The highly anticipated Bookish Dynamic Duo Event!
The bare ALL interview with LITERAL ADDICTION's Pack Alpha and Book Monster Reviews's Mastermind of Monster Madness...

~Carla Gallway (a.k.a: Your Mastermind of Monster Madness), creator and administrator of Book Monster Reviews
Carla's Favorites:
Favorite Movies: Underworld, Lord of the Rings, The Notebook, Twilight Saga, Lady Hawke, The Princess Bride
Favorite TV Shows: Supernatural, True Blood, Dexter, Sons of Anarchy, So You Think You Can Dance, Charmed, Angel, Ghost Whisperer
Favorite Musical Artists: Red, Breaking Benjamin, Linkin Park, Matchbox 20, Maroon 5, Skillet, Black Eyed Peas, Metallica
Favorite Foods: Pizza, Homemade Mac & Cheese, Pierogi's Crab Cakes, Steak or London Broil
Favorite Drinks: Alcoholic - Sex on the Beach, otherwise, Iced Coffee, Arizona Lemon Iced Tea or Straberry Banana Smoothie
Favorite Things To Do to Unwind: Same as Chelle - Read, Music, Beading. LOL
Favorite Color: Blue and brown together.
Favorite Season: Spring - Love to see the flowers and trees bloming and to hear the birds singing in the morning.
Favorite Holiday: Halloween and Christmas
Favorite Sport: Baseball
Favorite Animal: I am an animal lover in general, but I would LOVE a pet wolf. A tame one anyways. LOL
Favorite Number: 3 and 21
Favorite Poem: Not sure.
Favorite Icecream Flavor: Coffee and chocolate and peanut butter.
Favorite Actor/Actress: Johnny Depp - Everything he makes is amazing.
Favorite Book when you were a child: Charlotte's Web
Favorite Vacation Spot: Would love to go to Ireland or Italy
Favorite Supe Groups: Wolf, dragon or big cat shifters, demons and vamps

~Michelle Leah Olson (a.k.a Chelle, Your Pack Alpha), creator and administrator of LITERAL ADDICTION
Michelle's Favorites:
Favorite Movies: Anything by Tim Burton, especially if it has Johnny Depp. I love all the classics too – Pretty in Pink, Top Gun, Cocktail, Footloose, Flashdance…
Favorite TV Shows: Old: Dark Shadows, Buffy, Angel, Charmed, Moonlight, Dresden. New: Supernatural, Vampire Diaries, True Blood, Game of Thrones, Secret Circle.
Favorite Musical Artists: I covered a lot of these in the interview & have SOOO many faves, but the ones I can listen to everything they’ve ever released and love it are: Depeche Mode, The Cure, Nickelback, Duran Duran, Evanescence & Metallica.
Favorite Foods: Ricotta pierogi, steak, crab legs, Walmart fruit snacks, sea salt & cracked pepper chips, candy & icecream.
Favorite Drinks: Alcoholic: Pleasure and Pagne (Patron, Cointreau, lime juice & champagne on the rocks w/ magarita salt), Bloody Mary (Absolut Peppar, Spicy Mrs T's & extra olives), First Blush (white chocolate Godiva & Chambord on the rocks). Non-alcoholic: Arizona Pomegranate Green Tea & Mello Yello (which you can't find anymore!)
Favorite Things To Do to Unwind: Read, listen to music, & bead.
Favorite Color: Red, white and black – together.
Favorite Season: In the Midwest, Fall, hands down. In south Florida, Winter.
Favorite Holiday: Samhain. Halloween is my Christmas!
Favorite Sport: NFL Football, but I love college Basketball almost as much.
Favorite Animal: Hmmm, I love all animals, but I have special place for black panthers and snow leopards.
Favorite Number: 5
Favorite Poem: Edgar Allan Poe’s The Raven & A Dream within a Dream
Favorite Icecream Flavor: Ben & Jerry’s Half Baked, Strawberry Cheesecake, Pumpkin Cheesecake, Blueberry Cheesecake, & Haagen Daaz Dark Chocolate Mint & Baileys.
Favorite Actor/Actress: Actor small screen – Jensen Ackles, Big screen – crazy Johnny Depp. Actress – Kate Beckinsale.
Favorite Book when you were a child: Young child – The Velveteen Rabbit. Teen – Stephen Kings’ It.
Favorite Vacation Spot: Anywhere a cruise can take me.
Favorite Supe Groups: Big cat shifters, vamps, & sexy demons.

The Interview...
Hey, you asked, so don't blame us for being open and honest!! LOL. :-)
Q1): From C.L Parker: "They" say everyone puts on their pants one leg at a time...Which one do you start with?
Chelle: Hmmm, left leg (I think)!??
Carla: Both at the same time, LOL. I'm usually in a rush so I sit on the bed and throw both them guys in there at once.
Q2): From C.L Parker: Is there a bottle of Patron in your freezer right now? If not Patron, what? If not anything, what the hell is wrong with you?
Chelle: Actually, there are 3 bottles of booze in my freezer right now– Patron Silver, Café Patron, and Doug’s bottle of some Russian Standard vodka that he got from some Russian dude at work (bleck!). I’ll take this a step further and tell you what I like to make when I’m not drinkin’ my sexy ‘tron straight though—A “Pleasure and Pagne”: Patron Silver, Cointreau, Lime Juice, & Champagne, served on the rocks in a margarita glass with lots of salt. Holy yum! <3
Carla: Sadly there is NO alcohol in my fridge, freezer or closet right now. I'm not a big drinker, not crazy about the taste of alcohol. My favorite drink though is Sex on the Beach. ;-)
Q3): From C.L Parker: Who is your favorite TV celeb and why? Least favorite and why? Who's your go-to guy when fulfilling your wickedly sexy fantasies during your special alone time? Chelle, if you say Jensen, it's about to be on. JSYK, we may have to coordinate our schedules because he's visiting me about 5 times a week, just sayin'. He's a busy, busy hunk of manmeat, but I'm willing to break you off a morsel ;)
* Favorite TV Celeb = Ian Somerhalder in Vampire Diaries because NOBODY does facial expressions like Ian and it amazes me!
* Least Favorite = The entire cast of every reality show outside of SYTYCD and American Idol (especially Survivor and Jersey Shore) cuz I hate reality TV outside of those 2 shows (and maybe Ghost Hunters and those types of ‘reality’ shows…).
