, dead, fictional, etc - who would you want it to be and what would you want to do?
BRYNN: There are several people I’d like to meet but if I can only pick one, it would be my Nana. She passed away in 2008 and there are just a few things I really want to say/ask and have her answer. She was a very important part of my life and I miss her every day!
Q8): Was there any specific inspiration behind the creation of your PROPHESIES OF NINE or JORJA GRAHAM series?
BRYNN: I wish I could say yes, but there wasn’t anything specific. I just had stories and conversations in my head and so I turned them into the Prophecies of The Nine. Jorja’s story actually spun out of another story I was toying with before I dug my feet into Entasy.
Q9): How many books do you ultimately have planned for each of the series?
BRYNN: There will be ten books total in the Prophecies of The Nine series–Entasy + 9 book that’ll include an HEA for each member of The Nine, which will coincide with the overall story ARC. The final book will be titled Annihilation and should give some insight as to where the series is headed. As for Jorja, I’m currently working on book two and plan to give the readers all they need to have a complete story with only two in the series.
Q9): What can readers expect as each series progresses?
BRYNN: Answers as to why I consistently leave the readers guessing. *points to above listed answers* I love mysteries and suspense! You just can’t beat an audible gasp.
Q10): What were some of the challenges that you encountered while bringing the two series to life?
BRYNN: To be honest, I've faced the typical challenges all authors face; editing mishaps, marketing issues, writer's block. You name it, I've dealt with it. I struggle sometimes with it all but that’s what chocolate, friends, and alcohol are for right?
Q11): What are you the most proud of so far with regards to your career?
BRYNN: That I actually did it! Fear of failure gripped me into avoidance at first. I wasn’t sure and I’m still not certain my stories are good enough, but the fears eases a bit with each book I write. Now I think “Huh, maybe that’s not too bad.” I’m a work in progress just like my stories.
Q12): Now that you’ve had the time to spend with your characters in your head, do you have a favorite? I know it’s like picking a child, sorry! But it’d be interesting to get your thoughts so people can think on it while they read…
BRYNN: I love them all…yes, standard answer, but if you’re nailing my feet to the floor, I would say Obsydian. Since the moment he was “born” I knew he was amazing! :D
Q13): What else are you working on outside of getting the upcoming JORJA book read for us all to devour?
BRYNN: I put Devotion, book 2 for PON on the backburner to write The Echoed Life of Jorja Graham, but I will be writing that book next. Then I have a book I’m wicked excited to write called Captivated by Crimson. *rubs hands together* Vampires, Elizabeth Bathory and humans…Oh what a tangled web we weave. *wink*
Q14): Anything else – upcoming collections, conventions, signings, etc that you want to make sure your fans know about?
BRYNN: I’m happy to say I was lucky enough to be asked to be a featured author for the Coastal Magic Convention 2015 in Daytona. I’m super excited and can’t wait to be there. I hope to see all the fabulous people I met last year and add more to my list of folks I love to chat with.
Q15): Is there anything special you’d like to say to your readers while we have you here today?
BRYNN: THANK YOU! Thank you for reading my books, for enjoying them, and for giving me a chance among the hundreds of amazing authors out there to choose from. To some this answer may seem cheesy, but I can promise you it’s not. It’s exactly how I feel. Whether people like my books or not, I remain grateful. I’m honest to a fault. In fact, I lack ability to suck up. Those words truly come from my humble heart!
LITERAL ADDICTION: Brynn, thank you so much again for being with us today. I’m SO excited to introduce some new readers to your incredible work, and cannot wait to promote and celebrate the release of the new books in both series (and any others) with you, as well!!
BRYNN: Thank you for having me, Chelle. I appreciate all you and the other ladies here at Literal Addiction do to support me. I’m blessed to know you all!
But wait, there's more! Do you want to meet Brynn in person? You can! You can meet Brynn, tons of other amazing UF and PNR authors, LITERAL ADDICTION's officers and other well known featured bloggers, and loads of fellow book addicts and paranormal junkies at the Coastal Magic Convention in Daytona Beach, FL Feb 5-8 2015.
Coastal Magic is a super casual, urban fantasy and paranormal romance focused convention in Daytona. With panels designed to start interesting discussion, and meet & greets with fun themes, we’ve got something for every fan. Join us for reader, blogger, and author shenanigans, and lots of “supernatural” inspired activities. Saturday’s charity book sale and signing is open to convention attendees, and FREE to the public. Come take a bite out of the beach with us!! Feb 5-8, 2015. Registration opened 7/1/14, so get your ticket HERE.
Keep up with all things Coastal Magic at the Website / Facebook Page / Facebook Event / Twitter / Pinterest
Find out more about a bunch of the Coastal Magic Featured Authors by following our Coastal Magic Featured Authors page...