* Go-to guy when fulfilling my wickedly sexy fantasies: Jensen, JENSEN, JENSEN, JENSEN, JENSEN, JENSEN, and more Jensen!! Mmmmm….Jensen [sorry A.D.D moment!]. I really don’t do celeb crushes, and admittedly, for whatever reason, it takes quite a bit to make an impression on me (though I’ll ogle, appreciate and comment on the posts you guys put out there like any hot blooded female!). Jensen however, causes a turret’s like syndrome in me, wherein, I cannot see him on TV, the web, or in print without saying -- out loud --“holy hell that man is wicked sexy, yummy, and just downright sinfully delicious!” So, C.L, you best be sharing a morsel (OR MORE!) cuz I may be small, but I’m frickin’ scrappy!!
Carla: Hmmmm…..I really don't watch that much TV but I can definitely pick a few, let's see…
· Favorite TV Celeb - Charlie Hunnam (Jax from Son's of Anarchy) is always yummy to look at, Alexander Skarsgard (Eric from True Blood), The Winchester Boys (Supernatural)
· Least Favorite I would have to say the entire cast of Jersey Shore! I HATE HATE HATE that show and all the jackasses on there. (Sorry if any of you like it LOL)
· I really don't have a go-to guy when it comes to fulfilling fantasies. Sorry, I know, I'm boring.
Q4): From C.L Parker: Ever give yourself an injury during said special alone time?
Chelle: LOL. No!
Carla: Just a pulled muscle…does that count? ;-)
Q5): From C.L Parker: Thong, bikinis, briefs, boxers, granny panties, or commando?
Chelle: Depends… If I’m at home in PJs or loungewear; commando. If I’m at work, thong or tanga. If I’m grocery shopping, running errands, etc, hipsters or boyshorts.
Carla: Same goes for me with the PJ's:commando. Otherwise hipsters or boyshorts for me. I like being comfortable, Thongs make me feel like something's stuck in my ass..well, I guess there kinda is right? LOL
Q6): From C.L Parker: Landing strip, Brazillian, or full-on African bush?
Chelle: Soul patch.
Carla: Depends on my mood at the time.
Q7): From C.L Parker: When I see an attractive man, the first thing I check out on him is his hands, and then his neck. Which part of the magnificent male body do you check out first and why? What's second on the list?
Chelle: Eyes, immediately followed by upper arms.
Carla: I always look at his arms first, then his hands. If his hands are gross… then they aren't touching me.
Q8): From C.L Parker: What's your ultimate feel good song? Girl anthem? I feel sexy and you're about to get really, REALLY lucky song? I'm about to whoop some ass cadence?
Chelle: Oh geezus, music questions... I’m a music FREAK & was once referred to as a walking musical dictionary by a group of people I met at a Psychedelic Furs concert, so it’s VERY hard for me not to ramble during music discussions…I’ll do my best to keep it to a paragraph each bullet though. LOL.
- Feel good song: OMG, there are SO MANY, but off the top of my head, some that always make me smile, get me moving, & make me turn the volume up to deafening levels are (people are SO going to laugh at me for a couple of these!): Enola Gay (OMD), Stacy’s Mom (Fountains of Wayne), Run Runaway (Slade), Blue Monday (both the original and the Orgy remake), Funkytown (Lipps, Inc), Tainted Love (Softcell), The Globe (Big Audio Dynamite), anything by Depeche Mode, 1985 (Bowling for Soup), Why Can’t I Be You & Hot, Hot, Hot (The Cure) and Porn Star Dancing (My Darkest Days)
- Girl Anthems (mine anyway. LOL): Single Ladies (Beyonce), Addicted (Saving Abel), Bad Girlfriend (Theory of a Deadman), Bad Influence (P!nk), Something in your Mouth (Nickelback), Love Me or Hate Me (Lady Sovereign), Lips of an Angel (Hinder) and Beautiful (Akon).
- Feelin’ Sexy & you’re gonna get lucky songs (these are SO not going to make sense to anyone, but it’s because of the memories they bring back for me personally…): Fade to Black (Metallica), Come Undone (Duran Duran), More Human than Human (White Zombie), Three Days (Jane’s Addiction), Zombie (The Cranberries), Get Stoned (Hinder)
- Kick ass cadences: Hell Yeah (Rev Theory), Cowboy’s from Hell (Pantera), Black Sunshine (White Zombie), and anything by Rammstein
o And here’s an extra category I couldn’t resist:
- ‘Dark Days’ songs: Metallica – The Day that Never Comes, Jeremy – Pearl Jam, Simon and Garfunkel – Sound of Silence, Dust in the Wind - Kansas, Mad World -Tears for Fears, How Soon is Now - The Smiths, My Immortal - Evanescence, Brothers in Arms - Dire Straits Eleanor Rigby - The Beatles, Comfortably Numb – Pink Floyd, Everybody Hurts – R.E.M, A Night Like This – The Cure
Carla: The only 2 things that get me through life are my music and my books. I can go on forever so I will try to just name a few favs off the top of my head but this is gonna be hard!!
- Feel Good Song: I Gotta Feeling - Black Eyed Peas or pretty much anything by the BEP, I LOVE them. Raise Your Glass by Pink cuz I'm a dirty little freak ;-) , Party Rock by LMFAO Beautiful People by Marilyn Manson (love the beat to that song!!) I'll be here for an hour so let's leave it at those.
- Girl Anthem: Hmmm…U + UR Hand by Pink, I blast that song in my car all the time lol, I Will Survive by Gloria Gaynor, Dynamite by Taio Cruz (never get tired of that song)
- Feelin Sexy & your gonna get lucky songs: Ummm I've been married for 13 years……what's get lucky mean?? LMAO!!
- Kick Ass Cadences: This is more like it lol…..You're Going Down by Sick Puppies, One Step Closer by Linkin Park, Let Go by Red
- Dark Days Songs: In My Darkest Hour by Megadeth, Sober by Pink, Without You (acoustic version) by Breaking Benjamin, Fight Inside by Red, Fade to Black by Metallica, Back 2 Good by Matchbox 20
Q9): From C.L Parker: Why did each of you decide to create our little piece of heaven we know as Literal Addiction/Monster Book Reviews? How did you meet? Have you ever met face to face? What was that like? Please do give all the dirty deets :)
Chelle: L.A started back in February of 2010 as a pie in the sky idea of a book club between my B.F.F Jen and I. Being the OCD person I am, that little ‘idea’ turned into a website, business cards, a facebook group, a GoodReads group, etc about 2 weeks later. Jen added members with her connections from the Salon, I added some friends and neighbors, and with 6 of us, I decided that our Book Club needed some excitement and started trying to get the authors of the books that we were reading to do Interviews. We had Adrian Phoenix, and then booked Laura Wright, which is where I met Carla (online in Laura’s chat on L.A). After Laura’s chat and finding out that Carla was creating a book blog (which I think I was the 2nd follower for), I asked her if she wanted to team up for the True Blood Season 4 premier contest. I contacted Charlaine to see if she’d sign the books (which surprisingly her assistant agreed to), Book Monster and LITERAL ADDICTION hooked up for that contest, and oddly, without us even really discussing it further; we sort of just started doing EVERYTHING together from that point on. From the first week of June until now, L.A went from 9 members to 32, 32 to 54, 54 to 158, and now we’re over 200 private members with over 800 followers/fans and are recognized by name and logo pretty much everywhere (Jen got stopped in B&N the other day when some girls saw her LITERAL ADDICTION backpack that I designed and were all excited that it was someone who knew about L.A. Little did they know that they were talking to L.A’s co-founder….). With A LOT of hard work, & some major sanity supporting of one another, the L.A/BMR Dynamic Duo of Carla and I has become something truly amazing.
As for meeting, as I said, we met in Laura’s chat, but we haven’t met face to face… YET. We text A LOT (I had to up my text plan to Unlimited because in the first month I knew her I had gone over my texts by over 400 messages. LOL
Carla: I started Book Monster Reviews on June 4th 2011. I love reading, it's my daily escape from life and keeps me sane. I wanted to share my love of books and be able to talk to people with the same interests so I started BMR. I totally did not expect it to take off so quickly. BMR is only a little over 4 months old now and I already have over 530 blog followers and 585 Facebook followers.
As Michelle said, I met her on her LITERAL ADDICTION chat with Laura Wright and we started talking. We did the True Blood contest and it's history form there. We get along so well together and we think pretty much exactly the same things, at exactly the same time too lol.
We have never met face to face YET but hopefully that will change in 2012 but we text each other like 20 times a day and when I call her we talk for at least an hour (I had to get my minutes increased). We get along and work together so well, I am so happy to have met her during the chat.
Q10): From C.L Parker: Are you married? Have children? Gone through an "experimental" phase?
Chelle: Nope, not married. Not even engaged, though Doug and I have been together for 15 years. No children either (I can’t have them) unless you count the furry variety, of which I have 2 – Dali (Dali’s Picture Perfect, named after Salvador Dali) our 6 year old Chocolate Lab, and Poe Rayvn (name after Edgar Allan Poe), my 1 year old black Bombay kitten that I just adopted in April. I had a cat before Poe, Ziggy (a long haired orange tabby), who I had to put to sleep on 8/7/10, 1 day short of his 14th birthday. And nope, no experimental phase for moi.
Carla: Yes, I am married for 13 years but have been with my hubby for 16 years. I have an amazing 11 year old son plus 2 cats (Gray and Mama) and a dog (Coco) and NO, no experimental phases for me.;-)
Q11): From C.L Parker: What was the toughest time in your life? The happiest?
Chelle: Toughest… aside from the numerous health issues I’ve had and battled with my entire life, the toughest was by far my childhood.
I grew up in a tiny town in WI where everyone knows your business but is to chickenshit to do anything about it, and my stepfather, was the devil incarnate. I was abused in every possible way throughout my entire childhood & early adulthood until I left home for MN when I was 17 to try and start over and go to college. Only that didn’t work, because I found out that he had forged my mom’s signature on our bank book & wiped out every penny of inheritance I had from my grandpa therefore leaving me nothing left to use for school or to live on. Then, he didn’t pay a bunch of medical insurance bills that he was supposed to in the divorce agreement, so when I turned 18 it completely ruined my credit before I even had any.
Growing up I had a signed contract of chores, and if he couldn’t smell the pinesol in the air when he’d get home from work at 10 at night, he’d make me scrub the floors with a toothbrush in front of him. I once left 3 things out of place in my room when I was told to clean it, only to come home from school and find everything I had on a bonfire in the back yard. I’d get my mouth washed out with Ajax just for saying ‘no’, and had my jaw broken when I was 5 trying to get between him and my mom during a fight. Holidays were referred to as annual dish throwing days in my home…
I was left alone to fend for myself at age 8, and started working at age 14 because I had to buy my own lunch, supplies, and clothes for school as well as anything I might want for myself at home because I didn’t get to see a penny of my dad’s child support.
The day I left home for MN my stepdad tried to kill my mom and she finally filed for divorce after I told her I wouldn’t speak to her if she didn’t. He tried to have us both killed by hiring someone to shoot out our livingroom windows during hunting season and we finally took off to stay with my aunt and uncle in TX until the divorce was finalized and the restraining order upheld.
That’s the cliffnotes version, but it wasn’t pretty, at all, and yet it made me who I am!!
Happiest? Probably the last 2 years despite the cancer and things. I found my soulmate in a best friend, I gained you guys, I’ve lived my dream of seeing some of my favorite bands in concert and ‘meeting’ A LOT of my favorite authors, and I’ve gotten to do things I never thought I’d get a chance to do. It’s been a magickal whirlwind. J
Carla: UGH! I hate these questions! Thanks CL, but I still luv ya!!!!
Toughest…..Just like Michelle my childhood sucked. My biological father was an alcoholic that used to come home a destroy everything. He used to think it was funny to come crawling into bedroom at 3am growling to scare the hell out of me. It worked. I was only 3 or 4 at the time. He also used to lock me in my bedroom and go out to the bar while my mom was at work. My mom found out about everything and divorced him when I was around 5. I saw him once or twice after that but I was terrified of him and didn’t want anything to do with him. Until I was 10 years old I was terrified to sleep in my bedroom alone. I would scream and cry and beg my mom and grandparents not to leave me alone. My mom remarried when I was around 8. My younger sister was born when I was 10 and we shared a room so once she was born and I was not alone in my room anymore I was finally able to sleep peacefully again.
My grandfather was my hero and my acting father. He did everything for me. He died when I was 12 and a part of me went with him.