Brynn is offering up eCopies of Entasy and The Life and Death of Jorja Graham to 2 lucky readers.
To enter, find the Rafflecopter widget below, follow the directions, take action, and mark as ‘Done’.
Good luck, and as always… HAPPY READING! :)
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my Literal Addicts! I'm baaack.... :)
And LITERAL ADDICTION is super thrilled to have the wonderful Regina Morris with us today to celebrate!
Regina Morris is the author of the humorous paranormal romances that make up The Colony series. She loves paranormal romances featuring vampires, but her personal taste is light-hearted and humorous – not horrific and gory. She lives in Austin, Texas with her husband and two children. She enjoys meeting with her monthly critique writing groups and meeting other writers in the Austin area through the WLT events.
She has lived in many different parts of the world. She graduated high school in Germany and she attended the University of Texas at Austin where she received a degree in computer science with a minor in math.
Besides writing, she is an amateur portrait and sports photographer. After enjoying a career in the software engineering business, she discovered that writing was in her blood, and had to put pen to paper!
Please connect with Regina Morris through various social medias which are listed on her personal author website http://www.reginamorris.com.
Regina is the creator of THE COLONY series.
For those of you not yet familiar with Regina’s work, here is some information to get you caught up on THE COLONY:
THE COLONY Series...
Vampires exist among us. They can be our neighbor, best friend, our child’s teacher …
They alter their aged appearance based upon the amount of blood they consume. They move to a new area, drink a lot of blood, and appear young. Slowly they limit their intake of blood and age, right in front of our unsuspecting eyes. After decades, they fake their death, move, and do it over and over again.
Most live quiet lives in an effort to blend in.
Some however want power and control.
The Colony is an elite group of vampires sworn to protect the President of the United States from these rogue vampires.
Eternal Service
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When Raymond Metcalf, vampire coven master of the Colony, teams up with a federal operative of the human female persuasion–who has no idea that vampires even exist–will his mission or his heart be compromised first?
Career military woman, Alex Brennan, is being offered the promotion of a lifetime and with it a romance that she has desperately been seeking. Does she dare accept the position as Director of the Colony, an elite group of deadly creatures of the night and risk a dangerous romance with a man who isn’t even human? Together, can they save the President?
--> Read an Eternal Service 1 page teaser HERE!!
United Service
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-Watch the United Service Book Trailer HERE -
Sterling, a half-breed vampire who works with a covert team of vampires to protect the President of the United States, is the weakest link in the chain for his team, and he knows it.
His unique ability to glean information from inanimate objects has Sterling spending much of his lonely life down in the evidence room at FBI headquarters. His current case involves the kidnapping of vampire children by a religious cult trying to save them. Sterling snatches the opportunity to do some field work by teaming up with a purebred vampire, Kate, who is the nanny of one of the missing children. Sterling’s world is turned upside down by Kate. She is everything Sterling could hope for in a mate, and he wonders if she’d ever consider loving a half-breed.
Kate is beautiful, intelligent, charming and sophisticated - but has led a sheltered life and is considered handicapped by vampire standards. Will she be willing to trust Sterling with her dark personal secret? Could she be able to open her heart to a bad-boy who’s never known true love before?
Together, can they save the children and find true love?
--> Read an United Service 1 page teaser HERE!!!
Enduring Service
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Colony Agent Sulie Metcalf, the President’s private physician, has been in love with the same human man for nearly thirty years. She refuses to allow herself the joy of true love because her feelings are unrequited by her human boss, Jonathan Dixon. As Dixon’s retirement looms near, and his memories of Sulie and the last thirty years of his life are about to be erased, does she confront her fear of intimacy and take a leap of faith before it’s too late?
Dixon has decided to retire and enjoy what time he has left. When Sulie is kidnapped during a medical emergency, Dixon realizes that retirement means giving up everything, and everyone, he’s known for the last three decades. Will he risk his life, and his heart, to save her?
Williams’s Tale
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Fifteen years ago, Colony Agent William Wardell met his future wife Jackie Pearlman. She’s sexy, opinionated, and finds him to be a mockery of the American dream of equality for all. Can a past Freedom Rider and racial activist from the 1960s, now turned vampire, prove to the love of his life that he’s not a political puppet?
Reliant Service
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Vampire COLONY agent, Daniel Brighton, undergoes an identity crisis after being publicly shot while saving the President of the United States. After his fake funeral and altering his appearance, Daniel reluctantly accepts a sabbatical from his team to chaperone a young pop-star on a tour across Europe. She’s a struggling artist who knows nothing about the supernatural. Daniel realizes she is an undeveloped half-breed vampire and latent witch, with a dark past leading directly back to the presidential vampire team that can shake it to its very core.