From the time I was 14 years old I started experimenting with drugs and alcohol. I hate alcohol so it was never more than a half a beer but drugs were a totally different story. I did everything, weed, cocaine, acid, ecstasy, crack and then I tried the drug that finally destroyed me…heroin. I used occasionally on the weekends and then I started to use during the weekdays too. I stopped using when I found out I was pregnant but the day I had come home from the hospital it all went downhill from there. It's pretty much impossible to quit when your partner is using right in front of your face.
I lost 4 years of my life addicted to heroin. We lost out apartment and moved in with my parents until I ruined that too. I lied and stole from them numerous amounts of time until they had no choice but to throw us out. From there I we went into a homeless shelter which was one of the worst experiences I have gone through. I made the hardest decision of my life and asked my parents to take care of my son who was 2 at the time. He didn’t deserve to be dragged through hell with me for my mistakes so I gave my parents temporary custody of him until I got myself out of hell. I then went on to still use, more depressed than ever. I used to cry myself to sleep every night because I missed my son so much and I wanted to be there for him but couldn’t be like I was. I finally had enough of ruining my life and put myself in a 7 day detox and then a 30 day rehab program (my husband did the same). We came out and stayed clean for a while but then went back to getting high again. Finally one night I cried myself to sleep and asked God to please take the feeling away from me that I want to get high. I was sick of wasting my life and wanted to be a mother to my son. I swear, the next day I woke up and NEVER touched anything again. I crawled out of the depths of hell and started to make a new life for myself. I got a job and with the help of my parents (who always stood by me no matter what I did to them) and my grandmother, we got an apartment and I FINALLY got my son back. It has now been 7 years since I have touched any kind of drug and I can honestly say that I have no urges to ever touch any again. I will NEVER go back to that hell I was living and put my son through that again. If it wasn't for my family always standing by me, I never would have made it. We now live upstairs from my parents, we rent the apartment from them and I try to do whatever I can to make up for the horrible things I put them through. I can honestly say that the girl I was back then was destroyed and I will never be the same again. But like the saying goes "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger" definitely applies. I've learned a lot from my experience in hell and I will never let anyone or anything get the better of me again.
The happiest time of my life I would have to say was when my son was born. There are no words to describe what a woman experiences carrying a baby for 9 months and going through childbirth. When you finally get to see and hold that perfect little baby it's beyond amazing. It's been 11 years since and my son is the light of my life. He's my world and I would do anything for him!!
Q12): From C.L Parker: Your all-time favorite book that you could read over and over again, and do? Do you have a favorite author?
Chelle: Now I know how the authors feel when we ask this, this is almost an impossible question! My favorite author is Dean Koontz, but after that there are just WAY too many to list.
Fave book… Gah, this is so hard because there are SOOOO many books I love and have re-read, but if I had to pick just one that I know I’ve read at least 3 times or more, it’d probably be Stephen King’s The Eyes of the Dragon. I also re-read the entire Jim Butcher-Dresden, JR Ward Black Dagger Brotherhood, Gena Showalter Lords of the Underworld, Sherrilyn Kenyon Dark-Hunter, Alexandra Ivy-Guardians of Eternity, Lara Adrian-Midnight Breed, Jean Johnson-Sons of Destiny, Maggie Shayne-Wings in the Night, Bianca D’Arc-Dragon Knights, Dean Koontz-Frankenstein & Odd Thomas, James Patterson-Alex Cross & Women’s Murder Club & Jeffrey Deaver-Lincoln Rhyme series multiple times along with the Twilight Saga and Dan Brown’s Angels & Demons, & the Davinci Code.
Carla: OMG CL!!! These questions! There is no way I can pick a favorite book there are way to many so I will name a few books and series that I have read over and over again and these are also some of my favorite authors. The first and all time favorite is Black Dagger Brotherhood by JR Ward, that series is amazing and I never get tired of it. The Twilight Saga by Stephanie Meyers was the first paranormal romance books I had ever read and turned me into the Book Monster. J Gena Showalter's Lords of the Underworld, Atlantis and Extraordinary Girl series I love to read over and over. Guardians of Eternity by Alexandra Ivy, Dark Crescent Sisterhood by Anna Windsor, Elemental Witch series by Anya Bast, Midnight Breed by Lara Adrian, Dark Sword series by Donna Grant, Nightwalkers by Jacquelyn Frank, Primal Instinct series by Rhyannon Byrd…OK, I'm gonna stop now cuz I can keep on going.
Q13): From C.L Parker: Favorite...position? And you know what type of position to which I'm referring, so don't be funny *narrows eyes because I'm on to you.* I just know you're trying to think of a way to answer this without actually answering it.
Chelle: No, I love football, why would I not answer this?? Definitely Wide Receiver! ;-) Oh, alright, but I’m super boring… on the side, one leg thrown over. What? It works for me! J
Carla: I like baseball so I'd have to say short stop. Oh come on CL! We aren't gonna make this easy for you. Ok, I guess I'd have to say doggie style although I hate the name lol.
Q14): From C.L Parker: Most outrageous place you've ever had that ass tapped?
Chelle: 50 yard line of a football field.
Carla: In the park
Q15): From C.L Parker: Chelle, Imma' need an honest answer here...When you met Joe, what did he smell like? Was he bulging south of the border? Did you touch the fingers, and with what body part?
Chelle: He smelled like delicious musk and man with an undertone of Calvin Clein. Yes, he was definitely bulging south of the border and even with his flannel untucked you couldn’t miss it because those jeans fit like nobody’s business! I absolutely touched the fingers, there were numerous handshakes involved, and he touched ME with those fingers on my shoulder, lower back, and accidentally on the boob while trying to set up the picture to point at my True Blood Weres Run Hot t-shirt. J
Q16): From C.L Parker: Mustard or ketchup? Mayo or Miracle Whip? Spit or swallow? <---snuck that one in on ya', didn't I?
Chelle: I don’t like ketchup and will only eat it every once and great while on a Bratwurst. I eat ranch dressing or mayo on my fries, I prefer miracle whip on my sandwiches unless it’s a sub, and swallow.
Carla: I usually eat everything plain but if I have to put something on it, Ketchup. I only like regular Mayo (HATE Miracle Whip) and ummmm swallow.
Q17): From C.L Parker: Bill or Eric? Edward or Jacob?
Chelle: Eric, Edward (unless Jacob’s shirtless), and I’ll raise you 2… Damon (Vampire Diaries) and Dean (Supernatural)! J
Carla: Eric without a doubt!!! Edward (to bad Edward can't have Jacob's body, that would be perfect) and I have to agree with Michelle about Damon and Dean . Although I do like me some Sam too!!
Q18): From Pam Roberts: Was it love at first sight? I meant did you click right away.
Chelle: Yeah we did. Completely! J
Carla: Absoloutely, yes!!!
Q19): From Pam Roberts: How old were you when you became a ADDICT. And how did and does your family deal with your addiction.
Chelle: I saw my first horror film (amityville/psycho drive-in double feature) at the age of 7 or 8, and that’s when it started. I read my first Stephen King immediately after and haven’t looked back since. My family has been great about it. My mom has always helped me treat Halloween like my Christmas and to this day supports that profusely. My step-mom is an avid reader herself, and my boyfriend doesn’t mind (er, DIDN’T mind, until I started spending every waking minute with L.A stuff!! Oops…), but he lets me gush and talk to him about it.m
Q20): From Pam Roberts: Was the change from human to Monster painful or did you like the pain or not.
Carla: LOL Pam! It was definitely not painful. It's funny though because my whole life I HATED reading. Never sat down and read an entire book until my mom said "You have to try the Twilight books. I really think you'll like them". I was about 28. And that's how the monster was born. I have not stopped since and I'm still going strong.
Q21): From Pam Roberts: Is the Addict supplying the Monster or is the Monster supplying the Addict? Or are you both doing a equal exchange?
Chelle: Oh, it’s totally an equal exchange! I think we’d honestly go crazy (completely, batshit, nutball, berserkerage crazy!) if we didn’t have each other to even out the work and keep each other grounded and organized.
Carla: LOL!! We are a team, so it's an equal exchange. We are always telling each other how grateful we are for the other. I would go crazy without Michelle, although I think she keeps me more sane. I'm the totally disorganized, scatterbrain with the NY potty mouth!! ;-)
Q22): From Pam Roberts: Has there ever been author you booked that made you so excited that you peed your pants?
Chelle: Well maybe not THAT excited LOL, but I’ve done my share of “squee’ing” for both authors I’ve booked and those that Carla’s booked. We both focus on our own personal favorites trying to book them (A LOT of them we duplicated efforts on of course & it was just pure timing and chance who ended up getting the ‘confirmation’), but I’ve been pretty excited for just about everyone that we’ve had! The few that I was slightly more excited about, just because I honestly didn’t think we’d ever get them were: Gena Showalter, Sherrilyn Kenyon, Maggie Shayne, Laurell K Hamilton, Charlaine Harris, Kelley Armstrong, Jocelynn Drake, Larissa Ione, Alexandra Ivy, & Keri Arthur, but that doesn’t mean that there weren’t others that I was/am ecstatic about!
Carla: LMAO! Even when we got all those authors above plus some other favs like Jacquelyn Frank, Pamela Palmer and Rhyannon Byrd we didn’t pee our pants. BUT…..if we can land J.R. Ward, Kresley Cole, Maya Banks, Shelly Laurenston and Lora Leigh too….I can't make any promises. I might seriously need me some depends.
Q23): From Pam Roberts: And have you ever done a chat that you laughed so hard tea came out your nose?
Chelle: Nope. Though I was on a chat where I think someone laughed pepsi out their nose (or maybe it was tea??). There have been 3 that were really good ab work outs though!
Carla: NO, but CL always has me cracking up. That lady sure knows how to make me laugh. :-D
Q24): From Pam Roberts: Have you ever fell asleep during a chat, interview or anything that required your attention?
Chelle: Never during, but we were SO busy for the first 2 months that I pulled numerous all nighters doing what needed to be done and then fell asleep at work the next day!
Carla: No, but like Michelle I have fallen asleep the next day at work.
Q25): From Pam Roberts: What is your real hair color and does family remember it?
Chelle: I’m a cool, level 5, medium brown (though these days it’s more grey than brown) and no… if the back of my hair wasn’t my natural color, my family totally wouldn’t remember what color ‘should’ be.
Carla: Just plain brown…err dark brown. I don’t dye my hair any crazy colors.
Q26): From Pam Roberts: What is the thing that scares you the most? Excluding bad things happening to people close to you.
Chelle: I don’t scare easily. Unfortunately (I’m always looking for that thrill). I freaking HATE spiders, even though they intrigue me. Weird, I know.
Carla: I would have to say cancer. It has taken so many people I love and is hurting many I love and care about. Other than that I would say bugs. I HATE BUGS!!!!
Q27): From Sandy Stoops: How serious is your addiction, how many books do you own total (electronic, paper, etc,)?
Chelle: It’s SERIOUS! I have 4 ultra large Tupperware totes in the garage full of books, shelves in my spare and office stacked 2-3 rows deep, and my Kindle has 18 pages of Collections on its home page (182 items) and there are 320 additional items in my Kindle’s archives that aren’t on the home page.
Carla: I stopped counting lol. I know I have over 1000 paperbacks. My husband wants to kill me. I have over 500 books on my Kindle also.
Q28): From Sandy Stoops: What book character do you fantasize the most about? If it is more than one, the more the merrier, please elaborate.
Chelle: Dude Sandy, these are hard!! LOL. My fantasies keep changing, but… Bones (Night Huntress), Harry (Dresden Files) and Kynan (Alpha Pack) are always at the top of my list. Some other prominent figures are Rhage (BDB), Chase (Midnight Breed), Acheron (Dark-Hunter), Wraith (Demonica), Paris and Strider (LOTU), Sebastian Wroth (IAD), Dante (Guardians of Eternity), Rydan (Sons of Destiny), Vlad (Wings in the Night), Nicky (Mark of the Vampire), Hunter (Crimson Moon), Devyn & Dallas (Alien Huntress), Dante (Maker’s Song), Gwenvael (Dragonkin), Donovan (Dragonfire), Nico (Dragon Knights) Davin (Resonance Mates) and Declan (Demons). I could TOTALLY keep going but these should tide you over!? J
Carla: Aeron (Lord of the Underworld), Zsadist & Rehvenge (BDB), Lucian (Mark of the Vampire), Broc (Dark Sword), Alaric (Warriors of Poseidon), Hunter (Midnight Breed)
Q29): From Sandy Stoops: How many book series do you actively follow? As in you have read all the books start to finish.