*My first impression thoughts after reading...
They sound great, don’t they!? Make sure to check the available ones out and keep your eyes open for the new releases, as well.
For the rest of today, let’s see what Regina had to say when I sat down to chat with her…
LITERAL ADDICTION: Hi REGINA! Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to drop by and spend some time with us. I'm so happy to have you here today!
LITERAL ADDICTION: I always start by getting to know our guest V.I.P author a little bit better…
1): Can you tell us 3 things about yourself – no matter how random - that we couldn’t find out easily on the internet?
1. My first job was as a bagger at a military department store overseas in Germany. I worked for $2/hour. I was twelve years old at the time.
2. I will never own a fur coat.
3. I have tendonitis in my ankles and some days it's hard for me to walk.
2) What are 2 things that always make you smile, and 2 things that never fail to make you angry?
Smile – 1) Watching my dogs play together, 2) Visiting my Dad.
Angry – 1) Animal cruelty. 2) Someone who is untrained at their job, or just doesn't care about doing a good job
3) When did you start writing? Can you share with us a bit about your first experience trying to get a manuscript out there?
REGINA: I started almost five years ago. An idea for a paranormal world came to me and I had to write the COLONY series of novels. I took several writing classes from the Writers' League of Texas to find out how to write/edit/polish a manuscript. One of the instructors suggested I self-publish.
4) Was there anyone (or anything) that was directly involved with your drive to become an author?
REGINA: The drive came within me. I'm a bit of a perfectionist and I want to write the best novels I can.
5) If you could spend the day with anyone – alive, dead, fictional, etc – whom would you want to spend it with, and what would you want to do?
REGINA: My mother. She passed away just before I graduated college. I'd like to fill her in on how my life has been.
6) Do you have any interesting writing quirks or a specific routine you must follow to begin your writing process?
REGINA: I write on the couch with my computer on a desk pillow. Before I start writing I have to take off my glasses and get mauled by my two puppies for kisses. I then wipe off their saliva from my face, put my glasses back on, and begin writing.
7) If we were to hop in your car or pick up your MP3 player and turn it on, what do you think we’d be most likely to hear?
REGINA: Right now it'd be a book recording of a novel from Sherrilyn Kenyon.
8) Was there any specific inspiration behind the creation of the COLONY series?
REGINA: The series, no. The characters? Yes. Each one has specific attributes of me within them.
9) How many books do you ultimately have planned for the series?
REGINA: Well over twenty.
10) What types of scenes do you enjoy writing the most (love, action, dialogue, etc) and why?
REGINA: I like writing what I call the “puzzle pieces.” I like mentioning something early in the novel and then having whatever it was realized later in the book. I also like putting hooks into a book and having the resolution of it in another book. For example, in novel #3 (Enduring Service) reference is made to how the character Jackie first sees the vampires feed themselves. You do not actually see that scene until a novella featuring her as the heroine (book #3.5 “William's Tale). If you never read “William's Tale” you do not lose any value from “Enduring Service.” But, if you read “William's Tale” you get more out of the scene because you were told about it ahead of time. I hope that makes sense.
11) What was the most challenging thing about creating the series?
REGINA: Having enough time to write all the books I want to write.
12) Has there been a specific moment in your career thus far that you are particularly proud of?
REGINA: I spoke at the Writers League of Texas in February about how to write romance novels.
13) What’s up next for Regina Morris? Anything else in the works – or available - that you can share with us?
“William's Tale” is out June 30th.
“Reliant Service” is out in September.
“Colony Christmas” is out in December.
14) Anything else coming up that you want to be sure your readers and fans know about – online events, signings, conventions, etc?
REGINA: I'll be at the RWA convention in San Antonio next month.
15) Is there anything special you’d like to say to your readers while we have you here today?
REGINA: Thank you for taking the time to read through this interview. :-)
My writing has been compared to Kerrelyn Sparks, Lynsay Sands and JR Ward, so if you enjoy their novels please try out my series. The Paranormal Romance Guild compared my suspense writing to Tom Clancy, so if you like suspense please take a look at my novels.
LITERAL ADDICTION: Regina, thank you SO much for being with us today. We really hope that we’ve turned some new readers on to your work, and we hope that people will go out, pick up, and love the COLONY novels.
We're offering up winners choice of COLONY eBook from either Amazon or B&N to a lucky winner.
To enter, share about the COLONY series and Regina wherever you love to share your book love - Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, etc - and then come back HERE and tell me where you shared with a URL (if possible) along with your email address and desired book of the series should you win.
I'll pick a winner at the end of the Event period and be in touch.
Good luck, and as always… HAPPY READING!