Chelle: You just keep them coming don’t you!? :-P Well, the last time that I tried to compile a ‘Best Series’ list for someone in the group I listed 150 different ones that I’ve read personally, though that didn’t include my Mystery, Thriller, Horror, and other series that I follow as well (which after a quick, off the top of my head count, is at least another 23). It also didn’t include the new ones that I’ve started since. So, though I’m sure there are probably more, at least 180…
Carla: OMG!!! You really want me to count them ALL??? I never made a list like Michelle so I'm not sure, but I'd have to say it's probably close to Michelle's number of 150 since that does not include Mystery, Thriller and Horror.
Q30): From Sandy Stoops: Do you rate your series, which would be your top ones (as in top 10 or 20)?
Chelle: I try, but again, it’s hard. The list I mentioned in the answer above was supposed to be a top 10 list. By the time I had just gotten into it, it was 150 and there were a bunch I left off. I hate doing this because I feel like I’m not giving due props to some amazing series out there, but if I was forced to list my top group I’d have to say these (though ranking these is impossible, because they’re all about the same ‘greatness’ for me, and I left a bunch of amazing ones off too):
· Black Dagger Brotherhood – JR Ward (her Fallen Angels series is great too)
· Dark-Hunter – Sherrilyn Kenyon (I love her League series too)
· Lords of the Underworld – Gena Showalter (and every one of her other series too!!)
· Immortals After Dark – Kresley Cole
· Guardians of Eternity – Alexandra Ivy
· Midnight Breed – Lara Adrian
· Sons of Destiny – Jean Johnson
· Dragon Knights – Bianca D’Arc (as well as her Brotherhood of Blood, Resonance Mates, & Tales of the Were series)
· Demonica – Larissa Ione (as well as her Lords of Deliverance)
· Crimson Moon – L.A Banks (as well as her Night Huntress Legends)
· Anita Blake (and Meredith Gentry) – Laurell K Hamilton
· Night Huntress – Jeanniene Frost
· Riley Jensen – Keri Arthur
· Dragonfire – Deborah Cooke
· The Hallows – Kim Harrison
· Women of the Otherworld – Kelley Armstrong
· Dark Days – Jocelynn Drake
· Mayfair Witches (and Vampire Chronicles) – Anne Rice
· Dresden Files – Jim Butcher
· Nightwalkers – Jacquelyn Frank
· Southern Vampire – Charlaine Harris
· Morganville Vampires – Rachel Caine
· Georgina Kincaid – Richelle Mead
· Dead End Dating – Kimberly Raye
· Brotherhood of the Blood – Kathryn Smith
Carla: Oh lord! Another killer question. These are my top favorite series and I really can't say they are in # order except for #1 so….Here goes….
#1 - All Time Favorite series is Black Dagger Brotherhood - JR Ward
- Lord of the Underworld - Gena Showalter
- Atlantas series - Gena Showalter
- Nightwalkers - Jacquelyn Frank
- Guardians of Eternity - Alexandra Ivy
- Wariors of Poseidon - Alyssa Day
- Dark Sword - Donna Grant
- Primal Instinct - Rhyannon Byrd
- Wing Slayer Hunters - Jennifer Lyon
- Mark of the Vampire - Laura Wright
- Offspring - Jaime Rush
- Feral Warriors - Pamela Palmer
- Westfield Wolves/Regency Vampires - Lyida Dare
- Dark Hunters - Sherrilyn Kenyon
- Elder Races - Thea Harrison
- Midnight Breed - Lara Adrian
- Dark Crescent Sisterhood - Anna Windsor
- Elemental Witches - Anya Bast
- Immortals after Dark - Kresley Cole
- Sons of Destiny - Jean Johnson
- Sourthern Vamprie series (Sookie Stackhouse) - Charlaine Harris
- Seals and Black Ops series - Lora Leigh
- KGI - Maya Banks
- Bullet Catchers and Guardian Angelinos - Roxanne St. Claire
- Fire Fighters of Station Five - Jo Davis
- Twilight Saga - Stepenie Meyer
OK, I seriously need to stop now or I'll be here for hours lol
Q31): What character in a series most represents your inner you and why?
Chelle: Wow, good question. I’m gonna have to go with a mix of Miranda Grey from Dianne Sylvan’s Shadow World, Riley Poe from Elle Jasper’s Dark Ink Chronicles and Madeline Black from Christina Henry’s series.
Carla: Hmmmm, that is a great question and I totally can't answer that lol. I'd really have to think on that one.
Q32): From Sandy Stoops: Have you ever had to hide your addiction? As in you were supposed to be doing something else but you actually were off feeding your addict?
Chelle: Never had to hide the act itself, but have had to hide the feeding of the addiction (i.e all of the purchases).
Carla: Same as Chelle. I have to hide my books when I get home otherwise the hubby has a breakdown. He says I have enough books to open a library.
Q33): From Sandy Stoops: What paranormal creature gets your heart pumping the most? What species do you see being your down fall in the end if it showed up at your door?
Chelle: They all do! I’m a paranormal junkie. Period. I love different things about them all (have a special soft spot for vamps, big cat shifters and fallen angels/demons), though if a mix of werepanther and sorcerer showed up at my door like J.D Tyler created for the Alpha Pack series, I’d be done for…. *swoon*. Seriously!? A big cat shifter with magickal powers…Yeah…done!
Carla: That is a tough one. I love all the paranormal creatures. If I had to pick I'd say half vamp/half wolf shifter. I can't decide between the 2 so might as well make them 1/2 n 1/2 lol.
Q34): From Sandy Stoops: Have you ever tried to emulate an, umh, "scene" from one of the books out of fun?
Chelle: No. And I don’t think I ever would. I’d rather read about other people doing it, add ‘real life’ to the mix and it’s just not as exciting for me. I guess that’s probably why I’m not keen on reading normal romance without the paranormal factors. It’s too ‘real’.
Carla: Um, No. LOL. I love to read about it but to actually act it out..not so much. Unless there was a hot vamp/shifter on my doorstep. Then we can act it out all he wants. J
Q35): Anything interesting about yourself that you think your fellow Book Monsters and Literal Addicts might like to know that they don’t already?
Chelle: Hmmm, some of you may already know some of this, but…
· I was in several bands after high school—A heavy metal band called Insidious Affliction, a blues band called The Black River Band, and an alternative band called Merge--bass guitar and singer.
· I was cheerleading captain for 3 sports Sophomore to Senior years of high school. I graduated at the top of my class and had enough credits to graduate a year early.
· I went to college to be a dental hygienist, but after a bad experience w/ a new Dr decided that’s not what I wanted to do. I’m a Software Quality Assurance Engineer & Business Analyst now & have been for almost 15 years, though as you can probably tell, my heart lies with my artistic talents and I wish I could do that full time!
· I modeled/acted for just short of 2 years for Look International and made an independent movie (no, not THAT kind of movie, geez!!) but stopped because I was too short, too flat chested [yet too curvy everywhere else] and couldn’t get decent work.
· Michelle Leah is my full first name due to a glitch on my Birth Certificate, I was named after the Beatles song because up until I popped out, my parents thought I was going to be a boy and were going to name me Jeremiah John, and I HATE if anyone tries to call me Shelly.
· I’ve died (full code blue) 3 times during surgeries, and have had 3 other near death experiences.
· My mom is from a family of 18 – 9 girls and 9 boys, of which, she is the 2nd youngest.
· I have 5 tattoos and 5 more in progress.
· I LOVE the Green Bay Packers (though I’m also a big fan of Michigan Wolverine college football, North Carolina Tar Heels college hoops (and Miami Hurricanes), and White Sox baseball.
Carla: Hmmmmmm, not so much as Chelle. I am pretty boring LOL. Let's see…..
· I was in the Glee Club and band all throughout elementary school
· I have NO tattoos but I am definitely planning on getting some.
· I have one sister
· I'm not really into sports other than baseball. I LOVE the Yankees.
· I like to make jewelry when I have time (which is next to never)
· Michael Meyers from the Halloween movies scares the crappers out of me.
· I HATE bugs!!! Except lady bugs and locusts lol
Q36): If you could go on a date with anyone – living or dead, real or fictional, male or female, etc – who would you choose and why?
Chelle: I always said that I wanted to meet Jim Morrison from the Doors—I love The Doors, so that’s probably my ‘alive or dead’ choice. Fictional, I’d want to go to a party with the Lords of the Underworld and the cast of Immortals After Dark… as many of them as I could meet!
Carla: Well for dead I would go with my grandfather. I'd give anything to spend just one more day with him and tell him how much I love and miss him. As for fictional I would say Aeron from LOTU. LOVE him!!!
Q37): If you were stranded on a deserted island, outside of the basics (food, water, shelter, etc), what would you want with you and why?
Chelle: My Kindle with 3G & unlimited Amazon funds so I could get books whenever I wanted and my iPod with 3G and unlimited iTunes funds so I would always have music.
Carla: My Kindle and my iPod with unlimited amount of funds to buy more books and music. Great minds think alike Chelle!! ;-)
Q38): If you were on death row, what would you want your last meal to be?
Chelle: Mmmm…This is what I’d want, though all of it together sounds absolutely terrible. LOL! I’d want an appetizer of Crab Spinach dip, an Asian salad with mixed greens & raspberry vinaigrette, a main course of my mom’s handmade Pierogis and a medium rare (more on the rare side) filet mignon with a loaded baked potato and fresh baked crescent rolls, and then I’d top it all off with Turtle Brownie Cheesecake and a scoop of German Chocolate cake icecream from Coldstone.
Carla: My homemade Macaroni & Cheese, steak or london broil, a slice of New Park Pizza and strawberry cheesecake. YUM!!
Q39): What are some of your favorite classic movies and old TV Shows?
Chelle: I’m a sucker for the horror classics—Dracula, Bride of Frankenstein, Hell House, Amityville Horror, Psycho, etc, as well as the old dance movies—Footloose, Flashdance, Dirty Dancing, old Tom Cruise Movies—Top Gun, Cocktail, Days of Thunder, and anything old or new from Tim Burton (especially if it has Johnny Depp). Old TV Shows, I loved Dark Shadows, and will watch reruns of Buffy, Angel and Charmed whenever they’re on.
Carla: Dirty Dancing, Footloose, Dracula, Halloween (the original and Rob Zombie versions), Texas Chainsaw Massacre (the original). TV Shows - Charmed, Angel, Ghost Whisperer, I loved Little House on the Prairie when I was a kid
Q40): What’s your guilty pleasure?
Chelle: I have the world’s biggest sweet tooth and eat way too much! As mentioned above, I adore cheesecake. I also love Ben and Jerry’s Half Baked icecream, HD Bailey’s icecream with hot fudge, and DQ Mint Oreo blizzards. Outside of food, I love to pour a first blush (Godiva White Chocolate Liqueur and Chambord on the rocks) and curl up with a good book or my Kindle, even when I know I should be doing other things…
Carla: I love cheesecake of any kind. Mostly strawberry or pumpkin cheesecake. Reece's Peanut Butter Cups, Mounds or coffee ice cream
Q41): What’s your biggest fear or phobia?
Chelle: I’m a gephyrophobiac. I have a fear of bridges, though I have no fear of heights or water. Go figure! When I was younger, it used to be so bad that I once went on a school field trip to a zoo and was so terrified to cross a foot bridge I passed out. I used to throw up if I was in a car and had to cross a bridge. It’s better now. I can do foot bridges with little problem (though if there’s a chance to walk around them I will). If I’m a passenger in a car and know I’ll be crossing one I still take the safe route and just close my eyes. If I’m driving, I have to focus on the bumper of the car in front of me and not look around, and even then I get so tense it takes me hours to relax. If the bridges have no sides or top (basically just a road that happens to be over water) they don’t bother me. If there are sides and especially if there are the beams over the top, those are the ones that freak me the hell out.
Carla: I would have to say being buried alive. I can't even think about being buried when I'm dead it makes me freak out. Think I'll stick to being cremated
Q42): Favorite quote?
Chelle: I have a lot, but 4 of my absolute favorites are: “Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift of God, which is why we call it the present” ~Bill Keane. “All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream” ~Edgar Allan Poe, “I am not strange, I am just not normal” ~Salvador Dali and “ Have no fear of perfection – You’ll never reach it” ~Salvador Dali.
Carla: "That which does not kill you makes you stronger". - Neitzsche
Q43): What would you want engraved on your tombstone?
Chelle: “She lived life the way she wanted, and we loved her for it.”
Carla: "I hope you put some books down there with her"
Q44): If you could be a supernatural being, or a mix of them, what would you want to be and why?
Chelle: Huh. Plain and simple I think I’d just want to be an incredibly powerful witch. That way I could spell myself to have the preternatural beauty and enhanced senses of a vamp, still be able to walk in the sun and be warm blooded, be able to shift into whatever animal I wished, and so much more….
Carla: I've always wanted to be a witch that can harness all of the elements
Q45): If they were to make a movie about your life, what do you think it’d be called?
Chelle: Insidious Affliction (J)
Carla: Don't Try This!
Q46): From Kara Lee Lovell: What was the first paranormal romance book you read that turned you on to the genre... or if you prefer Urban Fantasy, Romance etc?
Chelle: Well, I’ve read Stephen King since a very young age. That led me to Anne Rice, Dean Koontz and other horror-thriller authors (Peter Shaub & the like). When Twilight was the ‘big’ thing, I read those, and then on a suggestion from my boss at the time, read the Hendee’s Noble Dead Saga series (sci-fi fantasy—sort of a Lord of the Rings meets vampires and fey). After those, I knew I needed more, so I hit B&N and found L.A Banks’s Night Huntress Legends which were awesome once I got past the slang in the dialogue. That led to the discovery of Raven Hart’s Savannah Vampire series (also very good). As I was finishing up the last of those in the series, I was in line to pay for my lunch when I saw the woman’s paperback sitting there. It was a Lynsay Sands and I ended up reading everything that was available for the Argeneau series next. From there, it became an obsession to find anything and everything out there! My next session was a date with all the available Anita Blake books by Laurell K Hamilton. Those were my first peek into the world of semi-erotica, which led me to Bianca D’Arc, etc, and the rest…as they say…is history.
Carla: It was Twilight by Stephanie Meyer. Then the rest of the Twilight Saga. Then I went on to read the BDB, Nightwalkers and Guardians of Eternity and LOTU.
Q47): From Kara Lee Lovell: How old were you when you read that first book that you just knew you were going to love forever? What was that book?
Chelle: Wow, I don’t really know. I’ve been reading FOREVER. There are pictures of me reading when I really shouldn’t have been old enough to read, but apparently I was. Unfortunately I don’t have records of exactly ‘when’ I started to read (see description of shitty childhood above; mom never kept those kinds of records and mementos), but I know I was reading Greek Mythology legends in the Encyclopedia Brittanica as soon as I could, and we did Edgar Allan Poe in 6th grade at school. That was what hooked me on things of that genre. Then, if memory serves, I read either It or Kujo by Stephen King way before it was appropriate. From there it was a lot of smuggling and borrowing of books and closing myself in the basement to escape whatever the new drama was in my household at the time. ;-)
Carla: Same thing…Twilight. I guess I was about 27 or 28?? I HATED to read before that. Nothing ever held my attention until I started reading Paranormal Romance
Q48): From Kara Lee Lovell: How do these steamy books affect your sex life or do they?
Chelle: Well, there was a definite ‘thumbs up’ period during my consumption of the Bianca D’Arc books. So good, in fact, my beau didn’t bat an eyelash at giving me a little extra $$ to put on the Amazon account to find more. J
Carla: What sex life!!!
Q49): From Kara Lee Lovell: How do the men in your life feel about your addictions? Blog, reviews, book buying, all the winners just all you put into it, sex scenes... oh did I ask that? Slipped that one in there.
Chelle: Well, I’m going to be completely honest here, but DON’T read too much into it, O.K!?. Sex life—see answer above. LOL. J The rest: My guy WAS incredibly supportive. He bought me my Kindle as a surprise. He used to give me $$ to buy/download extra books, listen with genuine interest when I’d tell him what I had planned for the club, laugh when I’d tell him something that someone had said, ask to see my changes to the website, give me feedback, etc. When L.A just started to get big in mid-June/early July he was thrilled along with me—gushed at how much I’d accomplished with no help and being all self taught, gave me big hugs and told me how proud he was of me, helped me come up with new ideas, asked questions, etc. Now though, all of the above has stopped & things are just tense. Just yesterday when I tried to share something with him he just cut me off. I was crushed! In his narrow view, I’m giving everything without receiving back. I tried to tell him that I get tons of thanks for everything I do (which makes me feel GREAT!), & that Carla & I do get goodies every now and again from authors where we don’t have to pay for them. I’ve stressed how much I love doing it & how it really makes me happy to give, but from his CPA (read: “checks and balances”) point of view, I’ve sacrificed everything personal because of the obligations we have for L.A, I spend more money on club stuff than I do on my car payment and water bill combined per month, I get so wrapped up in this stuff that I don’t eat like I should & I don’t take care of myself like I used to – getting my hair done regularly, etc (his exact words, “I never thought I’d see it, but you’re actually just letting yourself go!”), and bottom line, he’s a bit jealous. I can only hope that I can find a way to make some $$ to help with costs, and get ahead on things to open up some personal time again, because until then, he’ll continue to be frustrated with everything book related, and pissy with me in general. L
Carla: He complains that he's tired of staring at the back of my head because I'm always blobbing (yes, he calls blogging, BLOBBING LMAO). BUT he does buy me books and even pays for my contests shipments sometimes. Like Michelle said above it's hard because, like Chelle's man, he says I spend to much time doing this and get nothing back. I tell him I do it because I enjoy doing it and I like to make other people happy by sending them prizes and stuff but he will never get it.
Q50): From Kara Lee Lovell: Where and how old were you when you read your first steamy love scene? Did you look around to see if anyone was looking or were you nonchalant about it?
Chelle: I don’t really remember. I never read straight romances before (and barely have now), so it had to be really late in life when I discovered PNR. I was probably in my late 20’s and at home, alone, like I usually am when I read. J
Carla: I actually picked up one of my mom's books about 5 years ago after I read Twilight. I HATED reading bt after I read Twilight I became obsessed!! Anyways, I used to make fun of her and tell her that she was reading porn and she was a dirty lady because Damn!! the book I picked up from her pile was real smutty!! Now I read much worse. ;-)
*ALL of this will go to our lucky winner...
1) Carla's book choice - Book #1 of THE DARK CRESCENT SISTERHOOD Series by Anna Windsor, PLUS a matching Chelly Belle Designs "Bound by Shadow" bookthong.

3) "Something for everyone and then even more!" tote bag with the name and web addresses of both sites.

4) Spoofy 'author swag': 'Bookplate' stickers for both Carla and Michelle with funny sayings, and home printed 'bookmarks' for both Book Monster Reviews and LITERAL ADDICTION.